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How do you get rust stains out of non-white clothes without damaging them?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best way to get rust stains out of your clothing is to use a lemon, or table salt and cream of tarter.


    •To use a lemon, lay your garment on a flat surface on top of a towel.

    •Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice onto the rust stain. (If you do not have a lemon, you can use bottled lemon juice, it works just as well.)

    •Lay your garment in the sun and allow it to dry.

    •Once your garment has dried, look to see if the rust stain has lifted. If it has not, repeat the process.

    •If the rust stain is removed, launder your garment.

    Salt and Cream of Tarter

    •To use salt and cream of tarter, simply make a mixture using equal parts of both.

    •Lay your garment on a flat surface on top of a towel.

    •Spread your cream of tarter and salt mixture onto the rust stain.

    •Place your garment in the sun and allow it to dry.

    •If the rust stain has lifted, launder the shirt.

    •If the rust stain has not lifted, repeat the process.


  • Clare
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Test this method first on a small, inconspicuous area when removing rust from colored fabrics.

    First, lay the rust-stained fabric over several white paper towels, which will act as a blotter and absorb the rust.

    Cut a lemon in half and saturate the stain with the fresh lemon juice. (Bottled lemon juice will work, too.)

    Set the fabric (with the paper towel blotter beneath) out in the sun to dry. The rust stain will disappear.

    Launder as usual.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    * Rust or set blood stains (Yellow rust like stains contain iron) -

    - For Rust or set blood stains, a Phosphoric or Oxalic acid containing rust removers (Try RoVer, Whink - Home Depot) can be used to dissolve stains.

    - Rinse twice with warm water.

    - Then wash as normal with laundry detergent.

    Good Luck!!

    Source(s): Laundry Specialist
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If the print is silk screened or painted on or plastic feeling you can bleach it in with your whites on hot water. If it is sewn on or is a cloth print you can just try spraying shout on it and leaving it overnight then washing it the next day without bleach. Also if the print is actually dyed into the fabric don't use bleach just use a stain remover like shout.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is a product out there called Iron Out. Make sure to check that it is safe for colored fabrics. There are two kinds. One that is safe for colors and one that is for whites. Make sure to get the right kind or you may end up bleaching your colors.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Thats an interesting question and I hope you find some reasonable answers

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