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What do you like and dislike about Ron Paul?

List at least one thing that I like about Ron Paul and at least one thing that you don't like. Also, what is the chance that you would vote for him?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LIKE: He's concerned about the constitution.

    DISLIKE: Wants to cut & run from Iraq, eliminate the CIA, FBI, Federal Reserve, IRS (dangerous)

    If Paul was the GOP nominee, I would vote for him HOWEVER, since that will never happen - there is a 0% chance of me voting for Paul!

    I like Tancredo, Romney, Thompson & Hunter - in that order!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like his will to change the money/tax/inflation/credit systems, the fact that he simply wants to return to the US Constitution, his position against the government control of the citizens, including the world citizens and nations (USA policing the world and imposing their rules and interests) and the US citizens (national id card). I admire as well his personal attitude in debates and interventions.

    What i dislike (or not completely agree) - his position on "leaving Iraq" apparently without a proper plan that guarantees stability to the region. As well his apparent nonrecognition of UN authority and the issue about birth-certificates.

    My chances that i vote for him are null, since i'm not an american citizen - but if i were he would probably have my vote. I hope (for the sake of the world) that americans vote wisely.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like that Dr. Paul will eliminate the Federal Reserve. For it is that private held bank that is sucking the life force out of all dollars through intere$t. It is not a part of our government, and is owned by rich dudes. If we had not central bank we oudl be so much more richer and not in debt. The "Fed" has no intention of ever letting anyone get out of debt. That is their "feed". Money for nothing!

    Also eliminating the IRS would be great. The nation can really be run off of taxes from businesses, as it was originally designed. Personal income taxes are a "voluntary" system and there is NO LAW that ever states we must pay personal income taxes. Now IRS will bully you and has put people in jail, but they have no law backing them up.

    100% vote from me! I love America and want it to prosper and grow without all these economic vampires!

    I think pulling out of Iraq would be great and to start the building there would actually help the people to rebuild as well. The people themselves will shoot the insurgents, as they are tierd of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really respect him insofar as economics go. The man knows his stuff and I believe that he is the guy to go for to fix the economic problems we have, trade deficits, our budget, and all that good stuff.

    I also like his ardent belief in civil liberties. He really is all about giving freedom to the people and not having government decide what people should do in their lives.

    I like his non militaristic style (unlike Bush's shoot first, ask questions later style). However, he may be a little weak on terrorism. Hopefully, he will make up for that by being a good international diplomat and setting up good relatons with the Middle east, which is something the Bush administration has failed to accomplish.

    Besides, that I think he is a very honest, forward and smart guy with a lot of integrity. He is definitely my favorite republican candidate.

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  • Yaakov
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I like that he is honest about what he believes and what he can and cannot accomplish as president. He doesn't promise anyone that he can get rid of the IRS or reform the bureaucracy or return us to the gold standard. He just says that's what he'll work toward if Congress has the cajones to cooperate. I like his policies on just about everything.


    I dislike his personal presentation. As a grandfather or friend, he looks great, but he doesn't seem to have the presidential demeanor.


  • 1 decade ago

    i don't like this stance on the war or the military -- i wouldn't vote for him, period. He's tought on immigration, i'll give him that nod, but that's about it -- i don't trust how he would implement reform. I don't like his ideas on foreign policy. I think he's a hippy trying to get into the republican party because he can't get elected to an office higher than dogcatcher as a libertarian. [Did I mention that his logo of rEVOLution is disgusting -- that whole '60s pacifism peace/love idealism is not what this country needs - then or now]

    I like Hunter best -- 2nd tier is probably Thompson & Romney, although I have concerns about both of them. If hell froze over and Ron Paul got the nomination, I would refrain from voting in the presidential race [and I vote in every election].

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like the fact that he has no chance of being the President of the U.S.of A. I dislike that he wants to surrender. The chance that I would vote for him is zero, besides he will not be near the ballot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    -he voted against the Iraq war

    -he has never voted to raise taxes

    -he voted against the Patriot Act

    -he opposes amnesty for illegals

    -he opposes entering war with Iran

    -he's for restoring our civil liberites

    -he is for reducing the national debt by cutting government spending instead of placing the burden on taxpayers

    -he is for free trade

    -he is for limited government

    -he is for handling global situations with diplomacy

    -his voting record is consistent

    -he isn't backed by corporations, lobbyists and special interest groups


    -I just wish he was a better orator

    And yes I will be voting for him in my state's primary

    EDIT: No Amnesty, He does not want to abolish the CIA/FBI, there are several different intelligence gathering agencies. He wants to end the bureaucracy and consolidate.. NOT ABOLISH THEM.. he is for gathering intelligence

    The phasing out of the IRS will not eliminate said taxes only the income tax which is mainly used to pay back interest to the fed for printing their worthless paper..

    EDIT: rabble rouser, he's not a plant.. he is not running as an independent.. how can he take away votes from the democrats?

  • G-gal
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I understand his policies and I like that he's not afraid to speak for his own beliefs. However for a congressman, he doesn't seem to have a firm grasp of how government works. A president doesn't have the power to make the changes he says he would make, without a majority of the legislature behind him, and I don't think that's even a possibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like that he is absolutely against the Federal Reserve, and would work to phase it out and give us commodity based money again. this isn't against him per se, but I dislike that people are either for or against him, with no middle ground.

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