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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureCultures & GroupsSenior Citizens · 1 decade ago

Does Empty Nest Syndrom really exist?

Hetti has flown the nest with Russell the Crow.

The Duke has set up a bachelor nest with Malcolm the un-decided Mallard.

The rest of the girls are thinking of auditioning for the next series of X- Factor.

And the New Chicks on The Block are totally infatuated with the Michael Flatley of the Chicken World - HenPeckedRooster and they are off dancing all day.

So - that leaves me and the newly sobered up Mr. Eyedontnose who has spent his first whole day out of the recovery position and enjoying life!

I kind of think that does not leave a lot for me to keep you informed about any more. So ............ unless somebody out there wants to take over the tales of the farmyard ............


It's been the best fun - thanks to all of you for making it such a joy!

My special thanks to the wonderful and brave and loyal and on-the-other-side-of-the-world McTealc!!! And the amazing and voluptuous WONDER WOMAN of whom - under it all - YES - I WAS JEALOUS!!!!

Love ya!


McTealc : I'll wait by the bay - watching.

Another time, another place - it's a date!

Update 2:

GW: Its bye from the farmyard for good - and me for a wee while - but look around - they are ALL nuts here! Just fluff up their feathers and you find the insanity!

Update 3:

FELINES & BASSETFREAK: How odd that the cat and dog should be the most gentle, humourous, charming and sweet people on this site - thank you both for your wonderful contributions to the madness that was ChickenHoose!

It really was the best fun - and they call this place SENIOR CITIZENS! Yep - thats us - boring, given up, no laughs - I DON'T THINK SO!!!! Hey - I'm not dying - I hope to be around and about in a wee while - don't hold the wake just yet! PEACE AND HARMONY - PLEASE??!

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok EDN: Where the hell do you think

    you're going? Sorry,your stint isn't over

    yet. Just when I wake up and smell the chicken sh(yard), you pull the plug.

    Nope, never happened! Reach down

    Deep inside your soul and pull out some of those sage remarks that only

    reside in your lovely brain and feed us some more of the tales of the moors.

    We haven't got to the place yet

    where EDN's husband finally got

    a shot of the rejuvination and came to

    life before our very eyes. Nor have we

    looked over the horizon to the lovely

    lad down in the next dale.

    My God, I'm gettin a Scottish heart.

    Come back...don't leave us with this

    everyday emptiness.

    Tell us of the lovely days of your

    youth when you used to ?????

  • sherry
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, empty nest Syn drum does exist. I trust that ye will only be taking a wee walk to rest your head and soon we'll be taking wee walks with you again. No one could take over your farmlands as well you have done with them baby chicks. If you really are leaving for that wee walk have a good one and I will take care of your farm until you can return and Phil you need not feel alone. We are all here for each other and we'll keep up the farmlands, all of us together. Eh??

    We will be with you everyday and do touch down long enough to give a spot of a note??

    We'll be here when you come back.

    You are so loved by everybody and that is pretty special for some many to care about another person no matter what country we lay our heads down on our pillows.

    Source(s): I am suffering from the empty nest syndrum right now.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Oh sweetheart, I can really relate! I have 2 adult sons and I am an over protective type of parent. I was always the parent who volunteered to take them and all of their friends where they wanted to go. I always made it more fun at our house so that they would want to stay home instead of going to their friends houses. I took an interest in all of their hobbies and they did talk to me, but then they wanted to leave home and it was time. I cried a lot and I wanted to call them everyday, but then they would have been embarrassed about it. You have to make another life and find other interest which is hard because when you are a mother, it is your job to take care of them. You have to raise them to stand on their own feet and then allow them to do it. When they get married, you have to pretend that you are so happy that they have a relationship when you really want to say, why can't you come see me more often.My mom used to live in another state and my sisters and I lived close to each other. She would come to visit once a year and she always seemed so happy when she left that we got our feelings hurt. One time I left her sitting to wait for her airplane and I went to the restroom. When I started to come back, I saw that she had been crying. When I asked her why, she said that part of being a parent is to be happy for your children and the lives that they have and that you don't want them to worry about you. I've become a very good actress because I do not want them to feel guilty for living their own lives. You sound a lot like me, so I won't tell you that you will stop worrying. You have to face the fact that Mom is not your only title now and try to just keep going. One day, you will get to have grandchildren and then you will get to be there for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    In this case, empty nest syndrome will be a painful withdrawal for at least one of your legion of fans.

    When it came to the offspring leaving home, I was willing to help them pack. Love DOES know boundaries, and works far better within them.

    You do realize, don't you, that the McIver tales of travails would make a delightful little booklet for Christmas gifts? I'd buy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it exists and that's how we'll feel if you, your friends and the little chicks are gone. As I've said, I have neither the words or intelligence to keep up and provide good answers, but I have the sense to know how much joy your stories bring. I love reading them. We will be looking forward to the sequel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah? I have no idea what your "additional information" was all about, but to answer your question, if indeed it is actually a question instead of just a chance to "sign off"......Yes, Empty Nest Syndrome really does exist for some people. It certainly didn't for spelled FREEDOM!

  • 1 decade ago

    Have I come too late then? I came with all haste, as fast as me feathered feet could carry me, and wasted no time, my heart saddens, I have failed, as bad as that rogue teal it appears to me, and the first and finest order of the roosters shall no doot ban me from the inner circle, I be disgraced and bow my head in shame and tis true, in sorrow.

    What now? Return home in fair disgrace? or seek the lass who first caught my eye when i landed here ?

  • 1 decade ago

    could I send you some chocolates, or a tote of single malt and a bit of straw for the hoose and maybe a bit of a hoorah for you and your wonderful thoughts? Hurry back I for one will miss your fun chook tales. ;0)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This sounds like a good bye/dear John letter...You are not going away, are you? Please don't run off and leave us in the lurch.

    If this is goodbye for the day, enjoy yourself. BUT .... you have me worried here. No one else is as insane as I am but thee, and I do not like to be out on a limb by myself. Phil

  • 1 decade ago

    It was so much fun, I thoroughly enjoyed you active imagination.

    It would have been so difficult to tell JennyAnne4/Virgina from your avatar just by looking. It would have caused some to be confused1

    Peace, and enjoy

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