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How many of you have had probs with xbox 360 games getting scratched?

I purchased a new limited edition halo console built in august of this year,for some reason Need for speed carbon froze part way through the game,so i waited it out and turned it off. Tried it yesterday and the disc was badly damaged,its scratched to buggery,it has round scratch marks around disc.The console was not moved or knocked,i rang microsoft and spoke to an american lady and was basically told it was something i have done.Has anyone had something similar happen? and how did u resolve it,i live in australia. All advice is welcome

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This goes to show that no xbox 360, no matter what version, is exempt from fault. There are sites with forums that discuss this sort of thing, i have not experienced it but everytime i turn on my 360, i am worried it will happen. Anyways, you might be able to find more info at just navigate through their xbox section.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes i have heard a lot of people have received scratched Halo 3 games, also I found an australian company called discstation is offering a free disc scratch removal service for scratched Halo 3 discs, `Free Halo 3 disc scratch removal service offer, if your new Halo 3 disc is scratched, Discstation will repair your Halo 3 disc for no charge'

  • 1 decade ago

    well microsoft will blame everything on you so get used to it. but my friend that works for microsoft recommends that you should NOT leave your games in the tray when your not palying. he said it has sometihng to do with the humidity around the xbox and sometimes it gets to much exposure and wen u turn it on, it powers up wayyyy to high and thats what causes wearing and scratching of a game. so dont leave your game in the xbox for any period of time your not playing. jsut a good hint that has made me not have a single scratch on any discs for 3-4 years. Good luck

    Source(s): my friend told me. he would know best. jsut odnt peanut butter in the game tray!
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    My 360 ruined a pair of my video games. i've got been given those extensive around scratches on them. yet each and every time it got here approximately i had the two bumped the 360 or dropped something on it. i assume whilst it strikes mutually as working it scratches the disc. if the video games nevertheless paintings, bypass forward and play them

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if the case is standing upright it is more likely to shake, thus scratching the disc. if it is on it's side and the disk was scratched, you're skrued. MS soposedly fixed this problem, but i guess that some people are getting their discs scratched. sorry dude.

  • 1 decade ago

    there were many reports about that according to

    this also happened to my friend. theyre just saying that you did it because they dont want to be bothered with this. they have horrible customer service

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