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Very short question.?

Generally speaking, would you trust a religious (pope, caliph etc) figure or a scientist?

Whatever question you have can pertain to anything.


Arch. Dug. So what do you want to know?

Update 2:

Paige, I'd trust a scientist.

Update 3:

Trish, please explain. If you give a good answer, I'll give you 10 points. Can you elaborate more, please?

Update 4:

I will not give a thumbs down here unless someone breaks the yahoo ToS.

Please be honest.

Update 5:

Pangloss, I like and respect your answer.

Update 6:

Rachel D, please elaborate. How are scientists ignorant?

Update 7:

Mullinon, you've raised an interesting point.

How does a "scientific point of view" and a "religious point of view" differ?

I presume you're looking for truth as I am.

Note, no italics for the word truth.

Update 8:

Zahid. Shariah law?. No. Thanks.

38 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I would trust the clergyman for spititual matters and the scientist for physical worldly matters.

  • 1 decade ago

    For questions on Evolution, I would not trust most scientists. Like the clergy, scientists often just repeat what they've been told. Scientists are not exempt from being lazy.

    For questions in a particular physical scientist's field, I would trust that scientist to have the correct answer.

    But, for questions in *all* other areas of life -- period -- I'd hands-down trust my pastor to give me the correct advice. Notice that I did not say the correct "answer." Correct answers in all other areas of life are between me and God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would trust my pastor for life issues, for truth and wisdom.

    I would trust a "scientist" for health issues or science issues

    and would hope that they would talk so that I could know what was going on when it is the end of the world.

    ***PS Rachel, please reconsider what you are saying and how you say it. You are representing Christ. Generally speaking, scientists are not ignorant. Even though they, like all human beings, do not have anything close to complete knowledge, they are on to big things and have done wonders for man over the years.

    The one true God whom we get to know through his Bible is the one I trust too. But I also trust a person who has dedicated countless hours of study to a specific subject and has found significance in his or her work.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on the subject matter.

    I don't think I'd take the pope's word on quantum physics, unless he had a background in it, and I probably wouldn't take a physicist's word on matters of theology.

    Each is an expert in their own right.

    I wouldn't ask the pope how to make a hat either- but then likely I'm more an expert in that than he is. But I could be wrong.

    Rachel - really now? Even those who claim to be christian? Grow up.

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  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I would trust a scientist because they deal in fact. Science is always changing as we know more and more about the infinite world and universe. Religion on the other hand in never changing. It has been the same for thousands of years a sky daddy that has total control and his counter part the boogie man that is responsible for anything from disease to murder. Yeah I choose scientific facts.

  • gldjns
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Depending on the character and background of the person in question, I would trust either of them. While the religious person in authority is endowed with the spirit, the scientist is dedicated to discovery and research. But although it has been said that science and religion are at odds with one another, there is a relationship, as both are dedicated to their particular goals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good question. From a religious standpoint Iwould trust someone who will make me feel closer to God, and who is non judgemental and compassionate.

    But from a scientific standpoint, this person would have to give evidence to prove his hypothesis is concrete...not just something he thought up one day in a drug induced coma. LOL

    So I guess I would have to go with the religious guy....the Bible/Religion has been around for thousands of years. Its not something that will go away sometime soon.

  • Wamibo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Never trust either about anything as they are both likely to be wrong. Moreover by answering this question I have just gone from Yahoo Level 3 to Yahoo Level 4 so that must mean you can trust me?

  • S K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I would probaly trust a scientist beacuae they are ment to be really clever

    or i might trust a pope as they are ment to be truthful but you never know lol. They could say what the religion they follow says, where as scientist say what their exspirments say or what they think


    p.s Lol

    Tashaa xx

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