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Why does the American Legal System contradicts itself !!!!?

Why is it that our American legal system contadicts itself ,and so many people believe the "system" works?

1) It is illegal to commit murder, but states can justify sending someone to death row.

2) We are protected against "cruel and unusual" punishment, but a convicted felon will ALWAYS be turned away for jobs, Apartments, etc. even after they have paid their dues to society.

3) In divorce and child custody proceedings, the courts claim to seek what is in the best interest of the child. 95% of all child custody cases are in favor of the mothers. How can this system be balanced when the odds are so heavily out of balance?

4) In criminal cases...a ***** is 85% more likely to be put in prison than any other race, yet the goverment has strict laws against discrimination.

5) In American is illegal to extort money from people. Why then can one lawyer charge 2500.00 for a case, but a lawyer across the street can charge 25,000.00 for the same case?(Posted by chance of P)

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    HOW'S ABOUT THIS ONE: The same government that smuggles in the drugs, distributes them to local levels from state to state, distributes them to drug dealers, that sell them to drug addicts then turns around and arrests drug addicts for buying and using the same drugs that they sold them. The court system and prisons are full of drug related offenses and then they make money off of people being incarcerated or on probation because they bought , sold or used the same illegal drugs that the US gov't brought into the country and made widely available for everyone! Now that is a contradiction. It also makes someone very rich from selling commissary items, phone time, etc to the incarcerated, also the prisoners that work for .20 cents an hour manufacturing products for the state. Some people somewhere are getting very wealthy off our judicial system, prison system that is chock full of drug offenses. The DEA is a drug cartel.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    1) States can do many things the average person can not

    2) Being denied jobs, housing etc is all a PART of being a convicted felon, not an additional punishment. All facts well known prior to anyone committing a felony. Tough luck.

    3)agree with you!

    4) *****?

    5) Because we are a free capitalist society. If you don't like or can't afford what a lawyer charges, don't use him. There are big differences between lawyers. Perfect example: The lawyers the "*****" O.J. used versus the lawyer a poor inner city African American man might get.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) The govt has the right to punish people, putting them on death row is punishing them.

    2) Being turned away from jobs and apts is not cruel or unusual. Felons have proven that they are willing to break the law and chances are they will do it again. why would I want to risk that by giving them a job or an apt? Also, I can hire or rent to anyone I want.

    3) You are right, it is unfair to alot of fathers.

    4) People who commit crimes go to jail. If more blacks go to jail, more blacks are committing crimes. There are several reasons for this and they have been proven time and again.

    5) why does a BMW cost $70,000 and a Hyundai costs $8,000? The BMW is a better car and the $25,000 lawyer is a better lawyer. It is called capitalism.

  • 1 decade ago

    These are some weak arguments.

    Capital punishment is not murder. It is the killing of someone, but not murder.

    Do not confuse sentencing with paying dues to society. You were punishment is not paying dues. Did the victim get compensated?

    You know your mother 99% of the time, how many kids know their fathers? A mother who carries and delivers a healthy full term baby has demonstrated to have the best interests of the child, what has the man done?

    Ignorance of the law is no defence. You have the right to defend yourself.

    You also have the right to pay $150 or $15,000 for a box that will allow you to watch TV.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the five examples you chose are poor examples of the American Legal system being contradictory, as there are thousands of examples for this type of thing. However, I'm not trying to say that this justifies the issue, but if you actually look at the laws of ALL other countries in the world, every single system is just as, if not more, contradictory as the American system. You've just proven the point that legal systems are NEVER black and white; that the law, much like religion, is entirely a grey area, and that people need to decide what contradictions they are willing to live with.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some of your statements are a real stretch of the imagination. Many of your facts are just plain wrong. The American legal system is not perfect, but it is the best around. I don't have the solution to all your statements, but possibly you have a better remedy. If so, I suggest that either you run for a legislative position to change things or contact your legislators and suggest your remedy. As a start, you could always start your own business and hire all the convicted felons to work for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You forgot about the fourth amendment and the patriot act.

    The fourth amendment protects civilians from invasion of privacy unless issued a warrant from a judge stating that there is probable cause for criminal activity

    with the patriot act the feds can spy on whoever they want and even without a valid reason.

    They just basically erased an amendment

  • CGIV76
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1. The death penalty is justified for murder.

    2. The felon should have thought about his treatment by the public - who have a right to discriminate - before he or she commited the crime.

    3. I would like to see the facts to support this statement. it is not in line with statistics I have seen.

    4. If someone of any race commits a crime they should suffer the consequences. Your statement suggests otherwise.

    5. Extortion is illegal. If you do not wish to pay $25,000, walk across the street and get the $2,500 attorney. Believe me, you will get what you pay for.

    Anyone can charge anything for any product.

    That is what happens in a capitalistic society.

    If no one buys their product, then they will have to lower their prices.

    Source(s): Me, retired Police Officer
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're especially correct about number 3, regarding Feminist Jurisprudence that has infected our legal system. That's not even to mention "rape shield laws" that violate the Constitutuion violate the rights of men and violate the rights of jurors to be aware of the all the facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    on item #5, when hiring a lawyer he is selling a service, and the fees are based on "proof of performance". Don't buy a VW and expect it to perform like a Ford F40.

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