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ferochira asked in PetsCats · 10 years ago

Desperately seeking help !!!?

7yr old cat, Siamese mix, this breed is known to be the athlete of cats, for over 6yrs she's been able to come and go as she plzd, we sold the family home. She has been in an apt. 7mths 2wks. At first she seemed to be adjusting, but has gone down hill fast, Ever heard, " let her go hungry, she'll eat, she won't starve to death",well there's my problem she "is" starving to death, i knew she was depressed and vets confirmed. I've tried every type of food under the sun to no avail. As of last wk i'm waiting for a ground floor apt. will have to pay more for another bdrm i can't use, can't really afford this but i'll do it,All she wants is petted all day. Her once gorgeous coat is mangy and hangs off her, her bones stick out, she's never looks so bad in her life. I've tried everything under the sun and all types of food, steak, fish, pork, beef, etc to no avail. Your my last hope, i'd be so greatful for any advice or suggestions !!

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you said the vet confirmed she was depressed, I'm guessing they did blood work, checked her urine and stools, and did x-ray to make sure she doesn't have blockage or at least palpated for swollen organs?

    They checked her kidney, liver, heart, and pancreas?

    Even if they did, she should be seen by a vet again since she isn't improving. Make certain she is hydrated...IV drips work wonders on cats who are ill, they tend to dehydrate quickly since they prefer to get most of their fluid from foods.

    Did you check your new apartment for toxins? Did they paint before you moved in, did they spray insecticide, did they lay new carpet that is emitting toxic fumes, are there new counter tops,did you get new furniture? (look up 'offgassing or off gassing' - those items listed above can make pets & people ill)

    If, after all the above is taken care of, and she still isn't improving...

    You may try getting a kitten- (I know, sounds extreme) - this may give her incentive to eat, and will take her mind off her environment.

    Good luck, I hope she feels better.

    ADDED: Give her only purified (bottled) water.

  • 10 years ago

    My auntie is a vet and had the same problem she fostered the cat for a while and gave it lots of attention 9 stroked it and brushed it and played with it) and cooked a fish and got a spoon and opened its mouth put it in and closed it again until he swallowed it seems a bit cruel but it did it good then she left it and he ate some of it on his own. Also have you tried giving her Whiska' s cat milk it is really good for cats in this situation and give it to her through a syringe.

    Good Luck!

  • SMK
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Your cat may be depressed, but I think there's something more going on. You should take her to the vet and have a blood panel done. Cats cannot go without eating for prolonged periods of time as it will affect their kidneys.

    If there is nothing physical going on, your vet may prescribe something for her, or maybe even put her on IV fluids/nutrients for a couple of days.

    In any case, having her evaluated and getting to the bottom of what's going on is my best advice.

    Source(s): Cat owner for over 50 years.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Awww poor cat :9 i know my cats would be devisated if they couldnt go outside i had to keep one of mine in for 2 weeks after his operation he ripped the cat flap out the door! you could try buying that indoor cat grass stuff that might make her a bit happier. by one of those toys on a stick so she can like hunt it. My cats love prawns! You could also try heating some cat food up letting it cool then give it too her as its ment to make it smell and taste better aparently.Also its good your trying to get a down aparetment. good luck x

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  • 10 years ago

    Give her lots of love and cuddles and i gave my cat cream i put a little on her nose

    and she licked off try taking her outside on a lead where it is quiet she misses her suroundings she will get better just takes time good luck x

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