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Answers1,681 - my blog - My Circuit Assembly Notes. Currently disfellowshipped as one of Jehovah's Witnesses... eager to rejoin the fold. Thank you Greek Olive for showing me my error. I didn't td you. **quickly and quietly disappears into the shadows for an unforeseeable amount of time**

  • Collapsed Wrist Bone- where did it go?

    A few months ago, I fell out of a high truck, moving boxes, onto the hitch of car trailer. I dislocated my wrist and "shattered" some bones.

    I couldn't stand the cast (psychological reasons), so I removed it after 2 weeks and 3 days. X-Rays showed that it has healed. My wrist is slightly deformed but I can use it (not as well as before).

    My bone Dr. said the deformity is present because one of the bones in my wrist collapsed.

    After I left, I wondered "Where did it go?"

    I tried googling for answers and I learned the bone collapsed because of a lack of blood due to not healing properly, but nothing explained what happened to the remains?

    Was the bone absorbed by my body? Do I have tiny fragments floating around in my wrist?

    Anyone know or have some guesses?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • So.. I broke my arm and need opinions?

    I broke it on the 11 of this month and last night I had finally had more than I could take and I removed the cast.

    Yes, I'm an idiot. That much is undisputed . I'm not exactly sure *what* is broken. The general gist is that I broke 2 bones in my arm and shattered them. My wrist was dislocated. No bone punctured the skin and they were put back into place through a Dr.'s gentle manipulation.

    My cast has been off for several hours now and I can somewhat type with the injured hand.

    My question is: The skin of my injured arm is VERY hot to the touch. It was that way inside the cast too.

    I associate heat with infection but that's obviously not the case here.

    There's extremely minimum swelling.

    What causes the extra warmth?

    (I'm later buying a splint for my arm... anything I can remove would be better than the torture of the cast).


    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Adopted 2 Cockatiels Need Advice?

    I was given 2 cockatatiels a couple of days ago by the family of one of my daughters friends.

    The birds have had at least 2 previous owners and both weren't very nice to them.

    I've always wanted birds but have never owned any, so this is completely foreign territory for me.

    I was given their cage with them and it didn't smell and their food was just dumped into it so I didn't want to clean it right away. I wanted the birds to get used to me for a few days first. But last night, before going to sleep, I saw a tiny roach crawling on the plastic "dresser" they're sitting on. I killed it.

    When I woke this morning, I was going to spray paint my room and was taking them out of the room. I looked inside their cage and saw more tiny roaches *shudder*

    I promptly took them into the bathroom and though I hated doing it, the birds wouldn't budge, so I reached in and grabbed them. They squacked like they were being killed. One bit me but I could cope with it. The other bit me and drew blood several times.

    THeir wings were clipped so I just set them in the shower, then started removing the clamps to lift the top of the cage from the bottom. An easy 20 roaches fell the floor and I smooched all of them.

    I was gentle and spoke to them the whole time. They were so cute. The more gentle one stood on the edge of the walk-in shower and watched me the whole time.

    I emptied the cage, wiped it out and took it to the bathtub to wash and the other bird went inside the top part of his cage and stood on a perch I made for them.

    After I took everything out, it was very hard to tell how long it had been since their cage was last cleaned :(

    From what I read so far, they both appear to be males (yellow faces, bright and large orange spots on their cheeks). But I have no idea how old they are.

    There are no vets in my Country town that will treat birds. I'm on my own.

    The more gentle bird is missing some feathers under its wings. It doesn't look "mangy" but as if it's been plucking itself too much. Maybe anxiety? I know of at least instance where the birds were shaken (in their cage?).

    They're very sweet as long as you don't go near them. I respect their space and I'm giving them all the time they need to adjust. They whistle and chirp and like some of the words I say (especially "Doodie Head" roflol- my kids don't like the birds and call them evil, and I told the birds not to listen to them because the kids are a bunch of doodie heads )

    I cover them at night and remove it after sunrise. They stay in my tiny room with me, so they're still exposed to noise (Netflix, games etc) at all hours.

