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Anyone besides me think that the people in Sudan are SLIGHTLY overreacting to a bear named Mohammed?

A woman (foreigner in Sudan) - with no malice in mind - names a bear Mohammed. Shes gets some jail time and when finished shell be deported. Lots of Sudanese calling for her execution, lashing or worse. Anyone else think this sounds like zealots run amok?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    'Slightly' isn't the word. These people are majorly over-reacting and they are looking like morons to the rest of the world for acting this way. This is a country dealing with mass human rights problems and famine yet they are getting hysterical over what children call a teddy bear. These idiots need to get their priorities in order and drag themselves into the twenty-first century.

  • 1 decade ago

    Slightly....try highly overreacting! I am so disgusted! How is a Teddy Bear an insult! They are cute and cuddly. Why wouldn't you want a child to think a Teddy Bear could represent a God or Prophet. Gods and Prophets are supposed to represent Hope, Kindness and Love. Not fear and hate.

    They need to get off the high horses and start living in the real world. You don't execute someone because they call a teddy bear Mohammad.

  • 1 decade ago

    To me it sounds like it is being taken to extremes. I don't know enough about Islam to comment further. Nor do I know about that country and how they interpret Islam. What's sad is when I hear others explain Islam to me - it sounds so nice - then I will hear this and it will change my mind. I know there are radicals everywhere - so sad they cannot find some kind of happy medium. It doesn't seem like the woman was trying to be disrespectful so I think they should take that into account - instead of wanting to kill her. I mean did they have laws posted about not doing stuff like this? If she isn't Muslim she wouldn't know not to do this.

  • 1 decade ago

    True. But it is not as simple as that. You are talking about a region that has been in the midst of an identity crisis for over a century. Euro-American imperialism destroyed their economy and wrecked their society last century, and they are currently trying to develop in a world that is ahead of them in every way: economically, technologically, etc. Meanwhile, their society has been rife with violence for decades, with ethnic, racial, and cultural differences being magnified by constant warfare. What is more, they feel pressured by the outside world to conform to Western values, and this is the key to the problem. In other words, this is not really about a bear named Muhammud. It is about an entire nation that fears that everything they value will be taken away from them by the powers that surround them. The perceived misuse of their Prophet's name is a symbol of this. It is really not that much different than the furor over flag burning or gay marriage in America. I have, on more than one occasion, heard people say that people who practice such actions should be executed. These people are not, fundamentally, any different than anyone else. Symbols of identity are, unfortunately, very powerful entities.

    Although that explains the matter in more detail, however, that does not make you wrong!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'll say, and many a Western Muslim is thinking,thanks a friggin bunch Sudan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    Wait . . . wait a second here . . . first we have to determine if she's made of wood, and if she IS made of wood . . . does she float?

    And if she DOES float, will the Teddy Bear sink?????

    And if the Teddy Bear sinks, does that mean the end of Mohammed?

    A-a-a-r-r-g-g-h-h !?!

    Oh, what to do? What to do?

    NOTE: Manoj . . . 100% right ! The Teddy Bear should sue for "defamation of character" !!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    To name a teddy bear as Mohammed, It is insult for the teddy bear.

    Source(s): Poor teddy bear
  • Fred F
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They are highly overreacting.

    I myself can't see the logic in a lot of peoples thinking.

  • Oz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Way overreacting. Why do you think we're in Iraq?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a bunch of nutters ,absolutely i agree with you 100%

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