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  • Why are ppl so shocked that kids are buried alive?

    This has been going on since time immemorial and by their own ancestors, yet they only woke up to it yesterday. This fact and the info on it has been in their faces for yrs. What is this foolishness that claims kids to of recent yrs are smarter, that they have better educations, are far more knowledgeable ?? Just more propaganda i guess. Only ignorance dictates it strictly has to do with beliefs or religion. It is and has always been for most part socioeconomic. Fact was for the collective good, it held a tribe down and back, they didn't clock in at 9 and stop at 5, they didn't get support or expect others to their work for them, they didn't get time off and they certainly didn't/couldn't just drop everything. Today, social services are crashing, governments/services too, at the expense of this issue, of keeping ppl alive on machines for 20yrs and more, even when their brain dead.

    And which of you who have issue's with this has spent all their days and nights caring for those who are handicapped, for those who haven't maybe you've taken the expense of 1or 2 off the government? And the kids aid and courts are jam packed with unadoptable, handicapped kids, show me the one's you've taken in?

    Hey, i'm not saying i agree with it, not saying i believe in it, just saying wake up and put your money/time/beliefs and energies, where your mouth is!, like that's gonna happen?, words are so dam cheap these days !

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Remember me? Desperately Seeking help !!?

    Well, i'll put my siamese cat down tomorrow, she reacts violently when trying to peck at food, it's all to late...So for all who might be interested, nothing would have helped...did i not say she was depressed, because of the environmental change?? Well i found it and i just thought it may be of interest to you all, out there. Big Thanx for trying.

    Animal Psychopathology...eating disorders...Pica...Siamese are more prone than other cats.

    As i said, siamese are the athletes of cats, incredible hunters (she use to bring us home live little bunnies, put them down unharmed and go back out).

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Desperately seeking help !!!?

    7yr old cat, Siamese mix, this breed is known to be the athlete of cats, for over 6yrs she's been able to come and go as she plzd, we sold the family home. She has been in an apt. 7mths 2wks. At first she seemed to be adjusting, but has gone down hill fast, Ever heard, " let her go hungry, she'll eat, she won't starve to death",well there's my problem she "is" starving to death, i knew she was depressed and vets confirmed. I've tried every type of food under the sun to no avail. As of last wk i'm waiting for a ground floor apt. will have to pay more for another bdrm i can't use, can't really afford this but i'll do it,All she wants is petted all day. Her once gorgeous coat is mangy and hangs off her, her bones stick out, she's never looks so bad in her life. I've tried everything under the sun and all types of food, steak, fish, pork, beef, etc to no avail. Your my last hope, i'd be so greatful for any advice or suggestions !!

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Did you all feel that shock wave a few minutes ago, the higher up you live the stronger it gets.?

    Anyone know where the eathquake struck ?? I've been ask many times in the past, if i felt it. Never before, but this was wild, knocked my floor lamps over.

    My son just called, it was a 5.9 shock wave out of Virgina.

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Need opinions, witnessed a "hell hath no fury" crime.?

    It was last yr a sat. night around 12:00pm was starting to close the Livrm. curtains, saw her pull up in front of our house, she walked by the house next door was making sure no one could see through their curtains, she then came back and checked to make sure i wasn't still at the window, checked up and down the street (dead end) yet in her spiteful rage, she didn't even realize she parked under a street light that lit up the victums front lawn and vehical. So after a few minutes her behaviour was still bothering me, so i slipped out the back door and around front to see what she was doing, cause i could still see her car there, i see her racing in anger around the neighbours tenants pickup truck trying to open doors, shoving something into the locks, the i saw her doing something to the tires, she was using both hands because she was so pitite she could not get the knife in or out with one hand, but i did not realize at that point, that she had already smashed, slashed and destroyed the insides, scratched the hell out of his paint job, put something in his gas tank, the tires leaked slowly thought the night till they were flat.

    So not realizing how bad it all was, i decided to cough so she would realize someone was watching, stop, go away and she did, ran like hell to her white cadillac. So i figured alls well that ends well.

    Next morning i pretty well forgot about it and took the dog to the park on the way back, there's the neighbour and the tenant out side, as i pass around some tree's i couldn't believe my eyes how much damage she did in such a short time, i walked up to tell them what i had seen and the poor guy had tears in his eye's.

    So i get subpoenaed last month to appear in court on the 28th of this month, although we didn't get to trial, but i spotted her immediately in the crowded hall waiting, i had only seen her that night for the first time in my life. She was obviously with her lawyer, he looked very young, Iranian too and dressed in clothes i couldn't even "afford" to talk about and i guessed the short chubby exceptionally dressed Iranian woman with her was family, friend, there for support.

    You have never seen anyone as cute as she was, she was so pitite, polite, refined and dressed to kill, her voice could melt your heart, but when i looked into her eyes, it was as if i could see"deception" spelled in huge capital letters, it was very weird. She kept attemping to speak to me, buy me coffee's, showed up where i went for lunch and wanted to buy me lunch, offered 2x to drive me home, she and her lawyer came outside on my smoke break and although "muslim" they blessed me in the name of god, thanked me for taking the time to showing up as most wouldn't bother!!

