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Something I have been wondering....?

When someone says that they have received an answer to their prayers from God, do you really doubt that it happened?

I just read a question where one of the responders mentioned that they had prayed about their beliefs and received an answer. The person who asked the question then responded by saying, "yah right it worked for you. More like your parents told you to believe in it."

Is that what your response would be?

See the question here:;_ylt=AkakJ...


Perhaps some people misunderstood my question which mentioned nothing about the Book of Mormon. I merely gave a link to the question so you would know I wasn't making something up. I was asking about receiving an answer from God through the Holy Ghost or in any other way about anything and for anyone who believes in God. I hope this will guide you back to answering my question instead of going on rants about something else.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people are just natural believers (gulible?)... some people are natural doubters.

    I think it's rude to ask someone about their religion then mock them when they take the time to give a thoughtful in-depth answer, whether you agree with their beliefs or not!

  • 1 decade ago

    There are some people who I don't think know how to differentiate between the wishes and desires of their hearts and a true answer to prayer. The former tend to make me either roll my eyes or bite my tongue. The latter is often accompanied by a secondary witness from the Holy Ghost to the truthfulness thereof.

    There are many skeptics who do not understand the power of faith and prayer, simply relegating it to the world of wishful thinking or con men. Faith and prayer tap into the powers of God in ways many of us will never contemplate, let alone comprehend.

    This example you shared is another reason why I often do not share personal experiences on this site [or in casual conversation for that matter]. There are too many who do not understand these things and would treat them casually, rather than the 'pearls of great price' I view them to be... and so I chose to hold them close to my heart.

    Merry Christmas.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're really asking two questions:

    1. Do you doubt that the outcome is different from what the person has told you; and 2. Is the outcome a direct result of divine intervention?

    To answer:

    1. I have no reason to doubt that the person is being dishonest, so yes, I believe them.

    2. Correlation does not equal causation, so no, I don't believe that their prayer resulted in the outcome.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes there is doubt, and being human that is to be expected. Most christians, however, because the Lord is teaching them love, patience, and compassion, are more careful what what they say and how they respond.

    Even if i did have doubts, if one of God's children told me they believed they received an answer to their prayers, i would rejoice with them.

    How am i to know what God does or doesn't do in the life of another? Who am i to judge?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't doubt it.

    I have seen it too many times.

    people that don't believe in God answering prayers have never been on their death bed, where doctors told them they only had 6 months to live. or had their mothers on an operating table going in to take out an aneurysm that they said was inoperable. or had a brother with cancer and they give him no hope of ever having a normal life again etc. etc. etc.

    PS. all those are alive and well and that has been years ago.

    My God is a prayer answering God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that some people answer their own prayers. And those who claim that their prayers never get "answered" don't do anything about getting them answered in the first place.

    Prayer is talking to a gotta do something to put your hopes into action.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ifeel like if someone told me that God answered their prayer that they know about their prayers more than me.I would probably say Praise the Lord.God always answers prayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why bother praying if you don't believe you will receive an answer? I've received many many answers to prayer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My response would be, that in every rigorous test of pray it has done no better than chance and sometimes worse.

    I guess I really doubt pray, then.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your answer will come, if you are acceptable and full of faith.

    Be of good share, God is here among us!

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