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Does it scare the heck out of you to see how badly people spell?

I read through these posts each day, I am amazed and shocked to see that most of the younger people asking questions can not even spell correctly. I don't blame them, I blame the schools for pushing them through without teaching them correctly,and their parents for not putting their foot down and getting the kids the extra help to learn the right way. Why are these kids having to ask questions about sex, wondering how they got pregnant,relationships and the real world here instead of getting the proper answers at home?And then to see how many use this area to post racist or pornographic innuendos is appalling. What happened to common sense or respect for others? Why does Yahoo block people who ask real questions or give real answers, but seem to overlook and allow this kind of trash to get posted?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wow, don't you know that It is inherently more important for young people to know how to drive fancy cars that daddy pays for, work iPods, computers, play Xbox games, go out and have fun and ignore the basic requirements of life than it is for them to actually learn something?

    Standards are failing, and the will to correct the problem does not seem to exist. Parents give up because THEY were taught to give up.

    Teenagers get away with everything they want to try. Sex and dating are more important.

    Parenting is failing..period. Until civilized, educated people demand higher standards, we will continue to grind out "kids that cannot spell, think for themselves, or generate their own economics when they become adults. The worst part is that their children will be taught the SAME THING--lack of responsibility, lack of effort, ad nauseum...

  • 5 years ago

    I only thought heart attacks, arthritis, and eye problems were for old people. Arms and legs begin to weaken, and teeth also start getting trouble no matter how careful you are with them So many times I heard my father used to remind, Take care of your eyes, that I really took the trouble. By 40, however, one could notice there was a change after all, and whatever I did, vision wasn’t as good and required reading glasses, which can be annoying when your memory begins to fail too, like where are those glasses now? Thank God there's Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, which explain life kind of. Eccl.12 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”— 2 before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark, and the clouds return after the rain; 3 when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men stoop, when the grinders cease because they are few, and those looking through the windows grow dim; 4 when the doors to the street are closed and the sound of grinding fades; when people rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint; Verses 1-7 describe old age and are actually addressed to the youth, v.1. The gradual darkening of the heavenly bodies represents declining vitality and joy. The approaching clouds represent the storms of old age, v.2. The keepers of the house are the arms; the strong men are the legs; the grinders are the teeth; and those that look out of the windows are the eyes, v.3. Growing old is further compared to the decline of a great estate, v.4.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't bother mi et all.

    English, French and maybe German are languages with ridiculous spellings, which have more exceptions to the rules than rules.

    I say "spel et tha wey et sauns"!

    If someones nose is so high in the air that they can't get the idea, let'em go their intellectually snobby way.

    I'm not saying you are a snob, but watch out.

    the content of a paragraph is more important than ones ability to spell correctly.

    I get the feeling, from personal experience, that some of these people might be using English as their second language as well so have patients with them and myself.

    At 56 years of age, I have hated and never got the hang of spelling English. I don't care though. I know a lot more about English grammar rules than I ever learned in school.

    Having taught ESL for almost Eight years in Central America

    I probably know more about adjectives and pro nouns than the average American even if I can{t spell them.

    In someways my spelling has improved being an English teacher. But speaking Spanish everyday, all day also influences my spelling so...

    Look at the content of what the person is saying, not at their ability to say it.

    Gypsy Priest

    PS, I agree. Sex ed is for the home!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well miss spelliing, oops! Just kidding. I seem to be having problems spelling. I 'm serious. It's funny how I'm having problems spelling. I'm not at my computer. O.K. Yes it bothers me. What I think is happening is just like dressing sloppy people are not putting much effort into anything these days. It's like half a.*.s for everything. And it sucks that this generation doesn't put at least 100% in what they do. It actually chaps my hide.

  • tracy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To be honest, yes -- to everything you have expressed.

    I am fairly new to this place, and it is disheartening, to say the least, to read the posts from these children. Is it an indicator of how quickly society has declined with basic morals and values? Has the demand for "tolerance" impacted the classroom, and most importantly the home, to the point of apathy?

    It is truly frightening.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely, I see misspelling, bad grammar. I find it hard to read these question. A lot of people put things in a form of a question when its a point they are trying to make and then get mad when they don't get the response they were hoping for.

    Besides, this site does have spell check.

  • Dani
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i no! bad speling and grammer is soo anoying. stewpid kids kneed two lern how two spel.

    Just kidding.

    It doesn't scare me, per se, but it does annoy the hell out of me. I realize, 90% of them will claim they spell that way because it "saves time", but come on...... "Anyway" vs "Neway" ....How much time are we really saving here? I say that extra half of a second that they saved isn't worth how stupid it makes them appear. I think we need to cherish the books already published, because when their generation takes over, we can kiss the idea of new ones being written goodbye. I'm sure they'll try, but seriously.....who wants to read "A tail of to citys" or "the cacher in da rie".

  • Karel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I am also shocked. Not only is the spelling bad, the grammar is horrendous. Sometimes I do not even know what they are asking. Hopefully, the posts that are good in grammar and spelling will be used as examples to improve on writing skills.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, because basically we are reverting back to old English and devolving as a society. I do my part and offer help to friends and family with letters and homework. But there's only so much one person can do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its very annoying when they ask questions and cant spell. Especially when there is spell check on here.

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