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shewolf asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Help, there is a wild cat colony next door in an abandon house.?

There is a lady that feeds them 2 times a day. She will not stop. We have asked. They come over and use our yard as a litter box.

Any help or suggestions will be considered!!!!!


Animal control here does nothing but give you a cat trap. The waiting list is forever!!!

And no, SPCA....

29 Answers

  • wizjp
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Animal control officer

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you can fight fire with fire--buy one of the $8 bags of 9-Lives catfood (18 pounds) and set out a bowl yourself, plus water. Cats won't poop within 30 feet of their food source so you move their pooping elsewhere by doing this. The bag will last you a month.

    Ask your humane society if they do TNR. You can get into their program and get the cats all in for vaccinations, spaying, neutering and microchips--FREE of charge. They have cat traps for this that aren't part of the cat catching area, so the line should be less. It will cut down on the breeding population--you take them in, pick them up and release them back and they hold the area from other cats and don't reproduce more.

    At bare bones minimal, put out a clean bowl of water, they'll use that and leave your lawn alone. Also, it helps to have short grass, a cat wants taller grass to poop in not the short stuff.

    But remember, possum and raccoon poop looks like cat poop too, and they're often the culprits of what's left on the lawns.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cats, even if there was only one, would still use your yard if it were nearby. (Nature Calls) lol

    If there is no one that lives there, I would call Animal Control. They would be doing a service by keeping mice away, but also mulitplying quickly. eeks .. could be a mess!

    Nice of the lady to come feed them, maybe she could take one or two home? Animal Control would come out and find homes for them and get the females fixed!

  • 1 decade ago

    If there was an Animal Services Dept/Humane Society for the county you lived in that would be the first suggestion.

    Next would be the County Health Services, then the Police dept.

    All other measures would involve rather extreme actions and harm to the cats or surrounding buildings.

    Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    considering there's no spca/animal control help.. hmm i like the idea of getting a dog lol. not a dog that'll rip the poor cats apart but scare them away from your territory would be good. even a dog that likes/lives with cats will chase strange cats outta their yard hehe.

    that's my answer considering the options.. but you can still try to get on the waiting list.

  • 1 decade ago

    We have alot of stray cats in our neighborhood in St. Louis, the person that keeps feeding them has rounded them up one by one took them in and had them neutered, at least they don't reproduce any more, there is a plus side to them being around you don't have to worry about any mice in your home. I know it can be a bother but they want life to. I can only say buy a litter box and place it out there. I know its not your responsibility but we all have to do thing sometime we don't want to at least this will help with your problem better to do this than to have them use your yard. Good luck.Get the lady who is feeding them to do this or help find someone to do this.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do the right thing, borrow a "have a heart trap" from a vet or someone the vet knows, and take them to a shelter.Definatley ask the lady if she'd help you do this. doesn't she realize how fast they multiply? If she feeds them she cares about them so don't let them breed!!!you really get farther if your nice and remember, if she helps you rid them because you were nice, it will benefit you in the long run. watch out for the jerks that say "KILL" them because you can go to jail or prison for that, it's considered cruelty to animals and you can't shoot anywhere near other peoples houses!

  • 1 decade ago

    Call SPCA (ASPCA) in your area, otherwise call the police.

    Ferrel cats are really mean and will bite and scratch, they are also most likely diseased and can have rabies. You should not attempt to remove them yourself. Any common house cat's offspring will become ferrel in the absence of human interaction in the first year of life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps she would be willing to take one or two home. And then the others could go to no-kill shelters where she could "visit" them. She could donate her time and some kitty food to the shelter also. Feral cats eventually make very affectionate pets. I have one. It took about 3 months, but he's happy and playful. And doesn't tear me to shreds or eat the furniture anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    well you can call animal control or the spca to come and take the cats away. call your police station and see if they can help, or maybe they can steer you in the right direction. good luck!

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