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Does your stance on the Iraq war influence who you are supporting for President?

What is your stance?

Who are you supporting?


13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a concern, but I am far more driven by tax reform, and an end to the waste in the government.

    If I kept my families books like they do, the IRS would have locked me up and thrown away the key.

    I think that the government should be held to the same standards that average Americans are.

    It seems to me that they should be an example to the rest of us as to how we can live within a budget, and still meet our obligations. If they cannot, they shouldn't expect us to either.

    If we did what was required to balance the budget and reform the tax structure, Iraq, foreign aid, and corrupt politicians would all take care of themselves.

    I am supporting Ron Paul----Mike Huckabee.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't support the war mostly because it makes me think of the Vietnam War. This is a long war that is unsupported by many Americans (as well as others in other countries) and many have died... for what? I agree that we should support the American warrior and not the American war. But our soldiers are over there dying and it seems like nothing is being done.

    We have a president right now who can't even make complete sentences! It's no wonder that foreign countries are laughing at us. When I travel to other countries I lied and told everyone I was Canadian. I had to... I was embarrassed!

    Of course, we are very lucky to live in America. Because we live here we are allowed to choose whether or not we want to support the president. A lot of people say, "if you don't like it here - move!" I do like it here. I'm simply waiting for a better president to come into office and I'm also using my freedom - my freedom of speech to speak out my opinions. I'm an American, I can cut down or build up the president.

    Source(s): Don't blame me... I voted for Kerry
  • Calvin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not really no.

    I support fighting our enemies and killing every single last one of them (wherever and whenever we find them). I am certainly no "flower child" as it pertains to killing this nations enemies.

    I, however, am not convinced that it is wise for us to continue to spend more than a trillion dollars on a third world nation that will never be anything but a third world sand pit (and pushing for them to create a government that I do not believe these people are capable of keeping or valuing). I am inclined to believe we are pouring lives, dollars, alternative choices etc down a drain that will lead to no benefit for America whatsoever (nor really a benefit for Iraqis either).

    But I fully oppose, to every fiber of my being, Democrats on their social agenda. I will be voting for the Republican nominee and likely Mitt Romney in the primaries. I will not hand the nation over to what I view as people with immoral and destructive agendas due to this one issue. (Besides I honestly do not think Hillary has any intention of leaving Iraq at all anyways).

    If Paul can gain enough support in the initial primaries to be a contender however I will likely vote for him in my primary.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    it fairly is the component. once you manage iraqi human beings, you do no longer understand if your coping with actually "iraqi human beings" or the terrorists themselves. it fairly is a hidden enemy down in Iraq. actually, we will able to have intel on the terrorists and what they appear as if yet in spite of this widespread iraqis would be terrorists themselves. So, what you have suggested right it truly is that no rely what, your going to be coping with the iraqi human beings and the terrorists regardless. In end, it fairly is a double-edged sword... A 2 way highway. initiate the communicate nevertheless. i understand what your getting at. in basic terms concentration on the undesirable adult males and bypass away the stable adult males out. this is extra complicated then it fairly is my chum.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I support the war and our troops. War will always be part of the world so you simpletons that hate war just get over it. If we don't finish what we went over to accomplish Iraq will be a haven for terrorists. Most of you don't get it. Extreme Islam HATES and wants to KILL all Americans. Politics and negotiations don't work with them. The only thing they know is kill or be killed.

    I support Mike Huckabee

    Because his believe and values are similar with mine. He is what this country needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Totally Obama 08.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes it does.

    I want the war to end, but not as a forfeit.

    i support McCain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have not made my choice yet

    I support the war that will determine my vote

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I tend to favor the people who had least to do with it. A viewpoint from someone who has the least vested interest would likely be best.

  • netjr
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes; I do not want to cut and run before the job is done; so I support Rudy.

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