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Do I tell my friend about her husband?

Last night I was at a bar and saw my best friend's husband walk down the street with his neice. It looked suspicious. He was looking around to see if anyone was watching him. She had her hand extended for him to take it. She is a sexual girl and he's been known to do things that are not appropriate. She is 20 and he is 45. My friend had been maried to him for 25 years. I know something fishy is going on. However, I don't want to break up a marriage, but I don't want her to get a disease if somthing did happen. What should i do?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just shush...... She will find out.. You could say something like I say (his name and her name) at (where ever they were) and let her go from there.. You see holding hands with you neice is not a sign of fornication... And you did not see them in a sex act right? What happens if its all innocent? Just let it fall where it might... she is your friend and for you to acuse him of something and it not be... You would loose a good friend.. Good lucki Grant M in Pennsylvania

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, if this neice is a blood relation, this could be incest. If it is not a blood niece through marriage, i think it`s legal...not sure though. Do you tell her? If it`s blood relative, I say yes; if not, do you know the neice well enough to talk to her on your own? You could tell her that she is playing with fire, and if she doesn`t end it now, you`ll be sure that you`ll end it for her by telling your friend.You could also approach the husband first and tell him what you saw, but there may be an element of danger to that.

    Wow, this is a toughie... good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh yuck! Sure hope the girl is a niece through marriage only....If I were in your shoes...I would tell your BEST FRIEND that you saw something suspicious....and let her know what you saw.....My best friend wouldn't be my friend any longer if she found out I saw or knew something of this nature and I didn't tell her....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yikes~! sounds Amish!! I think u should not say anything until u can really prove that something is going on...BUT I agree w/ the 7th answer above me Kristi s'!! THAT sounds like the most logical thing to do - then see their reaction that should give it ALL away =}

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'd talk to her husband directly and let him know what you saw. (or perhaps leave him an anonymous note or phonecall) Tell him you saw what you saw and if he doesn't tell her you will. This would freak the living hell out of him and possibly scare him straight.

    But don't tell her what you saw. If you tell her, it will create drama based off of an assumption.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would just say in front of the two of them the next time you see them Hey i say you the other night with i was gonna say hi but could not get out soon enough what were you two doing?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If women don't stand up for each other, then who will. Proof is better, but tell her EXACTLY what you saw, then help her to handle it. But you MUST be ready to be by her side when it all comes undone. A true friend would be there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let the girl's mom know about it and let her handle the situation, first with her daughter and then with your friend's husband and her.

    You can subtly let your friend know that you saw her husband with the neice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had this same dilemma although i knew for definite something was going need to tell him you saw him and even if you bluff him try to get out of him what was going on....then tell your friend.....she will be more angry at you if she finds out and then finds out that you knew but didnt say anything.......

    i told my friend and she kicked her husband out, i felt terrible but she says she has never been happier...

  • summer
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    approach him first with this info. if there is something going on tell him he better tell her, or else you will. i wouldn't go to her first because if there really isn't anything going on you would look foolish.

    tell him you saw him and see how he acts. you could even approach the niece. that disturbing on many levels. good luck!

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