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Athiests, Why so much anger and hate toward Christians?

I have been reading some questions from athiests on Y!Answers. I am taken aback by the hatred and rage toward Christians and God. Why lump all Christians together? Surely in all your wisdom you could fathom the idea that Christians aren't all judgemental, condescending hypocrites?! I consider it the same behavior as racism. You lump all Blacks, Muslims, etc into one category because of a ignorant few. Can any of you non-believers give me some idea of why you hate me because I believe in the God?


Magley64... You are right! I did just do that myself didn't I? I apologize for the "lumping" of all athiests. But for those that do have the anger, Why?

Update 2:

sorry, AthEists

Update 3:

garwy : The account of Jephthah doesn't actually say he killed his daughter. He says he will offer whatever comes out his door to God, and by offer it could have meant that his daughter would never marry, but be given to the Lord, just like Samuel. Abrahams faith was so strong, he believed the Lord's promise that nations would be born from his son Isaac, so I have to wonder if Abraham had faith that God would not allow this to happen. Which it didn't. He provided the ram....

Update 4:

I am greatly aware of the "so called" Christians that force their ideology on everyone and judge and hate. But a REAL Christian is not this way.

Update 5:

Wow Lucy. That is exactly what I am talking about. The people who do the things you speak of, are the ones who give us a bad name. Again I apologize for my generalization of atheists.

Update 6:

A real Christian: a person who believes in God, that he created heaven and earth, that believes that Jesus came to pay the price for sin, because God is just. A person who knows the Bible, and wants to know more, that follows God's word, not their own inerpretation of His word. God said not to hate, not to judge, to love your neighbor, love your enemy... I am FED UP with people who call themselves followers of Christ, and blow up abortions clinics, gay bash, push issues and infringe upon rights! ME TOO PEOPLE! That isn't Christianity.... Am I ranting? Sorry.

Update 7:

My final word, "you will know them by their fruit" If you take nothing from my question, take this. Thanks for your input folks!

28 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I'm afraid you may have missed a few comments and questions on this topic. I happen to be on the opposite end of the religious spectrum from yourself. While the comments I've made in the R&S section have been few, you might be suprised at how much we have in common. What you have asked here is at the root of each point I've ever made(shot down though they were). There are many of us who maintain respect. I think some are just weary with being equated with evil, among many other things. Just as I'm sure many people of faith are.

    I hope you see that I say this with respect, and if you find the time to read my Q&A, you will see that I am sincere.

    Please ignore all I've written in P&S. I am a total windbag over there.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You live in the bay area, in a Catholic town?? This makes me suspicious. You're wondering why atheists and Christians fight and yet you generalize atheists as "egotistical retards", I'd have to say that comments like this along with atheists losing jobs or otherwise being discriminated against is a reason. Of course, living in the bar area, you would be completely unaware that more often than not, protesters are hired. But then again, you have made a bunch of personal observations that could be true or possible not... Perhaps you should rethink this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahem, and is is because Christians are so loving and peaceful that they bomb abortion clinics, harrass and dicriminate gays, are rude and arrogant towards other faiths etc...?

    You people are responsible for the majority of the atrocities in the history of our world that you commited in the name of your god, and yet you have the nerve to call us hateful?

    If you people kept your beliefs to yourself, I would have not problem with it at all. But you don't. You pervert the 1st amendment and try to force your "morals" on the rest of society because you want complete control. You weasel your way in to schools and government to force others to believe what you believe. You have no respect for other people's belief because according to you, your's is just so much more important, and for that reason I strongly dislike your cult.

    I do not hate you personally, as I don't know you. But people like you provide a safe haven for fundamentalists to get away with the disgusting actions they commit.

    And yes, you are hypocritical, you just lumped all atheists as Christian-haters.

    Edit: what is a "real Christian"? Everyone considers themselves to be the "true" one and only Christians. The KKK claim that they're the true Christians, the WBC claim it aswell, what makes your claim any different? (other than you're probably not a racist or gay-basher).

    I also take back that lumping atheists hypocracy and I've now read you edit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wonder what you call it when a person looks at another person and mentally wonders, or guesses, or thinks they know, whether or not that other person is going to burn in Hell when they die. I wonder about a worldview that entails the belief that unimaginable suffering awaits those who don't share it. I wonder about people who believe that, and yes, I do hate them, but I don't hate their God (I notice you lump "Christians and God" together), because there are no gods, only people who have themselves and each other convinced that this one life we have isn't enough, that there must be more to it. They believe that they are somehow special because they think they know how to get more, but there isn't more, and they aren't special...only delusional.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why are you lumping all atheists together ? Did you NOT notice the angry hateful questions directed AT atheists, such as "Atheists, are you OK with murder" and "Shouldn't atheists get longer jail sentences for their crimes" and such ?

    I am agnostic, I don't hate anyone for what they believe, but there are bad behaviors that I dislike, and I will not excuse bad behavior no matter what Religion or ideaology the person uses to justify it.

    I don't like Christianity being legislated such as the push to get mandatory Christian prayer back in public schools, or the gov't funding of Christians "social services" that require the recipients of the "social service" to participate in mandatory Christian devotional activities.

    But I don't have anything against Christians in general. Just the noisy handful of Dominionists and Christian Nationalists who want to take over the country.

    You added your apology for lumping the atheists as I was typing. Thanks for that !!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I must agree with the others that disagreement is not hate and you have just violated your own sin of "lumping". I have also not seen any comments regarding blacks or Muslims.

    In addition, if you are not taken aback by the hatred and rage coming from numerous Christians in real life, then you are either blind, naive, or not living in reality.

  • 1 decade ago

    They feel the need to force religion into schools and government whats not to be upset about?

    I get angry but I don't truly hate christians. I know they are just misguided by the church and ancient law. Also they seem to be very selective about what to follow in the bible and what not to. Why follow parts that interfere with my freedoms and ignore other parts all together.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't there a quote about a beam in thy own eye or something like that? Firstly, you've just lumped all atheists into one category. Not only have you called us all hateful and full of rage, but you've also called me a racist. Why do I hate you? I didn't, but I do now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This goes both ways, and personally I don't hate you or any individual because of its religion of choice nor we can hate your god (he is not real).

    We just don't like some of you pushing your beliefs on our everyday life, denying us office position on certain states, blue laws, altering the truth of science, etc... when theists do that then we get upset.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you have misread our intent. I do not hate you. I don't even know you or any of the other theist here. I will indeed tell you and any other how silly I think it is that you believe in a god just like you'll tell me how silly it is if I said I believe in the toothfairy.

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