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LDS members: Have you ever met the prophet?

I was at a dinner tonight with my grandpa who used to work with a lot of the general authorities. It was amazing. I sat at the same table and Elder Wirthlin and Bishop Mcmullin and sat right next to President Hinckley who was at a different table. Anyways, after being there tonight and hearing him speak, there is no doubt in my mind that he is a prophet of God.

Has anyone else ever met him? What did you think?


Forever: I am not convinced that my beliefs in Mormonism will get me to heaven. I am convinced that if I have faith in Christ and live a righteous life that I will receive salvation.

I also know beyond a doubt that Christ has restored the fullness of his truth to the earth, and that He has called living prophets again in our day. So yes, I do know that the teachings of the modern prophets are true and that God's priesthood has been restored to the earth.

Thanks for asking the question and giving me a chance to answer.

Update 2:

Just to add a quick thought to what I said above: Do you really think I would volunteer to give up 2 years of the prime of my life in the middle of my education, a good job in finance as a mortgage broker, and leave my family behind to do nothing but preach about Christ, if I did not fully believe in what I was going to teach?

Update 3:

Just to clear up some confusion. I believe that it is my faith in Christ that will save me. However, the Bible says that faith without works is , so I try to live as much like Christ as I can.

I believe that God has given us His priesthood to help us and He has given us a prophet to help us, but our focus is still on Christ. Have a good day all :)

30 Answers

  • jose
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well someone's having a really merry christmas. that was a very great priviledge, good for you.

    i haven't met the prophet yet. of course it's always best to see him right in front of you, but i am miles away from utah, and for now, im happy to see and hear the prophet on tv. i can feel the sprit strongly as he speaks. gordon b. hinckley sure is CALLED OF GOD.

    Source(s): * a response to the above poster: I KNOW without a doubt that my faith in the Lord will lead me back to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I testify that the church is so true, and I love it with all my heart. and I so say in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  • 1 decade ago

    I had the opportunity to attend General Conference a few years ago, and before my mission I attended the Christmas devotional... While at the MTC I met Elder Wirthlin, and I heard that the week after I left, President Hinckley visited...

    My Dad got to serve Biscuits to President Benson at BYU when he was finishing his Masters Degree in Food Science.

    Congratulations on an opportunity well spent. I know that he is a Prophet of God in these last days. And whoever the Lord chooses to follow will be as well.

    Share the Light and Hold Fast to the Rod....

    Merry Christmas!

    Source(s): LDS- and secure enough in my Faith.
  • 1 decade ago

    I've never met the prophet, but when I was about 8, I went to temple square with my aunt and cousins. We were riding the elevator up to the top of the church office building, and Pres. Faust got in the elevator with us. He shook our hands, and asked us all questions. He actually listened to the responses we gave, and as an 8 year old kid, I'm sure they weren't that coherent, or interesting. He had this huge grin on his face the whole time and chuckled at our answers. I'll always remember that.

    When we moved out here, we attended the same ward as Pres. Eyring (sp?). He owns a condo about 5 miles from us, and since our area was growing, the ward was small enough that we were in the same ward. When he would attend, he would sit on the stand. I got the privelege of sitting next to them in sunday school one day. Talk about nerve wracking!!! He had great comments about things, and after the lesson shook mine and my husbands hands and told us he was glad we were there. Then, he stood at the door and shook everyone that exited that doors hand too.

    The spirit that we felt sitting next to him was awesome!!! I hope to some day get to that point as well.

    We are so lucky to live in a day and age where the Lord has given us a prophet, apostles and leaders who are so in tune to the spirit, and so willing to serve others. I am so thankful for the revelations the Lord gives to us, and for everything He is aware of.

    I know through the atonement of Christ, that I can one day be in the presence of not only Christ and God, but all the men He has called through the ages that are faithful, wonderful servants. I hope to one day hear Him say "Well done, my good and faithful servant!!".


    One more thing that I forgot. When my Father in Law was ordained a Stake President, Pres. Monson came to do the ordination. He sat in the room and talked to us, and shook all our hands. He really is a great guy!! And he's so funny!! The ordination was amazing, and having him to it was beyond special!

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! That is awesome. No, I've never met him. I did attend a Stake Conference a few years ago, back when General Authorities would still come to Stake Conferences and got to shake Elder Ballard's hand after the Saturday session. That's as close as I've been to any of the General Authorities.

    Last summer I went to SLC on business and was waiting for train when I met some girls who were in SLC for a camp and they decided to go to a different ward each Sunday they were there. One Sunday they were actually in the same ward as both President Hinckley and President Faust and didn't even know it until everyone stood after Sacrament meeting. They didn't understand why people weren't leaving to go to the next class when someone said that everyone was waiting for President Hinckley to leave. They were finally able to see him leaving. The next Sunday they went back but didn't see him.

    Ironically we have/have had several kids of Seventies in my ward. Currently a Sybrowsky child, and we had two or three others whose Father's were in a Quorum of Seventy a few years ago. Occasionally the parents would get to come for a visit, so that was kind of neat.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My grandfather was best friends with President Thomas S. Monson (the next prohpet). He came to my granparents home almost 10 years ago when my grandfather was deathly ill and he gave him the most powerful blessing I have ever heard. He lived for 5 years after that. When my grandpa finally passed away President Monson came to his viewing and funeral and he sat down and talked to me for a while. He is seriously the nicest man I have ever met in my life! I have also seen President Hinckley a few times. I live in Salt Lake so I see general authorities a lot.

  • rac
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The closest I have been was at my brother's wedding. We were in the Jordan River Temple and I was sitting behind an older gentleman that kept nodding off during the session. I found out later that I was sitting behind Ezra Taft Benson. He had to be nudged awake when it was time to stand up. I had no idea I was that close to him.

    I have been in the presence of Joseph Fielding Smith and Harold B Lee during my mission and had Bruce R McConkey's arm around my shoulder. I spoke with Marion G Romney at a stake conference.

    I have attended Regional meetings with President Hinckley in attendance but I have never been in close proximity.

    However, I too will testify that they are indeed prophets. The spirit of revelation is strong in them. The spirit does reveal to them the things they need to know to guide the Church and the people of the world if they would but listen.

    Source(s): LDS
  • 1 decade ago

    A few years back I was able to hear President Hinckley speak in LA. We were fed dinner at the same time. It was a real hardship trying to get tickets and get there, but I felt that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So I went. It was amazing!!! He is so cute. Smiles all the time. Someone asked him during the Q & A where his wife was. He said, "Sister Hinckley is at home in bed. Or I hope she is. She has been feeling under the weather lately."

    It was a great night!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My first opportunity to meet a prophet I was some 7 years of age and President Kimball conducted a regional conference [in Italy where we were currently living]. At the close of the conference, they invited all the children to a specific hallway, as that was where the prophet would be exiting. He wanted to meet all the children on his way out. He was such a loving, kind and patient man.

    Next was President Benson - he was the president of the quorum of 12 and was conducting a special missionary training in Italy -- my father was the District President at the time -- and so gave the closing prayer. It was the only time during the meeting that Pres Benson didn't need an interpreter. Pres Benson wanted to know who we were and why we [Americans] were in Italy. It was a lovely experience and we were 'invited' to stop by his office once we returned stateside on our first trip through SLC -- not the kind of invitation one ignores or refuses.

    President Hinckley has a number of ties in So Utah where we currently reside [so does Elder Holland - he and I share a favorite restaurant] and so we have occassion to see him. It's always such a blessing. I have a friend who saw him at a regional conference here shortly after she converted -- her conversion was made extremely difficult by family and friends who disowned her. President Hinckley had walked past, then paused, turned and went back to this friend of mine and shook her hand, telling her how very glad he was she was there. It was a moment never to forget and always cherish.

    Also, when my parents were preparing to leave on their last mission, the sunday before they boarded their plane, we went up to see them in SLC and do temple square. It just so happened that Pres Hinckley & Pres Faust came in and joined the congregation during sacrament meeting. It was the first time my sons had the occasion to be in the same room as the prophet and it made a profound impression on them too.

    We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a new member, so I have not met him, yet. But during the satellite Womens' Relief Conference this Fall, I was so happy to hear President Hinckley, our Living Prophet of God, encouraging all young women of the church to get a post-secondary education.

    He may be in his 95 th year of age, but he is definitely a modern day prophet, showing that our Heavenly Father loves women equally with men. And this I say in the name of Jesus Christ, whose birth we are celebrating this month.

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't met any personally...but I have be able to be in the presence during firesides and talks with Pres Hinckley and Pres Hunter. No doubt in my mind that both are and have been prophets of God.

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