    I guess it was because i wasn't reacting, but when i was asked to leave the courtroom so the judge could speak to them privately, as i hadn't been called to testify yet. The woman i thought was there for support comes out, i caught her looking up and down the halls and thought "ya, we're alone", hands me her card, at the same time she says "I got your name and phone # from the files, it's all quite legal, i am putting together a civil suit against the complainant and i might have to call you to set up an appointment to speak with you, i would much rather you came of your own free will, i told her, you do realize i know neither of these ppl, their both strangers to me, she then abruptly turns and goes back into the courtroom.

    At times i did feel very sorry for the girl, but there'sno mistake about who or what i saw. Since then i have learned, that he left her and they have 3yr old son together and i do remember that 2 wkends before this incident he was all higher than a kite, introducing this little kid to everyone he could, telling them it was his son and that he now had wkend visitation and the boy would be staying with him every wkend, but we have never seen the child since. I spoke with the landlord of the house because he knows more about the guy, nor do i know if i should warn him about, the civil suit to try to get him out of the kids life and he tells me he give the guy a discount on rent as a favor to a relative, because this ex of his comes from big money and is tearing the guy to pieces putting him through hell, he bought this old pickup because he lost his job 3 jobs since he's left her fired from them all and suspects her family had something to do with it, so he bought the second hand pickup and started business on his own and was actually getting somewhere with his life. She's been taking off with the kid every wkends before he gets there, they know this is breaking him but he would have to drag her back to court again to "Possibly"solve it.

    So my dillema is, do you thinks she might have learned her lesson, she is terrified of this charge, she radiates nevousness, but i am insulted at being treated as if i'm an idiot.

    At the same time, this guys barely surviving, pays his child support on t

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Australia considering decriminalizing "incestuous" relationships?

    Venezuela and another country already have. And do you think these ppl have the right to ask for government/tax payers assistance with their handicapped kids, fully knowing the chances of normality under such situations.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why is Christianity the only religion...?

    that seems to continuously advertise and put a price on their so called "sacred" symbols, the cross in particular, all other religions seem to respect their holy symbols?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So, how was your first day of school ?

    does it rate a pass or fail and why ?

    7 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Throughout history virtually everything has changed,?

    so why are young girls still taught the same "OLD" value system/lies about relationships, marriages and especially that totally obsurd saying, "Follow your heart". when all the statistics prove otherwise.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Serious opinions plz....?

    why do most, if not all, women who marry stars/ famous ppl, think they are worth millions in divorce settlements.

    I mean, how do they get away with it, maids to clean, nanny's for kids, someone does the cooking, butler answers the door, chauffeur, gardener, etc.

    An average divorce the woman more or less claims, she kept house, kids, whatever, allowing him to work, advance career or business, to afford him the opportunity to accomplish for family and future.

    But what is it these women do???

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Cysts, normal or not ?

    My teenage son, has many cysts. 3 or 4 on his arm pit, about 6 on his leg, 1 just above his waistline, on his left side these are all about the size of small grapes. When he last got a haircut, i nearly flipped, to see one over an inch in length and just under a half inch swell out from his forehead just below the hairline and into the hair. He fought me telling me it was normal, i finally forced him back to his doctor (who i left, and am not at all pleased with). I called again and demanded my son be sent to a specialist, which my son went to, he says this is normal and the cysts can be drained at personal cost as ohip does not cover this. I continually fight with this boy for using pins and draining them constantly himself (all but the one on his head). Is it true, are this many normal ?? Should they continuously refill ?? And what of this huge one on his forehead will it grow ?? I would be greatfull for answers, untill i get this boy to agree to see my Dr. Please help if possibl

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Seeking sufferer's of Fibro Myalgia...?

    could use some info...only you might be able to relate, so if this is one of those days, that you have 2 fingers, that don't hurt, please respond.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Seeking those who suffer from Fibro Myalgia.?

    i know your out there, so please bang the old board, but only if you having a half decent day, otherwise, i shall be here tomorrow...i hope.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Why is it so many people demand of others, what they refuse to give to others?

    I'm gonna take a Swedish stand here (neutral). Why is it so hard to accept that others have beliefs and opinions that differ. Why must proof be demanded, is this not what all the world problems are about. Why, instead of demanding proof of those you don't agree with, don't you give proof that shows them wrong. Is there some kind of big prize for being right?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why is it, that some ppl who claim 2 have proven high I.Q.'s be so lacking in common sense?

    or did i just answer my own question. I live with one, and he is incredibly smart, but so dumb (and i mean this loveingly). How is this possible? Have u ever experienced this? I remember an old saying something about " when the lord takes something away (lets say sight) he gives something else in return" so if god gives to much intellegence, do u think it possible he take away "Common" sense?

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago