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What do you think about this quote?

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

I am a Christian, and I DO understand why Ghandi said this. I believe that we are to be a shining beacon, the salt of the Earth. We are to put ALL OTHERS above us. But many use their Christianity as a shield to get/say what they want.

How can you, as a Christian, plan to make others LIKE our religion?


Good point Bert!

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think Ghandi's point was that Christians have a duty to make their religion more paletable. I think his point was that Christians aren't very much similar to the radical Jesus of the New Testament. I think your premise is flawed.

    I love the Ghandi quote and I love Jesus, the radical teacher. Now how do we get Christians to act more like Jesus (Ghandi sure did in many ways!)

  • BERT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You're looking at this whole thing wrong. You and some of your answerers are assuming that if we become like Christ, then the world will like us. That is not how it works. The more you become like Him... the less they will like you.Do you remember how well liked Jesus was? Others liked Him so much they crucified Him. And He told us "If the world hated me they will hate you also." The more Christlike we become, the more our lives glorify God and as a result we will draw some to Christ. However there are still going to be those who hate us for being Christlike. Jesus said so.When the ungodly and the world start to like you, you've got trouble. All the world loves a carnal ineffective Christian, but I don't want to be one. God bless!!

    P.S. Spawn is so very incorrect about Christians hating Jews. Christians are more supportive of the Jews than anyone. Our Savior was Jewish.

  • jenx
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree, we will never be 100% like Christ. But we are suppose to strive to be like Him. And I also agree that some do use their Christianity as a shield.

    I don't know if we can make others like our religion. But if we were more tolerant and loving, showing Gods grace and love in all we say and do, that would be a start.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a believer in Christ and his teachings....I love that quote by Ghandi.

    Christianity is one way, but it is not the only way.

    Many non-Christians are also steadfast believers in Jesus Christ.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Being a faithful Christian would mean I have to overlook what I consider to be someone's flaws. I cannot judge what other's do, that is between them and God. Also, reading the Bible has taught me that we as CHRISTIANS cannot change others, God is the only one that can do that. None of us can ever know what is in a person's heart, if we try to change someone or throw our beliefs on someone, we can actually be hindering God's work. Praying for others is the best way for us to get people to follow Jesus' path.

  • morkie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If we all lived as Mother Theresa, others would like Christians. I question whether they would like our religion, however. Mother Theresa and other holy people lived a very difficult life. Christianity is not easy, in that it calls for a radical denial of self, and for us to embrace the cross. It is hard to "like" the cross. One may honour the cross, admire the cross, respect the cross, but I don't know if a Christian can like the cross. The cross means denial, mockery, suffering and death to self. These are not likeable things; they are holy things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You dont make others like your religion, because the more you push your beliefs on them the more distant they become with you and all other christians, ive been told if i dont take jesus as my savior im going to hell, ill see you in hell then.

    In the bible it says if you believe in god you get into heaven, jesus was a jew, christians shun jews. Why do you take him as your figurehead then?

    Bhudda is the brother of jesus yet you shun bhuddists too.

    So religion is crap, churches are crap.

    Religion is controlled by the government and if you truely want god to love and accept you in heaven you wont be taking part of the christian cult, but if you really want to go to hell... follow your real leader, thats where you're going by believing in the falseness of christianity, not heaven.

    God love all, unless you're sheep... then the sheep will be lead to their death without even seeing the truth.

    Think about what religion you really belong to and look from other religious point of views and you will see that your gods are one and the same, and all of your views are the same, unblind yourselves from the viel placed over you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Catholic preachers put a bad name on other Catholics that don't force their religion onto others. If someone came to me and said that they wanted to be a Catholic but had to be Convinced first then I will say I believe God is watching over everyone even if you do or don't believe in Him. Its totally up to them to be apart of something that is worth while. That they need to listen to their hearts to see if Catholic Religion is right for them.

  • That quote by Gandhi always bothered me until I moved to the South and saw how un Christlike many Christians act. Unfortunately, Y!A? hasn't helped dispel this feeling.

    Thankfully, I have enough people in my life to show me how true Christians behave.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is to stop being religious. Jesus doesn't care what religion anyone is. He wants to know us and have a personal relationship with us. When we invite Him in and enjoy Him personally, then He will live in us and his light will shine through us. We need to stop trying, just enjoy Him and let Him do His work as he pleases.

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