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If we have global warming...THEN WHY?

Why has it been 10-20 degrees BELOW normal all year?

Why do I have snow 1-2 months EARLY this year?

Why do I have 6" when I usually NEVER get more than 2"?


I DO live in COLORADO!!!

38 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The pendulum is swinging from one extreme to another,just as surely as the winters of 1939 and 1941 were some of the coldest ever recorded the summer of 1940 was one of the hottest ever recorded( in the last 2 centuries).This summer in the southern Hemisphere during the next few months will be extremely hot(some individual days will be the highest ever recorded) this trend will continue until we move into a new world climate pattern which (it will be odds on) will be hotter than it is now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We all wonder why. Global warming, as already said, changes weather everywhere in the world and some changes are disastrous.

    Now in Argentina we are in springtime and will be in summer by 21st december. We should be having high temperatures already but this last weekend, for example, we had 4 degrees (Celsius). How can that be possible? And to add a curious detail... here where I live, in Buenos Aires, never snows. Well, this winter it did snow. Last time it snowed here was in 1917, I think. It's not something common to happen in Buenos Aires, so there you have some of the consequences of global warming...

    Also, the glaciars in the south of my country and the poles are known to have lost lots of ice, which is a very uncommon thing too.

    Every day in the newspaper I read something new about the disastrous consequencies global warming carries. It's scary. I believe (and I wish) there will be a solution to at least part of this problem sooner or later. Thing is that probably still nobody knows exactly what to do to stop it.

  • jace
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Global Warming doesn't mean that you should have less snow or less cooer winter....

    Global warming has different effects.


    ...the thousands of year old icebergs now melts 5 times faster than a decade ago which results in a much cooling of the winds going to the northern eastern part of .......

    the usual expected seasons don't seem to come on time and when it finally comes, it comes sometimes with extremeness.

    Basically Global warming means,

    Earth is Sick ...and needs help.

  • 1 decade ago

    when global warming rises the temp. in cold place there is cold air that as to go some where.

    global warming go's only a little bit 85-86 32-33 get it just enough to throw the ice poles out of whack.

    but that's just the beginning as it get worse the impact get greater and the the ball starts rolling on it's own steam.

    at the same time air pollution is cooling the planet too.

    see only so gases are "green house gases" the others shield the earth from heat from the sun called "global dimming"(look it up) and it blocks 2/3's of the effect from global warming-

    if you collect to energy from the sun you could light 1 60w light bulb every 6in apart over the face of the earth (oceans included)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure what you are asking. But to me it sounds like your saying "why is it cold if it's suppose to be warming?"

    If that is not around what you ask then don't pay attention to this. But if it is you have to know global warming does not mean the Earth is warming up. It is really a dramatic climate change around the world. It has something to do with the heat melting the ice caps thus changing the currents. Because since cold water sinks and warm water float it is gonna mess up the currents. And since the currents control most of our climates, that will change as well. And the change is not the same.

    Source(s): Jst read an Inconvient Truth.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because it is global. and the way weather is affected is not the same everyone. some places normally warmer are getting colder the jet stream is changeing wich effects how fronts move. and many placed like glacier national part are melting radically and have decreases 30pct in the last couple years. It effect ocean currents and messes with currents. creating warmer waters around the gulf of Mexico creating stronger hurricanes like Katrina. And the worst hurricane season ever recorded. and this year the increasing warm water is moving hurricanes more south and are effecting country's like Mexico who don't normally get hurricanes. Its all subjective on how weather is and simply complaining about the weather outside your house is pretty short sited. I tell you if you don't believe come here to Colorado and i will show you just how much the glacers around here have changed in the last 5 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the entire Earth over an extended period of time. Small fluctuations that may contract the overall trend are normal. You have to look at the long term.

    Here's an example: most health officials agree that Americans are getting fatter and yet there are still thin people walking around, does this contract what health officials are saying?

    I think you would agree that it doesn't. If you think it does, don't worry so does the President.

  • 1 decade ago

    I find your 10-20 degrees below ALL YEAR claim a little far-fetched. For what it's worth, in NC we had the warmest summer on record, are in an exceptional drought condition, and I had to turn my air conditioning on Thanksgiving day.

  • 1 decade ago

    I bet its cold in Alaska and in The Himalayas too. Wow AGW is a hoax. Lets just burn all the scientists because we all know that the earths climate is perfectly represented at my house and in my garden because it makes up 0.0005 % of the earths surface. Its pretty hot where i am. Tomorrow if it warms up for a day and the snow melts maybe you could claim that its because of global warming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that "global warming" is something the government made up to try and scare the American people. The earth is only rotating, there is no such thing as global warming.

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