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How can I get my almost 4 year old daughter potty trained?

My middle child, Britney, will be 4 years old in December and she pees in her underwear when ever she feels like it and where ever,I'm beggining to think theres no hope for her,I've been trying for more than a year and a half with her , Okay -She'll poop in the potty always,but the pee pee problem is driving me nuts, I put her in underwear and I took away the pull-ups b/c I thought that would work,but it's like this :after she's already peed in her undies THEN she tells me she's gotta go pee.I had my first daughter trained at 2 and a half,but Britney is so lazy at going pee in the potty.What else can I do for her? Any suggestions?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My daughter did not want to use a potty chair and she did not want to be lifted to the toilet. What worked for her is The Potty Stool This stool makes every toilet kid-sized. The handles on this stool make all the difference. My son and daughter potty trained quickly because they were so excited about this stool. They loved using the big toilet because they know that is what everyone uses. I like that it is sturdy and safe and got them out of diapers fast. The best part is kids use it for years. Hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never actually potty trained a child by myself but I have read alot on it, as we are trying to start potty training my fiances 2 year old. His 3 year old was potty trained at 1 1/2 and never reverted but all children are different.

    From what I know and have read some say that in older children alot of the "accidents" they do are for attention. I'm not saying you dont give enough attention but when there is a younger child and an older sometimes kids get like that. If you are showing the kids the same amounts of attention maybe you should try NOT giving attention when he/she pees in underwear, so they have a chance to feel themselves being wet. Not positive attention but also not negative either.

    Also, try to make up a potty song or something of the such to let the child know that going potty is a wonderful thing, but make sure they know it isnt just a game either. Let he/she know that going potty will make her/him a big kid. Add rewards when they use the potty like a new toy at the end of the week and make the experience fun and rewarding.

    If that does work, talk to your childs doctor because theres always a chance that maybe theres a medical issue at hand.

    Hopefully this helps you. Try googling potty training an older child to see what you come up with, good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My son use to do this for about 4 months and I started taking him outside in the backyard since the weather was getting colder. If he pees outside he'll freeze. End of power struggle. He just decided to pee in the toilet all the time after that. Have you tried that?

  • Shaz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    She is not lazy, just may be taking a little longer than normal. Try not to be to harsh on her when she makes a mistake and make a big fuss when she does go to the toilet. give stamps high fives and gee what a big girl you are etc.

    I have one doing it at the moment and all the praise is working.

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  • SoBox
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What does the pediatrician think of this? It could be that she's incontinent, and can't feel it before it comes. I would suggest having her checked out by the doctor before you push potty training any more, just to be sure. If everything is OK medically, then you can resume potty training.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have a kiddy potty? So its not too tall for her to use? If so, try to make it into a game for her and play the potty game with her to make her use the kiddy potty. They have videos and music and interactive games to use with that, so as you play the game or video or music, at various cues, the kid has to go and run to the potty and "use" the potty. This makes it fun to do so. Praise your kid often for using the potty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you ever try those new pull ups that get cold at the first wet drop? A friend of mine told me about those and they work great.

    GOOD LUCK and I hope this helps you a little with your little girl.

  • teresa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    it may be the strain as previously stated, yet additionally think approximately that it can be a scientific situation like diabetes or bladder progression subject concerns. the two way, i might propose seeing her pediatrician or evaluate assembly with a new child psychologist (after the pediatrician if mandatory)

  • 1 decade ago

    rub her nose in it then hit her over the head with a rolled up newspaper? i'm sorry, i don't have any kids....can you tell?

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