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FB Addict asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

House breaking a puppy?

Help! My puppy is proving a challenge to potty train. I've been trying the crate training for several weeks now, but unfortunately, she has NO problem soiling her sleeping area...its gross. We take her outside often, praise her when she does well, but she still poops and pees in her crate. HELP!!!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If she is soiling her crate, perhaps the crate is too big? Make sure to portion off the crate so that she barely has enough room to stand and turn around. Otherwise, she will soil in one area and sleep in the other.

    First you need to monitor her meal times. Feed her the same time everyday. Do not leave water out all day. Allow her only 20 min to eat and drink. After that, put the food and water away. Wait another 20 minutes then let her out. If she is taking too long to go, get her worked up by having her run around for awhile. The exercise will help get her system going. If she still doesn't want to go yet, put her in her crate, wait a few minutes then let her outside again. Do not let her run around the house until she eliminates outside first. As soon as she does his business outside, quietly tell her "good dog" and immediately give her a treat. Take her outside every morning, before bed, after every nap and after playing for 30 minutes. Only let her play in the house after she has eliminated outside as part of her reward. If you see her about to eliminate in the house, make a loud noise to startle her and tell her out, then take her outside and tell her "go potty" and praise her when he does. You also want to estimate how long she should be able to hold "it". Take whatever month she is and add 1 to his age. ie..if he is 2 months old, do not expect her to hold it more than 3 hours at a time. Good luck.

    Also you need to neutralize the spot where he has already peed on so he doesn't come back to that same spot. Pour vinegar over it to neutralize the smell. Blot dry with paper towel. Once completely dry, put baking soda over to absorb the vinegar smell then vaccum.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    check that your pup doesn't have an infection first, keep on with the positive reinforcement outside (praise and treats), take your pup out every hour (where possible) and gradually they do get the idea. I never used crate training with my pup but it took him alittle while to get the idea . try moving the crate or cover over as it might be that they are nervous and they are frightened and this causes bladder problems.Find something to clean the crate with apart from bleach/disinfectant as this gives of a smell that they will associate with the bladder, try dilute washing powder,etc, also ask your vet and they can help

  • Ang
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The first thing that came to mind when I read your question, was the size of the crate... If it's to big she will soil in her crate... it should be just big enough for her to turn around and lie down in..... House breaking a puppy... one of the most frustrating parts of the joys of owning a puppy! Good luck, and keep your chin up.... she'll get it eventually. My big guy (5 months) won't go outside by himself.... he's such a chicken little!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, it depends what breed, and how old the puppy is!

    my beagle puppy is almost 5 months, she is pretty good now about going outside, but there are the occasional accidents in the house.

    make sure the puppy knows your upset when she goes in the house. - if you catch her in the act (gasp, ask "what did you do?" and say "no!" then put her outside, but never hurt your puppy for going inside.)

    just be very patient! and puppy pads do work pretty good! ive used them alot

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    did you buy her from a pet store? Because sometimes that will warrent this behaviour. She is still a pup and it will take time, I would suggest trying her on the puppy pads that you can buy, that might discourage her from messing her crate up....

  • 1 decade ago

    our dog trainer says use chicken liver as a treat when they potty outside with alot of praise. when u take her out and she does go praise her and give a treat to her if she goes inside don't give her anything. Use the kennel when u take her out of it take her out right away when she is done eating or drinking take her out and before u put her back into the kennel. Use the kennel to train when done playing with her take her out then when u bring her in put her in the kennel take her back out with in a half hour to see if she goes but use alot of praise and a treat when she does go outside. give also time for food to digest and for her to go outside before u put her in for the night cut off the water and food at a certain time

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