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Micro chips implanted in children?

Why hasn't someone come up with the idea of implanting micro c hips just under the skin in children. Make it mandatory that all new babies born not only get a S.S.I. card, but a micro chip implanted in the babies in a palce that the doctor thinks it's safe and can be removed when the child becomes of age.

That would get rid of child stealing and run aways. It would also help to locate children whether that are dead or alive. I would stop kid napping. If personal priacy is an issue, don't you think it is ironic that the government has there nose in your life anyways? Privacy, there is no such thing anymore.


OMG! The Bible never even crossed my mind when I asked that question. So let me get this straight, they will put it in animals, but it is not safe. Hummmm. I give up. Let the government take over. no one seems to care anyway.

12 Answers

  • Jen N
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know about putting anything under the skin, but isn't there a tracking device that goes in the back molar.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I definitely disagree with an implanted chip, but I do think that similar technology has its place. My husband's cousin has Down syndrome, and when she was about 9 the police found her wandering down the highway in just her pajamas in the middle of winter. She had gone to find her mom, who'd gone on a walk, and her dad didn't hear her leave the house. They bought a GPS watch for her to wear. It had a lock so she couldn't get it off. Unfortunately, they tested it, and the company was unable to locate the watch on their system, so they returned it. I think something like that is a great idea, though, especially for taking your child to crowded places such as the mall or an amusement park.

    The chip does sound very apocalyptic to me though!

    Source(s): Mommy to an almost 6 month old little girl
  • 1 decade ago

    Someone asked this question a while back. I'll give pretty much the same answer I gave then. The chips that were placed under animals' skins were shown to start cancers, so would you want to risk that with your kids? Also, such tracking devices can easily be manipulated by pedophiles or other sickos so instead of just keeping our kids safe, it can just as easily keep them in danger. Also, it will not be a free procedure and of course, the only kids who will be safe are those whose parents can afford the procedure...and I must say, it isn't often that a rich child is stolen. THeir parents have the money to get them back, to get the news interested, etc.

    Why not just keep track of your kids yourself and teach them not to talk to strangers?

  • 1 decade ago


    I've been making silicon chips for the last 30 years, and I wouldn't want something that is considered environmental hazard under my skin.

    Just a thought for all you techies out there. We have to dispose of them properly, so why would anyone think that they are safe in the human body? Many of the manufacturing processes needed to make a functioning chip use deadly toxic materials. Just because they are packaged doesn't make them totally inert.

    Source(s): Chip maker for 30 years.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no information on the long-term effects on physical health from micro-chips available yet. Recent studies have linked micro-chips in pets to cancer.

    The technology is too young for use in humans. No one is sure of the long-term effects. Plus, there are moral implications that are far to complex to address in a few short paragraphs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's not a good idea. It says in the last book of the Bible. And who cares if the Government tracks us everyday and has all our info basically. I don't just go on with your life, do what you got to do, say what you want to say, and be who you want to be. If they don't like it, then they can stay outta your business! (even though that will never happen)

  • 1 decade ago

    The government seems to like to think that they are totally in control. Let the people speak!

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh my. I suggest you read Revelations. A chip?? Really? You honestly consider that to be a good thing??? Isn't the mandatory ssn bad enough??

    This question makes me shudder.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to bring religion into this question...but this sounds like tracking stuff that is mentioned in the Bible when all that stuff goes down, Lucifer comes to the world, etc.


  • 1 decade ago

    I think thats a horrible idea. Have you read Revelation in the Bible about this?

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