    The noise doesn't seem to both them, but should I try to find some place else for them after dark?

    If you read all of this, thank you

    I'd greatly appreciate any tips.

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Could someone please explain growing trees from Cuttings?

    I live in the middle of West Virginia and I desperately want a mimosa tree. They not invasive as in warmer states and I have a country home of 83+ acres. About 20 acres is mostly hay and that's where the house is. There are a few apple trees, a pear and cherry tree (which I think has died) and wild grapes but all of them are away from the house. We have countless holly trees.

    Beyond the house and hay is a heavily wooded area and the mountains for as far as the eye can see.

    I didn't plant anything. I know nothing about gardening.

    There is one mimosa tree (that I know of) in the local area and only 2 others that I have seen for 60 miles in any direction. 2 trees are privately owned and one grows wild near the interstate. Getting a cutting or even seeds from the one near the road isn't a problem.

    But what should I do? I've heard that breaking a branch and planting it could cause a tree to grow... but isn't that sort of like chopping off someone's arm and hoping a body will grow?

    Would any branch do?

    If I should wait for fall when the pods form, what do I do with the seeds? Do I just plant them in the ground somewhere and hope a tree grows? Do I start inside in a pot?

    I am completely clueless lol

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Choking on belches and "foam" when sleeping?

    I have an occasional problem that is most unbearable.

    I wake up feeling like I'm choking to death. It starts as an innocent belch in my sleep. But the belch produces a "carbonated foam" and as soon as I swallow it I have to belch again. It can go on for minutes and repeats repeats seemingly without end.

    In the past, I thought it was stomach acid... but it doesn't taste nor burn like such. It just feels like someone shook up a soda in my stomach and then opened it.

    I've not been drinking much soda and not an hour or so before bedtime.

    Has ANYONE experienced this? What the heck is it? What causes it? How can I get it to stop (other than sleeping on a pillow which seems utterly impossible for me to do)?

    I had a sleep study done several months ago and I have mild RLS and very mild sleep apnea. I also have deuodenitis and galstones.

    Daily, I take 18 mg Strattera and 50 mg Celexa for anxiety. I take 200 mg Provigil as needed as well as gas-x (rarely), OTC Acid Reducer (almost daily) and 1 or 2 OTC Naproxin (almost daily). I sometimes take an allergy med before sleeping (it's that time of year *sigh*).

    Otherwise, I'm healthy and of normal weight. The other issues are minor complaints but I don't know if one of them may be contributing to these more frequent attacks of choking.

    Any ideas about what this is?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Why does my cat eat only the heads?

    My dear cat is an outside animal and she loves it. She had a litter of young about a month ago but they died somehow (I never found the bodies) and she went into heat again right away.

    At first I thought her behavior was a pre-delivery thing (extra nutrients or something), but it's continued. She's very healthy and a excellent hunter.

    But I currently have the bodies of about 5 headless birds under the RV and she usually grabs a rabbit or two a week (the rabbits are nearly as big as her!)

    She gets enough to eat, so why?

    Oh yeah... another strange thing... she NEVER drinks any water I leave out for her. I drink it, the dog drinks it, but she turns away. But when I'm walking in the yard with her, she'll drink out of mud puddles and anything else that holds water.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witness Book Study Schedule?

    I have been disfellowshipped from the congregation for 1 year and 3 months. I started missing meetings a few months ago but I'm now getting back in the habit.

    I FINALLY picked up a copy of the new book but I don't have the schedule for it. My WT Library CD never made it in and is being re-ordered, but I'm lost until at least then unless someone could kindly post the schedule here?

    If nothing else, where are we at this week? My notes for last week end with Chapter 5 paragraph 6 but I've read to chapter 8 and it sounds familiar (maybe I've listened to it as a download though).

    Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

    *slinks back into the shadows until reinstated*

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is it called when you "feel" someone staring at you?

