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My son calls both of us mama. Anyone else ever have a baby who did/does this?


Sorry, his dad and I are both Mama. He's 8.5 months.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both of who? And how old is your son?

    Ok now I can answer. :)

    My daughter is 9 months old. She calls me Mama but doesnt refer to her daddy as anything. My son called everyone Mama until he was a little over a year old and after that still continued to call me and his grandma Mom.

  • Sam
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My husband was called Mommy by all of our sons and my youngest use to call his two older brothers "Boys" even when he was talking to just one, because that's what he heard me call most often.

    It's very common for this to happen, especially since your child is so young. At his age, he has yet to truly grasp the concept of names to people. Right now, it's name to feelings. Mama to him is anyone who holds him, feeds him, gives him love etc. I'm guessing that you spend more time with him, since he knows Mama over anything else.

    As he gets older, he'll start to learn the difference If you want him to start learning now, have his father say Dada only when interacting with him and have you say Mama only when interacting with you.

    The best way to correct any child who is in this situation is to have THAT PERSON correct them. I use to have my older son correct my younger son by pointing to himself and saying "Nick". If that person isn't around or can't speak, pointing, showing or asking, "Where is ______." helps as well. Repetition.

    Best Wishes =]

    Source(s): degree in child development, mom of 4
  • 1 decade ago

    most babies will start talking with only a word or two. It's normal for him to call a lot of things by the same name. It doesn't mean anything. Give him a few more months and he will pick up some more words and probably call you both duck or something else.

  • 1 decade ago

    That doesn't sound weird to me at all. With situations like this, it's probably just because he gets the word confused, not because he's having problems telling you apart or anything else. It's not uncommon for little kids to use the same word for a variety of things (like kids who call all animals "doggy", for instance). Don't be concerned unless he still does this after developing a more advanced vocabulary.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    awww there is nothing wrong with that, some kids call their grandmothers mama, just make sure when the child gets older he/she understands who is mama. and there is only one mama!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats sooo cute, my nephew used to call everyone mama, if u really want him not to do it just correct him nicely everytime, and he will repeat after u.

  • 1 decade ago

    My neice is 10 months. She calls me, her mommy, my mom (which is her grandma) and her other grandmother all MaMa. I guess she thinks it means any female.

  • 1 decade ago

    my daughter calls me AND my mom, mama.....she's 8 months and doesnt even understand what mama means so it doesnt bug time she will learn the difference you just have to teach your kids who mama is

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter is 2 and she calls both my husband and I "daddy". It drives me nuts and we've told her time and time again that I am "mommy". She's called me mommy before - usually if I've been gone and I come home (I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm never really away from her at all) she'll come running up to me and yell "mommy!" with this big grin on her face. She understands that I'm mommy, becuase if someone tells her "go take that to mommy", she'll bring whatever it is to me or if someone says "go ask mommy", then she'll come and ask me for whatever she wants. I think that she just says "daddy" becuase it's easier for her to say... or... who knows...... maybe she's just doing it to be stubborn. lol!

    Source(s): mommy to a confused 2 year!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My oldest called any adult that she thought cared about her "mama."

    It bothered me and I felt a little jealous until my very wise grandmother said "She does it because to her 'mama' means 'love.'"

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