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My 2 year old won't go poop on the potty...?

My 2 year old has been going pee on the potty for a long time, but we CAN NOT get her to poop on it? Help! She still feels the need to hide to go poop and will do it in whatever she has on (underwear or pull ups).

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    MY daughter did the EXACT same thing. Does you daughter by chance have a touch of constipation? My daughter had no trouble peeing on the potty, she even liked to do it, however, she would get constipated and her BMs were exceptionally large for her tiny body, so she was actually scared of pooping. In order to make her self comfortable, she would hide and put her behind in the air. I think that was the most comfortable and easiest position for her to do her duty in.

    If this is the case with your daughter, you just need to be vigilant about getting her some requisite potty time. When you do catch her hiding to poop, put her on the potty without a lot of fuss or bother. If she is constipated, you might want to first try reducing her lactose intake, and then try child laxatives if that does not work.

    If none of this helps, you might just have to wait for a while. The truth is, kids will NOT do this until THEY are ready to.

    The number one thing to remember, no matter what happens, is do NOT get frustrated. Kids can sense frustration and it will affect them.

    Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    It's okay. Try not to worry. My older son (now 4yrs old) wasn't fully potty trained till he was 3 1/2 was the poop part that we couldn't seem to get him to do too. But one day he just went all by himself. We made a big deal about it and took pictures and bought him a present. Ever since then he has been going peepee and poopoo in the potty. My little one (who is 3 yrs old now) has been doing peepee in the potty since he was 1 1/2 yrs old. But he just does not want to poop in the potty. He does the same thing your daughter does...he hides. We learned with the first child...not to force him...we ask him if he wants to go potty but he says no....we tell him that he is a big boy now and that he needs to go poopoo in the potty...but he is not ready. That's the thing...THEY have to be ready to go. You can try the Elmo potty time video which is really cute and the kids like it...see if that helps. But I'm sure your daughter knows what to do and how but she just doesn't feel comfortable yet. My best advise would be : just be patient and try not to worry too much. I haven't seen any 10 year olds in diapers...everyone has to learn to grow out of diapers...she will too. Good luck!

    Source(s): Soon to be mother of 3 boys
  • 5 years ago

    Start on a schedule and be consistent with it by taking her every hour. She needs to be sitting on the potty and at least trying to go. If she does not like sitting for a couple of minutes let her pick out a favorite toy to keep her occupied. Stay in the underwear because going back and forth will cause confusion. Also, you need to be the one taking her rather than just asking if she needs to go. My youngest child recently potty trained and I still have to take him to the potty most of the time. A few times out of the day he will tell me he needs to go. He is not completely independent yet although I expect by the end of the summer he will be going on his own all of the time. With potty training your daughter is learning to relate the feelings or urges she gets when peeing or pooping as it is time to go potty, when you sit her on the potty consistently.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is totally normal, my 2 yr old does this and so does a 3 yr old boy i watch. there are some childrens books about going poop on the potty that may help, check out your local library. also if you bring her in the bathroom while you are going that will help. and lastly, when she goes in her pants do not scold or punish her, just take her pull up or underwear to the bathroom and dump the poop in the toilet, or her potty and tell her "this is where we go poop" and let her flush it if she wants. it will happen with time. when it does, make a HUGE deal out of it, with lots of praise.

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  • JLee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just keep working with her...she will go when shes good and ready. I have been concerned about my 3 year old son...he just recently started pooping on the potty, and rarely goes pee on it. I was worried that he was behind with training and questioned my pediatrician and she told me he is just now getting ready to potty train. She said do not push him just suggest that he go try and go, if he does give him lots of praise and if he doesnt dont worry about it. I have 2 other children (a 1 and a half year old and a 2 month old) and she said that is one factor in his late potty training..and that boys take longer than girls.

    Anyway...I think if you took the same approach (praising when she does give it a try) it will work...good luck!!

    Source(s): mom of 2 boys and 1 girl!
  • 1 decade ago

    Does she hate the feeling of the poop in her diaper/undies and want to be changed right after she does it? If so you can make her wait until your not so 'busy' doing things, to change her. It worked for a little boy i knew and the mother kept telling him "well honey if you went in the potty you wouldnt feel it in your diaper at all." and eventually he got sick of the fact that he had to sit with it in their everytime and he started going on the potty and felt much better. It sounds gross but it eventually worked. And she wouldnt leave it in there for too long obviously. Just enough time to get her point across.

  • 6 years ago

    My niece will be three in a few weeks and she's in my care because of a bad situation. When she came into my care she would happily pee on the potty all day long. She absolutely would not poop. I have two other children I have potty trained and she just wouldnt poop on the potty. I tried EVERYTHING. She was scared of pooping in the potty to the point she would hold it all day and poop at night in her diaper. Her poops were unusually nasty poops (not sure its from the bad situation she was born into), they were seriously giving her a rash (cottage cheese consistency) and I needed her to poop in the potty. She just wouldnt, and I was beginning to really worry about her rashes. And that to no avail tried everything zero poop.

    My husband and I decided enough was enough. We potty trained her in 24 hours!!!!!! This seems crazy and probably not everyone is set up for this, but I uniquely am. My bathroom is adjoined to my bedroom. I tried to get her to poop before bed, no poop. I put her little kid sized minnie potty in the bathroom in a corner 2-3 feet wide. I put two pillows of either side, and a foot stool with another small pillow in front of her. I told her she couldnt poop in her diaper anymore, it was giving her rashes and beyond that it was really yucky. She was going to sit there until she pooped (conquer the fear). She fell asleep on the potty after reading many books, playing tablet, stuffing her FULL of food (she hadnt pooped ALL day!) and we made it a GOOD experience. She was NOT upset about this, as she very much craves attention. Midnight, no poop. 2am, no poop. 4am, no poop (I went to bed). 7:30am- she woke up because she had started to poop and began shouting "I POOPED!!!!!!" A LOT came out, fear was gone, now she uses the potty and we potty trained her in 24 hours. It was extreme but I wasnt about to let her wait "until she was ready" at possibly 4 years old as I did my research and many parents were having it turned into. Toddlers who would pee and refuse to poop past 40 months. Force your child to confront their fear and it's over. Most importantly, dont make it a scary, horrible experience (the potty sleepover). We gave snacks and read books and played til very late encouraging her. You want her or him to want to, even if you have to push them to do it the first time. Hope that helps :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't push it... she'll soon get the idea. 2 years is early to be pushing the whole potty thing.

    Don't scold her for pooping... make it something exciting - like getting a prize for pooping in the toilet - giving her lots of praise.

    But if she's not ready, don't push it and let her be a baby still. You'll soon learn that they grow up to0 quickly as it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take her to the store and buy some really pretty panties and let her pick some out. Then when she gets home tell her that she can wear the big girl panties when she can poop in he potty chair or big toilet.

    keep her in the pull ups untill she stops pooping. or you will have to taker her every hour and sit her down until she goes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had this exact same problem with my daughter, but she was 3. She would freak out because she thought they were snakes. The problem was she wasn't regular so I couldn't just sit her on the potty when she would have to go. I know this sounds harsh, but it worked. I had to give her children's suppositories to make her go on the potty. After a couple of days, she started going on her own. Good luck!!

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