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Lv 31,570 points


Favorite Answers18%

Devoted to God, my Husband and my children. I am a graduate of Saint Mary's College at Notre Dame I am a Registered Nurse in L&D, a childbirth instructor and I love to cook!!!

  • Can you tell me why everything tastes odd?

    I had a 24 hour fever. I have had a sore throat, headache and body aches. Now the fever is gone, leaving me with a sore throat and everything I eat taste funny! I do not have a stuffy nose or any congestion to speak of, so I can't blame it on that! What's going on?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Problem with cocker spaniel puppy tail docking?

    I was supposed to pick up my new cocker spaniel puppy on Monday and my breeder informed me the scab from the tail docking has not fallen off. However she said that the vet gave the puppy it's State Health Certificate. Is this a problem and should I expect problems in the future?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Need help with Christmas party invitation wording?

    formal attire, evening party for adults, Best answer to the most ELEGANT.

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Game Boy? GB Adv? Nintendo DS? DS lite? HEEELP?

    Which handheld game system is best? Who has better games? For a 6 year old boy's birthday, in your opinion which one?

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • A question about childrens nutrition?

    We have very healthy breakfasts and dinners, I cook dinner every night - no fried food, lots of fresh veggies. Breakfast usually consists of Kashi cereals, occasionally eggs, oatmeal...

    For lunch my 3 children eat ck nuggets and tator tots, fish sticks and tots, soy butter and jelly, and once a week mcdonalds hamburgers with apples instead of fries. I give them fruit with all their lunches. We sometimes eat leftover dinners... Is the nuggets, fish sticks and tots, and mcd's every week unhealthy in your opinion? Any ideas for quick and easy lunches? (note allergy to dairy eggs and peanuts)

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • A child's nutrition question?

    We have very healthy breakfasts and dinners. For lunch my 3 eat ck nuggets and tator tots, fish sticks and tots, soy butter and jelly, and once a week mcdonalds hamburgers with apples instead of fries. I give them fruit with all their lunches. We sometimes eat leftover dinners... Is the nuggets, fish sticks and tots, and mcd's every week unhealthy in your opinion? Any ideas for quick and easy lunches? (note allergy to dairy eggs and peanuts)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Child going to school with peanut allergy?

    My 3 year old is in a preschool that has a "no peanut" policy. She has a LIFE THREATENING allergy to peanuts (she can not touch, ingest, or even breathe peanut dust from peanut packaging or she may go into anaphylactic shock).

    When I send her to Kindergarten next year, peanuts are allowed at that school. Are there any parents that have dealt with this dilemma, and how have you handled it? At such a young age, she doesn't know how to avoid foods that contain peanuts, and can not give her self a shot of epinephrine. Also, kids sharing food... What if a friend gives her something that could potentially harm her? Needless to say I am worried.

    Also, for those so adamantly against banning peanuts, if your child had a life threatening allergy would you be so fervent? What are your reasons?

    14 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Need help planning a Tinkerbell party for my 3 year old!?

    The guests are 8 little boys and 2 little girls. Ages are 1-5. Mostly are ages 1,2 and 3. I could use some ideas for and activity that is age appropriate and what will I put in the treat bag?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why aren't televisions made with a remote finder?

    Just like a telephone has the receiver pager, why can't a tv have a remote pager? I can never find the darn thing!

    6 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • My 11 month 3 week old and Tamiflu?

    My little one is too young to take Tamiflu, by about 6 days. She is so pitiful right now, with fever, severe congestion, cough, stuffy runny nose... The whole nine. Poor thing. I didn't see anything that mentioned why Tamiflu isn't appropriate for children under 1 year of age. Anybody have any ideas?

    Meanwhile we are doing lots of steamy shower time, suctioning her nose and using saline drops and using Tyelnol to keep her fever down.

    ALL THREE OF MY CHILDREN HAVE THE Influenza Type A, the worst kind!

    Any knowledge about Tamiflu would be great!


    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My ceramic bowl says "not for food use"? Can I put apples in it?

    I have a nice decorative bowl in my kitchen. On the underside it says not for food use, but I have started putting apples in it. I don't use it for serving hot or wet food. I just think the apples look nice in it and my family eats the apples of course. Is the label because it isn't made to withstand hot and wet food, or does the bowl have a weird chemical or something that will get into my food, even my apples?!


    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • RN with BSN and 6 years of L&D experience. What can I do?

    I am a mother of 3, with a BSN. I have worked in L&D since 2001. I don't want to work on the floor anymore, and I am thinking of other opportunities I have as an RN. Other RN's out there, what do you do? Can you stay home during the day with your children? As many ideas as you all have would be wonderful!


    3 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • What is sodium metasilicate? Is it safe?

    and is it safe in a household cleaner? I purchased a "nontoxic" cleaner from a salesman today, but could really understand the online research I found. Is it nontoxic? Is it considered green? If you find any research online could you use your own words, rather than cutting and pasting. Forgive my ignorance in chemistry vocabulary. Thanks

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • T-rex Dinosaur Battle Board Game Instructions? 10 points to first correct answer!?

    My 5year old got this game for christmas and we accidentally threw away the instructions. Does anybody have this game that knows how to play, or a link to the instructions online?

    3 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • T-rex Dinosaur Battle Board Game Instructions? 10 points to first correct answer!?

    My 5year old got this game for christmas and we accidentally threw away the instructions. Does anybody have this game that knows how to play, or a link to the instructions online?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • My little sister is getting married in October, need fall ideas?

    Fall of 2008, anybody have decoration ideas?

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Athiests, Why so much anger and hate toward Christians?

    I have been reading some questions from athiests on Y!Answers. I am taken aback by the hatred and rage toward Christians and God. Why lump all Christians together? Surely in all your wisdom you could fathom the idea that Christians aren't all judgemental, condescending hypocrites?! I consider it the same behavior as racism. You lump all Blacks, Muslims, etc into one category because of a ignorant few. Can any of you non-believers give me some idea of why you hate me because I believe in the God?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Cycles Gladiator Pinot Noir? 2005.?

    We had guests over last week and never got to open this bottle of wine. They left it as a gift. We are going to try it this weekend. Is it any good?

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Cabbage soup diet question?

    What happens physiologically during the 7 day cabbage soup diet?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Desert to go with shrimp and lobster bisque and spinich salad?

    I am making Creole Shrimp and Lobster Bisque in bread bowls with spinich salad for my "Ladies Night In" tomorrow, about 10-12 ladies in their late 20's early 30's. Since the soup is creamy and kind of heavy, I wanted to serve a lighter desert, but I wouldn't object to any good ideas. Also, what kind of drink? Wine, cocktail, sweet tea? (we live in the deep south) Thanks for your ideas.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago