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My knee is swollen, tight and painful... why?

This started this past Wednesday... I just stood up in the evening and it was kinda tight. Since then, it's gotten to the point that weight-bearing is nearly impossible... it feels like it's going to explode. swollen around the outside edge, pain radiating down the back of my lower leg. Weight-bearing is increasingly painful. There is no discoloration.

I didn't injure it recent though I did fall and hurt both legs in the spring, but nothing was broken and xrays and ultrasound showed no problems at the time.

I will be going to the doctor tomorrow... but I'm researching the problem before I go. I'm anticipating another xray and perhaps another ultrasound... but I'm very worried.

Anyone have any medical knowledge along these lines?


It's not hot to the touch, no... just swollen. That's why I didn't think it would be an infection.

And I didn't go to the doctor right away for a few reasons... we had exchange students this weekend and I had cleaning to do then activities planned. Dumb reason to not go, I know... I was planning this weekend for a few months. In addition, I didn't know if I'd maybe just had it up on the footstool weird and that caused a 'temporary' condition, not a progressive one. Now that I see it's definitely progressive, it's time to see the doctor (I have CRAPPY medical insurance, so ensuring it's a necessary visit is the right thing to do). I don't see that an ER visit is appropriate right now.

Update 2:

Okay, the doctor said it's probably a Baker's cyst or a torn meniscus, which she said can happen without an active injury due to overuse in exercise or kneeling. They did an x-ray and scheduled me for physical therapy starting next week (soonest... ugh). After she gets the results from the x-ray, she'll call if they see anything. She said to not do lots of walking or standing and to take nsaids. So that's it for now.

Thanks for all the answers!

11 Answers

  • Jay R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Could be so many things. Without a recent injury to have it suddenly swell is strange. Could be a cyst behind the knee thats growing and causing the area to swell, get tight and really hurt. The more it swells, the more pain you'll. If it is real swollen they may tap the knee. Sounds scarey, but when they did mine, the pain was minimal to the pain that was present and it felt 150 times better after it was done.

    Could be an injury that you aggravated with a simple twist and brought out the edema and pain.

    MRI's will show tissue injury, but a good doctor is your best bet. He'll probably order one too. Seems they all do now days.

    As for the blood clot; yes if the leg is red, hot, swollen, then think clot and go now to an ER. Otherwise wait.

    Post your finding as a comment so we know what you find out.

    Source(s): Paramedic 27 yrs
  • 5 years ago

    Knee Is Swollen

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    This Site Might Help You.


    My knee is swollen, tight and painful... why?

    This started this past Wednesday... I just stood up in the evening and it was kinda tight. Since then, it's gotten to the point that weight-bearing is nearly impossible... it feels like it's going to explode. swollen around the outside edge, pain radiating down the back of my lower leg. ...

    Source(s): knee swollen tight painful why:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It could be this.

    Seems odd that there was no recent trauma, but perhaps a bone chip broke off? It the symptoms were getting progressively worse, why did you wait to see a doctor? I'd have gone as soon as it got hard to walk. Swelling is an immune system response. When things swell quickly and don't abate after a couple of days, that's a sign that the body doesn't like what's going on in the area. You should listen to you body and go to the ER now.

    Email me and let me know how you make out.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In the absence of recent trauma or an illness with fever, recent skin rashes or disease carrying insect bites, you have to think about gout as being high on the list of common presentations.

    If your Dr. failed to test for gout, she has missed a very common joint illness. In larger joints like the knees and hips, it will often remain sub-clinical in appearance by failing to show the very remarkable inflammation that smaller joints will classically display.

    If it is gout, the NSAIDs will help and they may even reduce the symptoms enough to mask the cause of the condition. Blood testing for elevated uric acid at this point is very probably within normal limits, (as it very often is a day or so post onset.) Drawing a small amount of intra articular fluid, however, will and can still make the call an easy and accurate one by looking for the presence of uric acid crystals.

    Short of this, your Dr. is on the right path of unmasking the mystery illness. Good luck.

    [][][] r u randy? [][][]


    Source(s): I quit the biz ... retired.
  • 4 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Have the Dr. do an MRI also. Might possibally be a meniscus tear or a ligament tear.

    Source(s): I'm an Athletic Trainer
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it's swollen and feels hot to the touch, you could have a blood clot. If that's the case, go to the ER NOW!

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sometime it happen when there is infection ,so don't worry too much ,batter go and have a check up to your Dr because is not easy to diagnosed without see the patient

    Source(s): personal
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like you maybe giving birth to an alien midget?

    Good thing your going to the doctor tomorrow, or I would have even more ridiculous comments:)

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