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Nursing is it just a mugs game?

Low pay, no support, lack of resources and finances!

I am a 3rd year paediatric nursing student it's stressful, you get so much crap and for what trying to help and care for others!

Dont get me wrong I love what I do, but it just seems nobody cares!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    dont say that im a nursing major just starting at college and im so excited beside i just got out of hospital this past wekend and it wasthe nurse who made me feel better they were so kind and paitents really the nursed who took care of me have made me even more driven to become a nurse your job is inportant and people do care

  • 1 decade ago

    Nursing actually pays a lot at a per hour rate. My aunt earns at least $50/hr not including overtime and she also has a second job as a nurse also in another facility. You might have been faced with unfortunate events but nursing is actually a very well respected career especially when you gain tenure. It is also one of the jobs that assures you of an employment. The key is to find an environment and a workplace that fits you. Pediatric nursing especially in the emergency rooms are rewarding especially when giving birth.

    Since you are still a student, rewards are not yet there just because you are not a nurse yet. Once you've passed the board exams then its a whole new world for you. Good luck...

    Source(s): My mom, 2 aunts, 2 cousins, and 1 inlaw
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Having worked with the nursing profession for many years commercially, I know from an outsider view what a nurse has to put up with.

    ,At the present time, many trusts are not having availability of post for trained nurses, so, when a nurse leaves training which is a very hard slog,!! they have have to scramble around for a job,in that respect that is a Mugs Game,Mr Brown skilled people. "We Need Here In This Country Now".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could say the same about most jobs. On the plus side you have a job for life (very rare now days) and a job with excellent prospects too. You can travel the world and work anywhere. because nobody Else seams to care is a good reason you Need to care. It takes time to discover others who also have the same Passion. If life was only about money and taking it easy without a care in the world we would all be selling street drugs to children whist signing on very fortnight.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If I could cope with blood,I'd become a nurse for the wage and the benefits.I used to pay nurses.Not only are they on a decent basic wage,it's all the perks that go with it.If in London you get London weighting,supplement,extra for anti-social hours,cheap staff accomodation if wanted and free or subsidised food. Sick of nurses complaining.I'm a carer and you should see what we have to put up with and the wage and no extra but our basic wage or help.You are out of touch with what other people are on,even qualified people.I know you do a grand job but you don't realise how lucky you are!

    Us carers get heaps of abuse at times,no support,no sick pay,if a community carer not even paid for the time or petrol to go from person to person and we work long hours for peanuts! Now they're putting more and more on us that were originally District Nurse jobs we have to do and if anything goes wrong we can get in alot of trouble for it even though we're not trained.

    Nobody cares about anybody in the caring fields and that I sympathise with you.That's probably why alot of them get mental health problems like depression and stress.But that's the way it is in our society.Sorry!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nursing is a vocation first and foremost. You sound like you have this vocation, stay with it and don't let others put you off your chosen career. Your rewards will be a hundredfold. You can take your training to any country in the world and earn the respect, appreciation, and the financial gain that you deserve for your years of hard training.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go into nursing because you want to help - not for the pay....

    You need to try working in a job that doesnt get the respect that nurses get.... That really annoying.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i too am from the care sector and you are soooo right. no one really cares, its stressful and the worste of it was when i had to go into hospital and be cared for..oh my god, i had brain surgery and the nurses were yelling at each other because they were so pissed off n short staffed, i honesly thought..i could die in here..when i managed to speak and told em my occupation they were very embarressed that they did not and cud not care for me more.. its all a sham and i'm now a cleaner coz i hate care so much and it depressed me. all my mates and relatives in care are leaving the industry also. its bad. gud luk hun

  • 1 decade ago

    You either give your job 100% or not ! dont matter what you do there is always the negative side! Bu you are underpaid for the crap you get!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can't understand why anyone would do it. Crap money, crap working conditions.

    get out quick and get something much higher paid and more respected.

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