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I just switched Churches (I'm Christian), and at my old Church, every girl used to wear skinny jeans, including me, and at my new Church, girls can't wear pants at all! Why? Thanks♥

20 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I think you should switch churches again.

    They're using the laws in Deuteronomy (or maybe Leviticus), which are that a woman isn't supposed to wear men's clothing. But back when that was written, they didn't even HAVE pants, so women couldn't wear them anyway. Besides, if they're women's clothes, you couldn't possibly be dressing up in men's clothes, lol.

    Denominations with rules like that have never made much sense to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    So I would be asking the elders or someone in the know what is the deal. Is it legalism? Or do most of the women and men dress in a certain way as an outpouring of respect for the Lord, as well as being considerate of appropriate dress so as to not be distracting. (that is in an overtly sexual manner)

    I went to a Pentecostal church (accepted Jesus there 6 yrs ago) and man was I a fish out of water ermm so to speak. I didn't have any dresses hated them. But I found the discreet manner of dress to be comforting in that no-one was really ogling me. My husband and I have now transferred to a different church and I find my toes curling at some of the things people choose to wear... from short shorts and mini skirts to tank tops and some even more revealing things. And frankly I am torn between... aren't we here to worship God with our very best? and not being judgemental.

    DC up above me said it much more succinctly and nicely.

    Pants aren't really a problem for me, I like the opportunity to wear them... I am just a very modest person and I think we have to keep in mind that the corporate gathering together is not for "hook-ups"... it is for worship of the Almighty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont know if this is a novel concept but do women realize that men are checking OUT women in church and visa versa? I dont wear jeans without a jacket or something covering my butt because men are visual and they cant help but lust. THe last thing I want to do is to be the stumbling block by which some man trips so I dont show off the booty, or how tiny my waist is or how big my chest is. Im not saying to wear a burka but be CHASTE. Its not a bad thing. Its gotten so common place that girls dont think twice about it but the way that the world to incite sin and doesnt belong in the church. My pastor has to say something every summer because the women show up in stuff like they are going to the beach. Spagetti t's, tight jeans, tight clothes period to a woman of God...I just choose not to wear because I dont want some man looking at me and imagining what I look like naked. Focus on the sermon!

  • 1 decade ago

    You're probably attending a Pentecostal church. Do the women wear makeup and have long hair? I suggest that because you say they "can't wear pants at all".

    If that only applies to church meetings, then they're being respectful. I go to a Kingdom Hall for Jehovah Witnesses and girls wear skirts or dresses to the meetings to reflect the seriousness of the meeting (men wear jackets and ties etc). But if we're not at the Kingdom Hall we wear anything we want so long as it's modest and in good taste.

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  • 1 decade ago


    I go to a church that all woman wear skirts, including me. It is not because my church tells us to either. It is because the Bible tells us to. There is nothing wrong with holding this conviction. If a woman comes to our church wearing pants it doesn't offend us. We don't go to them and say you need to wear a skirt when you come 2 church. That is not our job but the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

    This all depends on you, and what Biblical laws you want to follow. They are not being legalistic in anyway. Hope this helps.

    Lots of love!

  • BERT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't go to a churches that make all women feel they have to wear dresses. Its legalistic,shallow, superficial and has nothing to do with anything. Church should be a place where you can ask someone to go with you on a moments notice and they could feel comfortable in whatever clothing they have. And as far as women not dressing like men... I wear pants to church all the time and I'd like to see a man in a pair of my girlie pants. Like I said it has nothing to do with worship and actually is distractive to what church should be all about. The only dress code for church should be, modesty. I think you need to change churches.

  • KL
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In all honesty? Because the new church is trying to 'get more religious than God' --- that is to say that they are trying to add new rules to the Bible that aren't there. Isn't God's law tough enough to follow? Let's leave it as it is, ya know? Legalism is against the LORD. Take a look at Galatians for some insight into this.To me, this indicates that they are trying to *control* instead of allowing people the *freedom* that was bought for them by Christ's blood.

    That said, I wouldn't mind a church where no skinny jeans were allowed. Not because they are a sin, just because I think they make people's hips look big. I would call it "The Church of the Flattering Pants". ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    AS far as I am concerned, you can wear what ever you want...your not there for a fashion show...I wear slacks, jeans, skirts whatever I want, and so does the rest of the people there...but I will not wear shorts..and I have seen some that do.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 Timothy 2:9 in a like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing.

    Women are supposed to be beautifully modest at all times. That doesn't really include skinny jeans.

    Source(s): Holy Scripture
  • 1 decade ago

    Skirts huh? Pics or it didn't happen!

    But seriously folks...Why did you switch, can you switch back? Don't you inquire about these things? Virtually every church in the world is different (another clue it's all bunk) there's gotta be a church that doesn't have those restrictions. methodists are generally pretty loose about things.

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