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If there were an "Anti-peace" Nobel Prize, who do you think would win it today?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    George W. Bush. Invading Iraq was a huge blow to world peace. Every day we are occupying and bombing Iraq, more terrorists are being created. Bush has done more for the cause of war than just about anyone today.

  • 4 years ago

    i do no longer understand what Obama did to deserve this Peace Prize. Norway who supplies this Nobel Peace Prize has very very few blacks of their u . s ., and that they have very strict immigration rules. So, i think of it is so hypocritical for them to supply this prize to somebody who's Black while they have so few blacks of their u . s .. Why are not they permitting extra blacks into Norway? Is Norway so biased and prejudiced that they gained't enable many blacks into their u . s ., yet they provide this award to the chief of the u . s . a . the place immigration rules are so lax and a shaggy dog tale. the guy who would win the Nobel Anti-Peace Prize is Barack Obama because of the fact he won't deliver any peace to the u . s . a . and the international. it rather is now the Divided States of u . s . a . of america, and as far because of the fact the international, only as we talk American squaddies have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. So the place's the peace????

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vice President Dick Cheney.

    Other potential nominees include Sudan's Omar al-Bashir, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and possibly a collective effort of some within the Saudi royal family who are supporters of radical Islamists.

  • m
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think I'm going to go out on a limb here, stray away from the crowd, say maybe the guy who helped fly two planes into the TC and one into the Pentagon, whats his name? Bin Laden? Maybe they guy screaming for the destruction of Israel, Amadijad? That one guy from North Korea, whose making those nukes to possibly use against Japan or South Korea.... whats his name? Kim Il Sung! Any of those guys, in my opinion. But I'm sure everyone here would disagree.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No question George W Bush. At least he's good at something.

  • 1 decade ago

    George W. Bush With/ Dick Chaney his War on anything that pisses him off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gonna take this a little deeper... it ain't GWB... its his leader of the ChickenHawk NeoCon rebellion.. Dick Cheney.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    GWB, hands-down. Even if Hussein was nominated, posthumously.

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