    I'm drawing a complete blank. It's not premonition... I'm sure everyone has experienced it at one point in time or another:

    You'll be sitting in a crowded restaurant and have the urge to turn around. When you do, you see someone who was looking right at you.

    Or the reverse happens and you think you see someone you know and stare at the person from a distance and they suddenly turn around and are looking right at you.

    I'm looking for the word so I can google the scientific reasons people can do this...


    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Blood pressure question?

    My blood pressure is always all over the place. I just took it and it was 111/90 with a pulse of 118. I've just been sitting around, watching tv. My pulse is almost always high so while I'm curious about why, I'm used to it (it's ran high my whole life).

    Last week it was 167/110 with a pulse of 120. Again, I hadn't been doing anything stressful.

    I use ReliOn and on it has colored indicators to the side- Green for normal, Yellow for pre-hypertension, and the stages of Red for High Blood Pressure.

    111/90 shows up as the bottom-most line of red (not so high), while the last showed up as the highest line of red.

    Why is 111/90 considered high? What makes the lower number higher or lower and is it just as bad if the lower number is high?

    As an aside question, can the lower number ever be higher than the first? Can the two meet? Just curious about that part...

    I don't usually take medicine for my blood pressure. I've never seen anyone about it. I take propanalol if I get the shakes (anxiety related) or if I feel pressure in my ears (blood pressure related).

    Is this something I should be more worried about?

    I'm 34 years old, 5'5" and about 130 pounds. I'm currently smoking about 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Last April 28 I hadn't had a smoke for 8 years and since I picked the habit back up I've quit for as long as a month but also for a week or two several times.

    I'm trying to quit again (for good). But it seems to have had little effect on my blood pressure. It's been up and down and all over the place for years. There's a history of high blood pressure in my family.

    Thanks for any answers or insights.

    8 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Two poems- Opinions please?

    Wants and Needs

    Creativity is not a source I seek

    My mood in words I wish not speak

    I want only now to blunt the pain

    So I'll seek instead my secret shame.

    I need to stop the voice within my head

    That screams my faults and leads to dread

    That makes me toss and turn upon my bed

    ... "I'm my own worse enemy," I've often said.

    I am not driven by anger nor by tears

    It's not even to silence my so many fears

    Self-control is the issue that tears me apart

    ... Perseverance that's killing the life from my heart.

    A simple cut quickly calms me down

    When in despair I'm sure to drown

    I just need a little stable ground

    To stop the chaos from spinning 'round.

    Copyright 01/26/09 April Black

    The Dance

    99 bottles and more still to come

    My body is aching, my emotions are numb

    Inducing a stupor that maybe by chance

    Tonight is the night with my dreams I will dance

    I shall drink yet another and fall to the floor

    Even if beer is a thing I abhor

    I must get to sleep for fear I'll go mad

    My life may be hell but it can't be *that* bad

    Who am I kidding, I still toss and turn

    The judge in my mind, away must I burn

    No person now living could be quite as cruel

    As myself in my mind- destroyer and fool

    My eyelids are heavy and shadows draw near

    And now starts the dance I so love and hold dear

    Please don't you tease me or dare slip away

    Yet peace does embrace me, my old friend does stay.

    Copyright 01/27/09 April Black

    The second wasn't based on actual events. I hadn't slept in three days (mostly because I can't sleep on a plane or the day before or after a trip) and I didn't feel sleepy so I bought a wine cooler to help (the first I've had in over a month). As I was drinking it I got the song "99 bottles of beer on the wall" stuck in my head lol and the poem was born :D

    As for the poetry itself... I love the beginning of both but they seem to lose their power the further along I get. Any suggestions?

    Many thanks.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Good way to remove stench from clothes?

    I stay in a 40 foot long RV. I was using the bath/shower to keep my dirty clothes, then I take them to the house to wash. This time, though, the gray tank over-flowed and the overflow pumped back up into the tub *sigh*

    The Gray tank is for waste water from the sinks and is made up of water, soap, cooking dregs, old drinks etc. My gray tank had a LOT of old soda in it lol but some old milk too.

