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this is a question for christians?

today while i was in the car,i saw a bumper sticker that said god bless our troops and what im wondering is how could he?i mean yes the military protects people and tries to help but how about when a troop kills someone else?i mean some would be sorry they did that but there would be others who i guess my question really is is how do christians view the military?


to Dr.Kemp,all i can say is bite wasnt my opinion it was christian's opinions.i have only read a couple things from the bible and i dont agree with probably about 95% of it.

Update 2:

to Dr.Kemp,all i can say is bite wasnt my opinion it was christian's opinions.i have only read a couple things from the bible including the new testament and i dont agree with probably about 95% of what the bible says

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The difference is defending one's freedom in war and having to take a life is considered killing. Taking an innocent life as in shooting someone because you want the money in his cash register is considered murder.

    The scripture/commandment that states "Thou shalt not kill" is literally translated "Thou shalt do no murder" . That is why abortion is wrong. The child is an innocent person and upon conception a human spirit is present even though the body is not yet formed.

  • ATWolf
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    AAAARGH!!!! I cannot believe how many people cited the "Thou shalt not kill" commandment.

    Folks! Grab any modern Bible other than the King James Version and look that commandment up. It's "Thou shalt not _muder_." There was a time when "kill" in the English language meant murder. However, today, the term 'kill' would cover anything from squashing an insect to shooting enemy soldiers in combat.

    Moving on to the point. I don't think all Christians view the military the same way. Some are completely opposed to the military, on moral grounds. But I think the majority of Christians support our troops. Personally, I see the need for a military to defend our country, and I have found no Biblical verses that prohibit or command the presence of a military.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fighting to protect ourselves or others is something God will bless. Granted, every person caught up in the fighting is not a person who wants to, or will try to attack the soldier or those he is protecting. God knows all about war; all about human nature and the need to ward off and kill, if necessary, those who are a danger. That is what is happening in the middle east.

    So many have twisted reality or forgotten what is happening in the world right now. The US is not fighting to impose our law or our way of life or our religions on the world. We are fighting to defend our people from those who want to kill us because we do not agree with them. They are trying to impose their law on the US and the world. Iraq is a country that was breeding and empowering those who are attempting to rule the world and whose people were being murdered and oppressed by a mad man and his merry men. So, when people ask why Iraq? There are two of the reasons why. Saddam Insane was a true threat for us and our allies.

    God bless our soldiers and deter our enemy so they may return victorious, soon.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Okay well let me give you another instance in the Bible. God fought for Israel's independence when they were slaves in Egypt. He used many "acts of God" to do so.

    I guess even God knows there is a time and purpose for every season. A time for war and a time for peace.

    To me it would be more of a crime for a country that had the power and might to do something to help a country; to just sit back and do nothing. Then instead going out and helping those people secure, liberty, and justice, and peace for themselves. Why give the terrorist free reign when the majority of the people do not want it. That is why our soldiers are there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I personally feel for the military because I'm sure it's very hard to take a life, but in the days when Christ lived there were military and unfortunately that's the law of the world. Yes we should pray for Gods' protection for those sent to protect us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In Christianity, killing is a sin. However, the government, having been established by God (Romans 13:1) has certain powers above and beyond what individuals have. These include the ability to use violence to maintain order (ie- police) and protect itself.

    Christians can be soldiers. In fact, many soldiers are Christians. Under the doctrine of Just War, they can engage in acts of violence in there capacity as soldiers. Note that when the Roman soldiers asked John the Baptist what they must do, he did not tell them to stop being soldiers. He said "Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages." (Luke 3:14). Thus, if a soldier abides by Just War requirements, then the acts he commits are permitted.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am grieved about the kids at war over there. I pray for them. I view the military as well........the result of the decisions of men. I am accountable to pray since I am not in a position to stop it. I believe our nation should have taken a defensive stance and just take out the leaders because the people over there could do nothing without their leaders as far as terrorism goes. And put a stop to them buying nukes. That doesn't require thousands of troops I hate war I think it's an excuse to play with their guns and tanks. But again, my energy is best spent in prayer.

  • 1 decade ago

    The military is a different entity than the troops. If there is any doubt how much damage failing to see this distinction is ask a Nam Vet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God bless them! They are only "giving to Ceasar what is Ceasar's," and ,"obeying them that have rule over them!"

    Remember that even in the old tesament, Joshua, for instance, ar even david, they were, "good," guys and they were only doing what God told them to! There are many more things going on in Afganistan right now that the liberal media does not report. God is somehow using this for good, although we don't see it now!

    God Bless Our Troops!

    Let them come home safely to us!


    My uncle is in Afganistan right now...

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses. As such I certainly don't see God as supporting one nation over another. Saying things like "Support OUR troops" reminds me of how some people pray that God support THEIR team in football.

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