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"Does Atheists have more a problem with Christianity or do they view all religions equally void?"?

It maybe because there's more of a Christian debate or involvement on Y/A but there seems to be a lot more anti-Christian sentiment.I would also like to state that the pragmatic Atheists do have an excellent debate without the Christian bashing.


some great rational answers,keep them coming.

40 Answers

  • Mojo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There isn't exactly an official atheist spokesperson, so I doubt every atheist thinks the same way.

    I suspect that most American atheists have a larger problem with Christianity because it is the primary religion in the US, but that is a simplification and hardly applicable to individuals, just the group as a whole.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't say that all religions are equally 'void' because I personally believe that there is at least something to be learned from most major religions. I would say that their beliefs in a supreme being are all equally incorrect but sometimes some of their messages can be useful. For example love, tolerance, etc.

    However, I think the reason you see so much Christian "bashing" or debating with Christians on our part is because they are the most outspoken and pushy out of the more predominant religions. You don't necessarily see Buddhists or Jews attempting to legislate their beliefs or convert others to their faith.

    Another reason is that most atheists are former Christians or were at least raised Christian. Therefore we are much more knowledgeable and able to debate with them than other religions that we may not fully understand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a difficult question to answer. As an atheist and a freethinker, I believe that all religions are bad in that they tend to promote ignorance and irrationality, but at the same time I do think some religions are worse than others. I find that buddhism and scientology are the two most prominent religions that I consider the least bad; buddhism promotes universal kindness and compassion and unlike with christianity its followers have a stronger tendency to follow those ideas, and scientology is one of the few religions that tells its followers to be critical and questioning even of its own claims.

    The main reason we atheists tend to argue with christians more than anyone else is mostly because of one reason: There are just plain a lot of christians. It's the biggest religion in the world, and apparently the most powerful. As such, it does we atheists much more good to disprove a christian claim that it does to disprove a claim by believers in Zeus or Odin or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am not completely an athiest but i do have more of a problem with christians just due to they fact they won't leave me alone.

    i work with muslims, jews, budhists, and christians but unless you guess what religion someone is or they tell you they can't eat something because of their religion,you will never know what religion they are. christians make it known what they are and could care less weather they offend anybody else or not. that's not pride and even if it is isn't that a so called sin too. i would like to be able around christmas to come to work and have an option of either articipating or not. i shouldn't have to go to a christmas party just because my boss is christian along with pretty much everyone in my section. the muslim guy and i always end up feeling awkward. but if they were forced to recognize muslim holiday's there would be a problem.

    it doesn't go for all christians but their are so many that it is just frustrating to try to work through the red tape and just utter lack of respect for other peoples opinions. then they turn around and say that they are always victimized for being christians. i haven't seen it.

    in Y!A they seem to get attacked more but it's more out of irritation than anything. trust me the christians bash the athiests just as much as the atheists bash them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Christianity is accepted basically through faith. The Bible says that is it impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).

    Again, every Christian must have a factual basis for their belief-system. We definately know that it is the true faith and must be able to defend it against the onslaughts of atheists, agnostics, humanists. In 1 Peter 11:6, it is written" ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."

    There is an awsome, fantastic and impressive factual basis for your faith, Christianity. For evolutions, there is none. I do not see how any intelligent person or a scientist could possibly subscribe to it. This is because evolution is not even scientific. It is also a pretext for immorality and moral relativism.

    Proof of the fallacy of evolution:

    If all life forms evolve, how come the cockroach has not evolved you say "after millions of years?"

    How come pterodactyls were seen in New Guinea. Weren't they suppose to be extinct "millions of years ago?" Or were they supposed to evolve after "millions of years?"

    How come men's footprints were seen in the fossil beds with that of a dinosaur. According to the evolutionists, the dinosaurs were supposed to have died out before man come on the scene. This shows that man and the dinosaur co-existed! The textbooks wiil probably have to be rewritten. Evolution is a hoax.

    In the Congo, Great dinosaurs have been seen called by the natives Mokele Mbembe.

    According to the evolutionists they were supposed to have died out "70 million years ago."

    The prehistoric fish, the colecanth, survives unchanged after "400 million years." What happened there, did evolution forget it?

    The Aztecs made cave drawings of prehistoric flying reptiles in 600 A.D.? WHERE DID THEY COME FORM?

    Again I do not believe that these vast time periods that you describe ever existed. They are mush shorter. True science proves this.

    Apatosaurs: Still live in the jungles of the Congo. They are too large for our planned facilities (and especially for those of the church groups who would wish to borrow them) and breeding would be difficult given their presumably longer life cycle.

    Plesiosaurs: Are reported living in many lakes and their carcasses have been found in the oceans by fishermen. However, they are notoriously difficult to find alive and would require a large and expensive aquatic facility to display them.

    Trilobites: We know they still live in the oceanic depths from body parts that have been found washed ashore. They would require very expensive submersible vehicles and pressurized display tanks.

    Velociraptors: Today terrorize the goat herders of Puerto Rico and are rumored to guard the remains of the Ark on Mt. Ararat. They have become vicious since the Fall as the result of the effects of genetic entropy, making them too dangerous for the sort of interactive public experience we have.


  • 1 decade ago

    Some religions are fundamentally either atheist or agnostic. The Jains actually have scriptures which stridently deny that there is a God. Buddhists see any kind of deity as irrelevant. Buddhism could be seen as a psychological theory about how to achieve happiness, and some self-confessed atheists, for instance Susan Blackmore, are quite keen on it. There's also Daoism, scientific pantheism and those who believe it is their task to create a deity. Atheism is not necessarily non-religious.

  • The reason it seems that way is because so many Christians are so militant about having the only 'correct' spiritual path. True Atheists view all religion, and all gods, as equally invalid. So sometimes I do have more of a problem with Christianity, simply because some Christians are so nasty towards me. I don't know many Muslims or Jews, so I guess I don't have equal opportunity to be ticked off by them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I view all religions that espouse a deity as void, false, delusional.

    In the English language section of YA it is obvious that the majority of the users will be from the majority religion which is Christianity. Therefore I react more with the Christians than others. Also, in the West, Christianity has had a major influence in the lives of everyone including non Christians. It is for this reason that I feel obliged to resist the influence of a section of society that does not share my beliefs. YA is a good place to air my feelings.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many types of atheists, so i can only speak for myself. I have studied many religions in college and on my own, although Mom's father was a christian pastor. I find all religions are "void' or devoid of logical content. I have had exchanges with some Christians, Hindus and Moslems on YA, and the Christians are most rude by far. I do not bas anyone who does not provoke me. All too often, Christians insult anyone who does not share their beliefs and distort things to prop up their egos and tell lies to tear down atheists, moslems, etc. They ignore many things in the Bible that hey claim to believe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As an athiest myself, I have different opinions on all religions. I definately don't have more of a problem with Christianity than any other religion, in fact I have much less of a problem with it than I do with the Islamic faith, for example.

    I just think that, on Y/A anyway, Christianity is the predominant faith, and it stands to reason that the predominant faith be attacked more than a less present one.

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