    I've washed the clothes several times, but the sour/sweet smell is still noticeable.

    Is there anything I can do to save my clothes? They're jeans, socks, undies, shirts and a sweater (nothing delicate with special instructions). I don't typically separate my clothes and I wash everything in hot water.


    8 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • How is my newest poem? Hints, Tips?


    Dripping from fingertips painted red

    though not with polish

    but with blood

    Teardrops falling from sorrowful eyes

    though not with mourning

    but with fear

    Who am I who must creep in darkness

    Shying from the light

    dead by day?

    Imperfection killing everyone

    I have ever loved

    I'm poison

    April Black 12/09/08"

    Does the style have a name? The syllable count alternates 9,5,3 throughout.

    Thanks for any feedback.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Looking for a Scripture?

    I've used it before but I can't recall where it was and who it was about. I think it was Rachel or Rebekah.. but the Scripture says or implies that she will see her dead children again in the resurrection.


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me... is this an oxymoron?

    "absent-minded strategy"?

    Not as in, "His absent-minded strategy [careless] cost them the battle", but "I enjoy playing Fishdom because it's an absent-minded strategy [requiring little thought/relaxing] game."

    And.. is there such a thing as a "passive war"?


    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Unusual sleeping habit ?

    For as long as I can remember, I've tended to sleep (for the most part) on my stomach with my legs straight and my hands under my thighs. It keeps my hands warm lol

    But for the last several weeks I wake up to find myself firmly holding, sometimes squeezing my breasts. I'm not having any sexual or disturbing dreams.

    I am having a LOT of emotional problems now... I am also "naturally" bi-sexual (which I've rejected most of my life for religious reasons). I was not close to my mother (no nurturing element- not breastfed or anything). I'm not even a "breast person"... but I've gained some weight over the last several years, and even though my weight is exactly normal (according to charts), my breasts have gotten noticeably bigger which interests me in an amusing way.

    Could this behavior be like thumb-sucking is for some people (I'm subconsciously trying to comfort myself) or could it be that I subconsciously long for the comfort of another woman (sexually or non-sexually seeing how my dreams don't reveal anything of the nature).


    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Extreme dizziness with first cigarette?

    I used to be a very heavy smoker, smoking 4 packs a day for several years. Then I quit for 8 years.

    I've been having a ton of emotional problems, and (more recently) legal problems... so on April 28 of this past year, I started smoking again. I smoke about 2 packs a day and plan on quitting as soon as my life normalizes somewhat. I know it's bad for my health.

    But, I am very curious... whenever I have my cigarette of the day I get so dizzy I could passout if I wasn't laying down and I start sweating a little. I have no problems with the rest of the cigarettes I smoke during the day- just that first one.

    My blood pressure has been all over the place. When I originally smoked, it was actually dangerously low. Nowadays it's normal to high. My pulse has been insanely fast ever since I was a kid and that's not changed (my resting pulse can reach 120).

    I'm not obese but I do have problems with anxiety and I take medication for that.

    Anyone know what's likely to be going on?


    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What causes ear pain when sleeping?

    For the last couple of years, I wake up very frequently because my ear is in agonizing pain. Not usually the ear canal but the outside of the ear itself. It happens with both, but never at the same time, and it's always the ear I'm sleeping on. I can't sleep with a pillow (I always throw them to the floor in my sleep or before) and I prefer sleeping on the floor or a couch... but this happens even if I'm on a soft bed.

    Is it most likely the pressure of my head on my ear that causes this?

    Any suggestions to make it stop?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • In the movie 13th Warrior...?

    What was the breed of dog that was frequently seen. It was a reddish brown color and looked a little like a golden retriever, but it's fur seemed to have some curls in it.

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Care to take a stab at this dream?

    I am always amazed by my dreams, and this is the best one I've had in a really long time. I'm 34 years old, happily female (no cross-gender ideation), married and the mother of 4 (who have all been recently placed in Foster Care). I've been on-again-off-again suicidal which could explain the bits about life being an illusion- but the rest ???

    For as long as I can remember (about age 4), I rarely ever dream I'm myself. Usually I dream about being male or some other women I've never met or seen in real life. I've always been extremely curious about that.

    Anyhow.. here's the dream. It's a long one :)

    I dreamed I was a teenaged boy at school, with no memory of who I was or why I was there. Beside of me was a girl who knew me and sensed something was wrong. There were a couple of boys sitting close to us and they kept acting as if they were going to shoot me (making their hands into the shape of a gun).

    The girl said she was going to get us out of there- that she had two free passes to the lab, so she raised her hand and gave them to the teacher who excused us. As I was getting my things, I saw a yellow folder filled with math papers from the eighth or ninth grade that I have in real life and I was curious but ended up disregarding it.

    As we were leaving, we became separated and chaos was breaking out in the school. I asked a teacher where the lab was and she seemed very confused that I didn’t know because apparently I was there often. She pointed the way and then I was dead.

    I was physically resurrected some time later… whether it was 60 days later or 200 years, I’m not sure- there was some confusion about that.

    A guy was talking to me, telling me everything was okay.

    Then I lose some of the dream and the next thing I recall is being in a large swimming pool with the guy who was talking to me. He was trying to teach me something.

    I was under the water and worried about breathing and the guy went another way but I noticed a chamber and was curious about it and followed. My lungs were bursting and I noticed the chamber had some air trapped in the upper portion so I went up for a breath… when I went back down, I saw a row of school toilets (in stalls) and opened one of the doors and a lady screamed in the water which shocked me into taking a breath and I discovered I could breathe under water.

    I continued swimming and found myself in a dry, large room where hundreds of people were being brought back to life. But something was wrong and I saw something I wasn’t supposed to see even though I didn’t know what. A couple of guards confronted me and tried to take me down a long, narrow hall to what I presumed would be my death, so I fought them. I kept saying I got lost and repeated the name of my Case Worker over and over again (though I now forget what it was). He ended up showing up at the last second and rescued me.

    When we left, he chastised me about going places I haven’t been invited to.

    We left the entire building and I found myself on a wooden bridge that was shaped as stairs leading up to a view point. He told me that substance is an illusion and we can pass freely through any obstacle in our way. He then disappeared through the bridge. He told me to try and I did and I passed through the stairs of the bridge but was concerned about falling down the chasm so I stopped the process lol and part of me had the stairs going through me as I inched toward the ledge and safety. He laughed and so did the girl I was with at the start of the dream. I embraced her, very happy to see her again.

    Something changed at one point and we became fearful of the guy and the people he was with (in purpose, not physically), so we ran away. We ended up in a quaint inn. The guy found us and the next thing I now is she and I were made to sleep. We looked very peaceful, lying on the bed, but when we came to we were very old and someplace different.

    After much searching, we found the inn and saw our bodies still on the bed and the guy was sitting on a chair waiting. The girl had whispered to me before entering the room that everything is an illusion and not to worry. We entered the room and pleaded with the man to give us our lives back. He wouldn’t do it, so the girl just grinned at me and I grinned back, and the we were ourselves again. The guy was extremely shocked that we had learned so quickly but he laughed and embraced us.

    Then we were traveling and the girl asked how many others like us there were. We were shocked when he answered in the millions. If they were aliens, as we suspected, why did they kill us- just to bring us back?

    We passed a hillside where women were dancing around a fountain. I commented on it and bristled and snidely replied he could see their nudity from where we were. Above them were two giant vampiric-looking creatures.

    Somehow, we found ourselves talking about money and I asked if everything i

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • In West Virginia is it legal?

    For a 16 year old to watch his 3 siblings while the parents go out of state for a week? The youngest sibling is 11 and an adult would check in on the kids every day.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago