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VERTICAL Double Vision? SERIOUS answers, ONLY, please!?

When we think of "double vision" we think of two images side-by-side. However, back around mid-summer, my boyfriend began to experience occasional incidents of VERTICAL double vision - one image ABOVE the other! The incidents were sporadic and short-lived at first, but have become more frequent and longer-lasting with the passage of time.

In Late August, his vision got "stuck" that way for a couple of days, then turned loose and went back to intermittent again.

The eye doctors he has seen at the VA Hospital are totally bewildered and have NO idea what it is or what to do about it.

He thinks it is a side effect from his medications, but the doctors keep denying that - even though it lessens if he cuts back on his prostate meds and one of his inhalers. However, both of these meds are vital to him, so he cannot cut them out entirely.

Has anyone else ever encountered this?

Does anyone know what it is and what we can do about it?


Migraine? I would seriously doubt it - there seems to be NO pain associated with it.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    could it be an ocular migraine? Check with your doc. Martha

  • 1 decade ago

    I have doublevision. It's very odd. You'd have to divide your field of vision into 9 squares and if you imagine upper left that's where I see one image about and left of the other. As one moves down and right it gets better and the left image can be below the other.

    You might want to have your boyfriend visit a neuro-ophamologist. Refractive lenses might help, though if it's intermittent that might not be a wise move. In my case, it was suggested based on viewing baby pictures that I might have been somewhat crosseyed and I corrected for it until some years ago when symptoms considered MS have made the problem highly pronounced.

    But that's not the end of it by a longshot. I also suggest your bf undergo tests for other problems from a naturopath or alternative doctor. He might even have a chiropractic issue instead. I found I probably have a level of mercury toxicity that has created problems AND a very bad case of parasites -- the latter seen as a result of colon hydrotherapy.

    You bf might be totally right about the medications and there may be other ways to deal with his health issues that require meds -- ones involving nutrition or something else. I am in the process of maintaining an alkaline level on my Ph (typical western diets are acidic and crud in your body flourishes in an acidic body) and calming down a haywire immune system.

    See if you can find a practitioner that will do a "hair elements" test, where you cut about 1 oz of hair from the nape of the neck with stainless steel scissors. Also, if he's not squemish, suggest a colonic, too.

    My doublevision has not been cured but I am only beginning to get rid of the issues I have. I cannot guarantee he'll be 100% but these can't hurt and can only help.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have recently experienced vertical double vision and went to an ER because it scared the crap out of me! They did a CT and a neuro exam and came up with nothing as usual! I am being "treated" by a neurologist for Paratrigeminal Neuralgia and ?MS? at the moment and have an appointment with him on Thursday. I put ? marks next to the MS cause this is the neurologist that "diagnosed" me with MS in 1996 but seems afraid to admit that I have it! When he heard that I had gone to the hospital about my double vision he had his nurse call me to say that I should make an appointment with my G.P. to get "my emotions under control"! This vertical double vision is pretty scary and I had never heard of it until it struck me in the head like a bull in heat! Please let us know if you do get any answers and I in turn will do the same thing for you. I wish you and your boyfriend the best of luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I doubt it is the meds. Often double vision can result from the eyes not properly tracking with each other. Since his condition has been intermittant he should be looking for a developing problem. The one that most comes to mind that could affect the extraocular eye muscles is MS, or myasthenia gravis. The latter is much less common.

    Source(s): I am a good chiropractor.
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I support Lori on this. Acquired double vision in any direction needs full assessment. If the onset coincided with a change in medication (type or dosage) then that might be an obvious suspect, but the other possibilities, basically of something interfereing with the freedom of one eye to move (either physically or due to a change in blood or nerve supply to one or more of the eye muscles) need to be assessed. None of them have to be disastrous, but none are really things that should be ignored.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ocular migraine doesn't usually have pain. He should see a good neurologist and get a second or third opinion if necessary. Many doctors are useless when it comes to diagnosing. He may need to seek alternative diagnosis and treatment if he has no luck with western medicine practitioners.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    VERTICAL Double Vision? SERIOUS answers, ONLY, please!?

    When we think of "double vision" we think of two images side-by-side. However, back around mid-summer, my boyfriend began to experience occasional incidents of VERTICAL double vision - one image ABOVE the other! The incidents were sporadic and short-lived at first, but have become more...

    Source(s): vertical double vision answers please:
  • 5 years ago

    I have vertical double vision that I first recognized when I was in my 40s about 30 years ago. It is corrected by getting eye glasses with prism built into them. That is one lens is thicker at the top and thinner a the bottom and the other lens is thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom.

  • 5 years ago

    Best Way Improve Your Eyesight!

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow that is strange... I have never heard of that or had it happen to me... sorry I couldn't help.

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