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Since the Book of Hebrews teaches there is no more human priesthood, why are there priests in LDS and RCC?

In the Book of Hebrew, the author explains how there no longer is a need for the imperfect human priesthood of Aaron. It further explains that Jesus Christ is our one High Priest after the order of Melchizedech, in the Temple that is in Heaven. Melchizedech was an early king of what later became Jerusalem. Melchizedech meant King of Peace, and the City of Salem (aka Jerusalem) was the City of Peace. He was a High Priest of God, although he was not a Jew. He was worthy to receive a tithe from Abraham, the forefather of the Jews and Arabs.

The LDS, and RLDS believe they continue the priesthood from antiquity, therefore the authority to do things according to Joseph Smith's teachings. They have 'Aaronic and Melchizedech' priests.

The Roman Catholics and the other Orthodox have their own priesthood as well...being composed of celebate men. They also claim the first pope was Peter, although he was a married man, and never actually went to Rome.


I never assumed the Catholics had a Levitical Priesthood. What I am getting at is the human human being can forgive our sins. No human being can atone for us. No human being need hear our sins as a confession. Christ knows our hearts, other humans cannot know us that intimately.

Update 2:

If someone sins against me, I can forgive that person. If someone sins against himself, only he can forgive himself. Christ died to save us from our sins. Before God, all have sinned and fallen short of His Glory. Yes, Jesus is human and God. No human being aside from Him is in Heaven acting as our Advocate with the Father. I know the RCC claims to be the direct decendents of the Apostles. I also know that the Church of Rome did not have the power and authority it eventually had until Constantine gave them that authority some 300+ years after the last apostle, John had died from old age. Most of those men before the time of the Roman Catholic Church were married with children.

The history of the Christian Church started with small groups who were persecuted first by the Jews, then by the Romans. They were not a catholic (world wide) organization until Constantine developed the Roman Catholic Church--thus the Holy Roman Empire which continues to this day.

Update 3:

There were many good things developed by the RCC which could only have been done with the power of the Holy Spirit. i.e. the compilation of the Holy Bible.

Sadly, there were also many regrettable things which happened...such as adapting some of the pagan beliefs into Christian friendly traditions which later became laws...also, many true believers were persecuted because they kept the Sabbath as all followers of God did before from Adam and Eve's time until that time. They persecuted the Waldenses for living according to the old ways and keeping the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures alive. Is is such an egregious thing to want to read the Bible for one's self? Sure, the RCC has stopped doing that. The Protestant movements have moved away from many of the beliefs of the RCC. However, they still pay homage to the RCC by keeping the day they set aside by tradition...Sunday. My question was regarding the need for human priests at this time in Christian history. We have a heavenly priest.

Update 4:

Does our Heavenly Priest really need all that human fallibility to lead us to believe they have authority to remove our sinful nature? Sinful human v. Sinless LORD. I think I prefer to rely on Jesus. He's my High Priest after the order of Melchizedech. Other Church Leaders may be pastors, or teachers, elders, administrators, deacons, etc. but I don't need an earthly priest.

Update 5:

The early church called all followers saints. Does that mean we cannot call them saints now because certain churches claim that they have to be voted in order to name a person as a saint? Since all believers are priests, according to what I am told here, then all believers can also be saints. Therefore, why do some of us still require an earthly priest to forgive us our sins, and others rely on Christ?

Update 6:

I like that part about the foot washing...I looked it up, and Jesus did instruct us to do the foot washing in remembrance of Him. Ordinance of Humility is what they call it in the SDA church.

Update 7:

When Jesus was Crucified, the curtain that separated the Holy from the Most Holy Place was ripped in half. That fulfilled a prophecy which ended the also showed the Temple was desecrated and no longer Holy.

Update 8:

Actually the spelling I got for Melchizedech came from the New King James Version of the Bible. The way you want me to spell it is from the KJV. It has been spelled other ways as well. In regard to the rest of your response...if you read the entire book of Hebrews, then you should have understood the new covenant did away with the old covenant. The old covenant was with the Levitical Priesthood (aka Aaronical), and its imperfections did not fulfill the needs of the people for atonement. We are the people with the new covenant, the adopted family of Israel, so we have the One High Priest at the Right Hand of God who alone can cover our iniquities. No other man can stand between our Intercessor and us. That is why Christ taught us to pray to the Father, in Jesus name/sake. No person can get to the Father except through Him. All the other priests are just fluff.

Update 9:

So apostolic succession is in Scripture? What verses or chapters say that? I would like to know...I have read my Bible several times and don't recall that terminology.

Update 10:

I am not trying to offend you LDS or RCC...I am trying to find your scriptural basis for having the priests that you have. For Joseph Smith to have received authority from the dead to have the priesthood, then you must believe that the dead are conscious. My Bible tells me the dead are not conscious, and we are not supposed to communicate with them. Those things which claim to be the conscious dead, according to the Bible are actually demons in disguise. So Joseph Smith's authority came from demons?

Update 11:

St. Peter was not a Pope. There were no Popes before the time of Constantine...check your time line and human history. The first pope was the bishop of Rome during Constantine's life time. Peter would never have taken the sovereignty over the other Apostles and leaders. He learned about pride and it nearly cost him his discipleship, let alone his Apostleship. The Church was lead by a combined effort of people following the urgings of the Holy Spirit. No other human being was to take on the persona of Christ on Earth. Christ is the Groom to the Bride--His Church. There is a pretender Bride according to Prophecy. She has plenty of children too. Take it or leave it. Give me a verse or chapter...quote it and tell where it's found.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That must be one of the books they skipped. I agree with you. Jesus is the only Priest I want to bring my sins to. I met a Mormon High Priest who made a terrible mistake. He is now in prison, for 30+ years. He is already 62 years old....

    I have not met any Catholic Priests that were currently priests...however I met one who was but decided he could serve God and be married. Paul did say if a person cannot stand being alone, that he should be married. Consider the fallen priests who had done regrettable things with children...or those women who had failed in their celibacy as Nuns...instead of continuing in the sins, they should leave the office they hold before bringing the rest down. Being married is not a sin. It is one of those things that was ordained by God after all...just like the Sabbath, and having the Communion (which some call Eucharist). Another thing that was to be done in remembrance of Christ was the foot washing. I don't see those churches running off to wash each others feet.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Priesthood titles aren't "earned." The Bible says "No man taketh this honour unto himself but he that is CALLED OF GOD as was Aaron" (Hebrews 5:4). EDIT: Ok, if you're referring to qualifications for being given the priesthood...I honestly can't remember the questions I was asked when I had my interview, but basically you have to live the commandments, you have to WANT the priesthood, you have to have a testimony, etc. There aren't really any "extra" requirements for receive different "titles" just have to KEEP doing the things that made your worthy in the first place, that's part of why it's not accurate to say we "earn" the titles. If we are living the gospel, there is nothing we really need to change when we go from one "title" to another. We receive a different "title" when our leaders, through inspiration, determine that it's right. EDIT: It seems like the heart of your question is still...why don't women hold the priesthood if they are just as worthy as men. God has different roles for men and women in his plan...neither is better or worse than the other. It wouldn't bother me if God revealed that women could now hold the priesthood, but God hasn't. As far as the instance in which an adult male might be given the priesthood immediately after baptism...yes, that happens sometimes. It usually happens when he is being baptized with his family. He is given the Aaronic Priesthood and ordained to the office of Priest, so that he has the authority to baptize his family. His receiving the priesthood is not arbitrary, however. He was still interviewed by the Bishop and the Bishop found him worthy. Also note that the adult male only received the Aaronic Priesthood. There is a higher priesthood called the Melchizedek priesthood, and I've never heard of an adult male receiving the Melchizedek priesthood immediately after baptism.

  • Isolde
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since your premise is based on the Book of Hebrews, let's examine it a little closer. I believe Paul is saying that he do not need a high priest to offer daily sacrifices for our sins. The Atonement of Jesus Christ does this. No where does it say the office of priest is abolished.

    The purpose of the priesthood to act on behalf of God. This authority was passed to the Apostles. What they sealed upon the earth will be sealed in Heaven. Martin Luther taught that all believers hold the priesthood. Joseph Smith claimed the priesthood from the hands of Peter, James and John. The RCC claims apostolic succession.

  • 1 decade ago

    "The Roman Catholics and the other Orthodox have their own priesthood as well...being composed of celebate men. They also claim the first pope was Peter, although he was a married man, and never actually went to Rome."

    For your information I am a priest and, not that it is any of your business, I am married and not celibate. In fact I have four children and six grandchildren. The first pope was St. Peter appointed by Christ Himself. Check it out, it is in your Bible, unless Protestants have taken even more books out that I do not know about. I haven't been a Protestant for over five years now and I would not be surprised from some of the answers and questions I see here on YH Answers. Not all priests practice the discipline of celibacy, only some Latin Rite priests all others including Orthodox are free to marry. BTW, saying that St. Peter never went to Rome is just repeating a lie told by anti-Catholics who hate Christ's Church and I am sure you do not desire to be associated with this rabble. the fact is he was even martyred there and is buried where St. Peters is located in Rome under the altar. If you are wondering where the Catholic priesthood came from, read about it in the book of Acts, if your Bible still has that book, and it will give you an accounting of the ordination of clergy and the formation of apostolic succession after Pentecost.

    I pray this answers your questions and clears up your obvious confusion.

    In Christ

    Fr. Joseph

    You said, "I never assumed the Catholics had a Levitical Priesthood. What I am getting at is the human human being can forgive our sins. No human being can atone for us. No human being need hear our sins as a confession. Christ knows our hearts, other humans cannot know us that intimately."

    It seems that you are missing parts of Scripture again. Jesus said that the priesthood has the authority to forgive sins. He gave that authority to the disciples and they passed it on to their successors through apostolic succession. Jesus was a human and He most certainly did atone for our sins. He was fully man and fully God. when a priest hears a confession, as he has the authority to do from Christ ,He is acting 'in persona Christi". This means that it is indeed Christ who forgives the sin. As you see you are basing your assumptions on an incomplete understanding of Scriptures using proof text methodology and eisegesis. One should go to Scriptures to learn instead of supporting one's prejudices and bigotry.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pastor Billy says: you have completely misrepresented the ministerial priesthood of the new covenant were you error most is assuming the Catholic and Orthodox priesthood (cannot speak for the mormons) is merely a continuation of the Levitical priesthood. Yes obviously the Levitical priesthood has been done away in their rejection of Messiah Jesus but be mindful that Jesus came to make all things new including a new valid minsterial priesthood as Jesus himself is the perfect high priest therefore using the example of Christ alone makes it an impossibility to argue all priesthood is done away. No more correctly, the old priesthood of Levi is what is done away and the new priesthood of the new covenant is what is installed. The old sat in the seat of Moses, the new sits in the chair of Peter. "Simon you are rock and upon this rock I will build my Church"

    Many non-Catholics, non-Orthodox will argue "we are all a royal priest" thereby meaning to say if everyone is a priest no one is a priest. This analysis of scripture however is faulty as the text in taken out of it's proper context. When persons refer to the "royal priesthood" they are referring to the writing of Peter who refers to the entire Church of believers yet were does Peter quote from and what was the original context? Peter quotes from Old Testament scripture were the "royal priesthood" described the first peoples of the book, the Jews. When we look to the first peoples however what do we find well from within the royal priesthood are chosen a ministerial priesthood who offer sacrifice in the temple to God for all the people. When Jesus comes what does he first do during his ministry? He picks out the 12 apostles (bishops) who are the first NT priests. Jesus then goes about instituting the Christian sacraments baptism, eucharist, confirmation etc etc...

    The ministerial priesthood of the NT no longer offers a Levitical sacrifice or a new-sacrifice what it does however is offer the Eucharist which is Christ's perfect sacrifice eternal. "Do this in remembrance of Me"

    I could explain much more including the celibacy of priests in the Latin rite but what you must understand is the minsterial priesthood is not Levitical as you assume and priesthood has not been done away as Jesus himself is clearly high priest of all.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the first place, no where in the Bible does it say that Christians must not have priests. So your assumption that Christian priesthood is contrary to scripture is not based on scripture.

