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What the heck has happened to Republican "values"?

Only one Republican candidate is still on their first wife. Of course, his great-grandparents fled to Mexico to avoid federal presecution. One married his pregnant girlfriend when he was just 17 and served on the Scooter Libby Legal Defense Fund advisory board. One was married to his 2nd cousin for 14 years and is now on his 3rd wife. One was heavily involved with the Keating Five.


I am NOT saying the Democrats are any better. They never claimed to be.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not just repub values it is Americas values. So called progress is to blame,but each side would rather point out the other sides faults instead of working together to fix the problems. I expect little from politicians in regards to values/morals. We the people need to fix our values

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They all have politician values which is unfortunately the direction our country is going. It's tough for an honest man to get elected. Probably the most honest presidents (in my lifetime) were Carter and Ford. Neither were very effective presidents. And what if Gingrich joins the race. He was having an affair, at the same time, and for longer than Bill Clinton. Not only was he doing the same, but he is a hypocrite.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They don't practice what they preach. Do as I say, not as I do, isn't that correct Larry " I was reaching for a piece of paper" Craig. I am not gay & I have never been gay. Words spoken by a person with high values. Bunch of hypocrites is what the Republicans are. I know the Dems have had their share of sex scandals but at least it is with a member of the opposite sex & of age, not some underaged pages.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    sure final week as quickly as we had the earthquake, each and every thing interior the domicile shook for 5 seconds then it went deathly silent and then all of it started lower back and that i replaced into terrified I grabbed the dogs and we've been given exterior into the backyard until eventually it stopped. It replaced into 5.3 on the Richter scale.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You're right. Republicans, it turns out, are as human as anyone and they DO screw up. My views lean conservative but I get sick and tired of Republicans holding themselves up as the best example of 'moral America.' BS. They aren't any better than anyone else and personal moralistic bellowing has no place in government anyway.

    But don't think for a single second that Democrats are any better. Between all the guilt they shill at us about the environment and the 'evils' of capitalism, they are just as bad.

    Vote reason. Vote Libertarian.

  • ML
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm not so interested in personal values as I am in political values (e.g. limits on the role of the federal gov't, tax revenue being applied to constitutionally authorized / implied uses, enforcement of the Constitution w/ALL the Amendments, etc.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Their "values" were never defined. It's just a speaking device designed to mislead. By not defining your "values," you allow the listener to plug in their own. Now you know. Don't be fooled again.

  • Fern O
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Nothing has happened to their values...they're still the same. It's when they preach about values that irks me...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sadly I think VALUES are totally lacking in politics at all levels, and in all parties. Politicians seem to sell their souls for votes, and do not adhere to the morals and standards that they profess to embrace.

    I am a Republican and I have high moral values and standards. I stick to them because honor and integrity are important to me and my family. In WI where I live, there are way more decent Republicans than there are liberals. The Liberals here are immoral and unethical. It's what I am exposed to and it is MY point of reference for my questions and answers here on this site.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this bunch of rinos is pathetic

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