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Muslims! Helm me convert!?

I know that you only need to pronounce the Shahada to convert to Islam. I am planning to convert by the age 18. I still need to learn a lot about Islam. Would you please tell me about it's laws, customs, traditions? How many times do you need to go to the Mosque? Can I live with my Christian family when I convert to Islam? How do I pray? Do I need to call God as Allah or just God? Just give me anything!


@hourglass and other atheists

I have been an atheists for 8 years. I am now tired of it. When I think about it the only reason why I became and atheists was because of the stupid Christian influences in the neighborhood. For this reason I will convert to Islam.


Just w8 until you ask your questions about "pray for me" or "i need help" because Screwdriver is going to piss you off and again Screwdriver will another 11 thumbs down.

Update 2:


giving negative comments is my job, so I expected it on this question...

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you believe that God is One and that Muhammad, God bless him and grant him peace, was a prophet of God, then, congratulations! You are Muslim! Al-hamdulillah! (Praise God!)

    There's certainly plenty to learn, but the most important things, for now, are how to pray, and how to prepare for prayer. It's definitely easiest to learn to pray by praying with others, but you can do it yourself by reading and following instructions.

    These sites will help:

    SALAT - formal prayer

    How to Perform Ablution

    Download File Here:

    how to pray

    This site gives you the words you need to say:

    If you are a beginner who needs to learn the basic steps of Prayer in Islam.

    (with sound -

    (w/o sound -

    If you want to learn prayers from A to Z including Sunnah actions.

    (with sound -

    (w/o sound -


    This site gives you the times:



    Muslim women don't HAVE to pray in the mosque at all. Muslim men should pray in the mosque as often as possible, and must attend the Friday midday prayer, if at all possible.



    You certainly can live with your Christian family, and as a Muslim, it's very important for you to do your best to take care of your family.



    We Muslims prefer to call God "Allah" because "Allah" is the Arabic name of the One True God; the term is used by Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christians, and Jews. The Arabic Bible and the Holy Qur'an both call God, "Allah," which means, literally, "The God." The term "god" has been applied to minor deities as well as to the Almighty. "Allah" has never been used for anyone except the One, True, God.


    Now, if you are Muslim, the other very important thing to do is to fast. Today is the 18th day of Ramadan, which is the month when Muslims fast (don't eat or drink) from dawn (first light) until sunset. If it's daytime, you actually can start fasting now. If it's not, you need to check the time of dawn in your area, and get up about half an hour beforehand. Have a good meal (not too salty) and some caffeine, if you like, and finish with some yogurt and plenty of water. Starting at dawn, you don't eat and drink until sunset.


    The best thing to do really is to find your Muslim brothers and sisters, who will be very happy to help you with anything.

    If you don't know any Muslims, write to me and tell me what city you live in, and I'll tell you where the nearest mosque is. I might even have some friends you can contact there. (I won't telll them anything about you--just give you their information.)

    Me, I'm an American who was raised Christian and accepted Islam as an adult, so I kind of know where you're coming from and what you're going through.

    Source(s): Please visit my little website. My mailing list. All are welcome.
  • 1 decade ago

    sorry that you have received so many negative comments on here. I think it is because many of these people don't understand the Muslim religion. NO I am not Muslim but i have done some research because I had a friend to convert over years ago. There are many differences from Christianity and many believe this religion is for haters which is absolutely not true. Converting over is more than praising Allah rather than Jesus Christ, it is a lifestyle change. I think you may want to talk to other converts or search the web.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do you want to convert to Islam?

    Do you think that the things written in it are ancient wisdom written by mages?

    that is so unlikely that you have no idea.

    Why go to Islam? Why go for religion in the first place?

    Why bother about praying 5 time a day?

    Why waste such precious time?

    Why go for a religion that people, you know will look at you from the corner of their eyes.

    Why worry about hell and virgins and traditional practices and burkas over women and these minute pointless details when you can just live without that and don't have any religion at all?

    It's so much more liberating.

    Sayng that you've been an atheist for 8 years tells me that you've been religious before you were atheist, which means you grew a tendency to depend on religious beliefs to be happy.

    It's sad, really.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's great that you want to become a Muslim! Like you said, saying the shahada is all you need to say, but I suggest reading the translation of the Qur'an (if you didn't yet). We believe in only one God, and that God (Allah) sent mankind many prophets throughout time. We believe in many prophets, such as Moses, Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Mohammad (peace be upon them all). They all came to convey the same message, to worship the one and only true God, and they taught us how to live our lives correctly so that we can be successful in this big "test".

    Well men should go to the mosque for Friday prayers, but of course you can go as often as you like.

    I wasn't living with my Christian family when I converted, but I know many who did. Hopefully they'll be accepting your beliefs and not try to hinder you from worshipping God.

    In regards to prayers, we have the 5 daily compulsory prayers, and there are some sunnah prayers (extra) that you can do for extra rewards. Of course, you can make du'a (non-formal prayers) as often as you like.

    I wish you all the best...I suggest saying the shahada as soon as possible, then you can learn as you go.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I cannot reply this question as I do not have ample capabilities of the Koran to be equipped to remark. I do agree that every one denominations of christianity aid pagan perspectives in more than a few methods adding those you mentioned above. Far to a lot to enter element approximately.....and I do agree that every one or virtually all religions look to have the identical elementary underlying basics that attach them. I simply notion I'd reply to mention thanks for an exciting thread and I'll investigate again to peer if someone comes up with any well solutions or reviews.

  • 1 decade ago

    learn Islam from basic things first, and go to complex stuff later.

    It is not neccessary to go to Mosque but it is a recommended as it's created environment and sources for learning.

    of course, you can live with your christian family.

    try to learn from below website, but better you learn from a teacher is recommended

  • 1 decade ago

    You can certainly live with your non Muslim family. Your being with them will also be a blessing since you can show them all about Islam in a patient and caring way.

    Make friends with Muslims in your area and goto your local Masjid......... they will welcome you and let you know what to do.

    type down the word "God" in this Aramaic dictionary to find out what Jesus used to call God:

    More evidence :


  • 1 decade ago

    Look harder for answers. False idols are very appealing, especially when looking to safely rebel (can I still live with mommy and daddy when I convert?)

  • 1 decade ago

    you can link here..

    and about live with your christians family..YES YOU CAN MY FRIEND..

    Islam never put an end to a relationship between us with our parents, children,cousins and other relatives...


  • 1 decade ago

    Thats really Great brother. I am happy for you. You have made a choice on your own.

    Please visit This site will answer all that you need, Its a site for beginners.

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