    The NT says there is no longer a need of the imperfect priesthood of Aaron, but then it refers to the Jewish priesthood and the animal sacrifices, not to Christian priests.

    In 1 Peter 2:9 we read 'But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people'. That makes all Christians priests.

    The word 'priest' comes from the Greek work 'Presbyter'. In 1 Tim 4:14 we read 'Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.'

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The Catholics may believe that their priests can absolve sin--I don't know, but the LDS do not. No mormon "priest holder" <cough> has ever claimed to forgive sin. Mainly because there is no real "sin" in mormonism except murder, adultery, and their twisted definition of apostasy (leaving the LDS church, not abandoning belief in God as in the actual definition). Those 3 things even the blood of Jesus cannot ever forgive according to Smith's imagination, the founder of their organization. Scripture teaches that all believers are priests, so how can a priest forgive another priest? Whatever. Theology semantics are just not worth getting your panties in that severe a twist to me. If not Catholic, don't worry about what they believe. That's God's department, not yours. I grew up mormon and answer LDS-related questions on here. Pray for mormons eyes to be opened to who God is, yes, but their belief system semantics? They don't cause me any spiritual conundrums at all. God, to me, is whoever HE says HE is. If I cannot understand what He means, I've found over these many years that HE alone will be the one who will reveal His truth. Not them, not you, not any particular religious label with their pet, hair-spitting doctrines.

    We ALL believe something erroneous about God and His Ways. Some more than others. He is a vast, multifaceted, multi-layered, unknowable subject that simply cannot fit into any one box, correct? However, keep in mind we were not given the gift of seeing the actual physical expressions or body language of the speakers within His Word. We ALL must take it on faith that the interpretation of what His Word states is generally understood. Or not. The Gospel in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Enough for me. A case in point in my own experience is, so many believe that Jesus was meek and mild. I don't think so. His "blood moon" sign comment so recently in the media spotlight, to me, sounds more like pure sarcasm, considering how many times He repeated those who look for signs are the evil and faithless. He did command believers to look for HIS COMING, and not for anything else. HE alone is central to our faith, not any signs of the times, so keep your eyes safely on Him. I don't know if Jesus was being sarcastic here or not, but neither can you. All things will be revealed when we all arrive in Heaven. Living as a believer boils down to--do the best you can with what you have been given, and as always, seek after more of God's character to be revealed to you for the benefit of all.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're right, only God forgives sins, but have you forgotten that God in the person of Christ WAS A HUMAN?

    But I don't think you understand the Catholic position on confession.

    The Catholic priest, by virtue of his office (instituted by Christ) acts "in persona Christi" to extend to sinners the forgiveness of God.

    Priests go to confession, too, by the way!

    Pax Vobiscum+

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually I don't see what the purpose of the arronic and melceztic preisthood are for, if you have a prophet, hat do you need a preisthood for as well, what a man is too must over power the women in his religion that he has to have both a preisthood and a porphet or they cannot function, you got me, they can't hear from God without both.

  • 1 decade ago

    You said: human being can forgive our sins.

    I reply:

    Then you are going against Scripture because Matt 9:6-8 says "But that you may know that the SON OF MAN HATH THE POWER ON EARTH TO FORGIVE SINS, (then said he to the man sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go into thy house. And he arose, and went into his house. And the multitude seeing it, feared, and glorified God that gave such power to MEN [plural].

    And we see also in John 20:21-22 "AS THE FATHER SENT ME, SO I SEND YOU." Then he breathed on them and daid, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive people's sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."

    How did the Father send Jesus? He sent Jesus with the authority on earth to forgive sins.

    Jesus sent His apostles in the same way as He was sent...with the authority to forgive sins.

    You also poste:

    No human being can atone for us. No human being need hear our sins as a confession.

    I reply:

    Jesus was/is a human being. And a human may not NEED to hear our sins as a confession but we are directed by God to confess our sins because how else can an apostle or their successors loose or bind sins if they do not hear them?

    And don't forget James 5:16 "So then, CONFESS YOUR SINS TO ONE ANOTHER and pray for one another, so that you will be healed."

    God Bless


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