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Are you interested in learning something that may challenge you?

Ben Stein is premiering a movie in February, called "EXPELLED", which casts light on what he alleges is the concerted effort of academia to squelch Creationism and those who support it, in favor of Darwinism and Evolution. Will you be interested in hearing the other side?


Here is a link to the trailers for his movie.

Update 2:

For Judy E. T:

The individual who sent the link to me is very reliable. This is for real.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am always interested in things people have to say or which may challenge my ways of thinking! It is one of the reasons that the Lord God gave us a rational mind, so that we can "reason" things out!

    I look forward to seeing this movie, provided it is NOT rated "R" as I do NOT support ANY film that carries that rating. Including "religious" movies like Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion". I think that if Christians started boycotting R rated movies then maybe Hollywood wouldn't produce so many of them?!

  • 1 decade ago

    No. BUt thans anyway , already heard theother side, and not only that we believe God andwe believe His word. There is so much proof about His existnece. Wait tilll you experience a miracle and then say there is NO GOD.

    We dont believe something came from nothing. God planned and then created. WE arent an accident from a big bang. Where did the stuff come from that exploded. ANything that was made was made by God. PERIOD.

    WE may evolve in changing thru time, but not into any new species. You cant squlch creationism or Gods word. YOu can preach evolution and darwinism and anything else you please. ITs a free world and we are each free to believe as we choose. But, when you preach against Gods word, there is a horrible price to pay. All we can do is pray for you, and leave it to God. Have you ever seen the works of scientists that are christian to show how it all lines up with the word of God?? ITs all there.

    Rebellious ppl that are anti God wont let it in, as it means change.

    But, we will still love you and pray and keep trying to warn you. WE all saw this stuff years ago, no need to see it again. What God says is true and thats enough for us anyhow, without all the evidence. But fact is, there is much evidence for creation.

    I only pray you will learn this in time.

    Source(s): God, The HOly Bible and the Holy Spirit
  • 1 decade ago

    At every point in history, mankind has believed that current thinking was correct and ridiculed, or even persecuted, anyone that though differently.

    Darwin was ridiculed when he first suggested evolution.

    Personally, I don't think that creationism is realistic and I am more inclined to believe in Intelligent Design, but I am willing to listen to anyone with a valid argument.

    Additional Note:

    I have to say that I loved the answer by 'full gospel shirley', which pretty much indicates that she either didn't follow the link or didn't understand the content.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, I hope Ben Stein is on the up and up.

    I guess we'll see.

    Missionaries are the guys DOING the great commission.

    I liked your profile.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ben Stein has been known to mock faith. are you

    sure about this one?

  • mel s
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    will watch!!

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