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A question about abortion...?

To all those who do not believe in protecting the life of unborn children:

The number one reason I hear for why we should not give unborn children the right to life is that a high percentage of women have miscarriages early in pregnancy, so we cannot guarantee that the child will be born.

To this I ask, how many of you actually actively speak against the government, carry firearms on you, are ever asked to testify in court against yourself and plead the 5th, will ever stand trial and exercise your right to a jury, and will be punished by cruel and unusual punishment?

The facts are that most of us will never be put in a situation where we will need to exercise these rights; nonetheless, I doubt any of you are willing to give up your right to due process or the right freedom to practice your religion or any of the other rights guaranteed to you by the constitution.


Given this, does it not seem logical that we protect the right to life of unborn children, regardless of if they will ever be born to exercise this right on their own? No where in any of the founding documents of our country are we guaranteed to freedom from responsibility or the freedom to kill, but every single person on American soil is guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion clearly is in violation of these rights. Am I wrong?

Update 2:

What about adoption? The mother doesn't have to raise the baby in poverty and such as you argue.

Someone also asked why I don't care about the orphans... I do. You see my family does foster care and volunteers for an adoption agency. Right now we are taking care of a 5 day old baby. He is coming from extreme poverty, but instead of his mother him before he was born, he is being adopted by a kind, loving family and into circumstances of which I am somewhat jealous. My point is that there are other options besides .

Update 3:

My second rubuptle is to those who are telling me to stop supporting the dictation of what women do with their bodies. I could care less about what they do with their bodies. JUST STOP UNBORN CHILDREN AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. You can do what you want with your body, but once you create a little one inside of you, you had better own up to it and not kill the other body inside of you. A ball of cells or not it is still a child. That is what my whole point was.

Update 4:

Finally, you say I don't care about the woman and her emotions. I don't think she is evil, and I do think that is some cases abortion can be justified. I know it can seem logical and that women go through a lot. My point is that there are alternatives and we should support them instead of abortion.

Unknown: I hope next time you accuse someone of having a "Holier than Thou" attitude for not having experience with what they are talking about, you will actually have some basis for what you are saying. I am sorry I came across that way. As a man i will never be a pregnant woman (duh), but I can tell you that I have seen many young people struggle with this issue, including one of my best friends who confided in me a lot as she had basically no one else to turn to who wouldn't judge her. I HAVE seen people go through this, and I know it is hard and that it can seem logical. My point isn't that it is easy or unappealing; my point is that it is wrong.

Update 5:

One more thing, as I keep reading questions. Where are you ever guaranteed the right not to have a baby if you get pregnant. The right to life is one of the inalienable rights recognized by the government. You are simply arguing that the right to life is not as great as the nonexistent right to avoid responsibility.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh My GOSH!!! Have you seen the videos on you tube of the actual abortion? I think that before EVERY abortion is performed that the mother be required to watch these!!

    Oh and BY THE WAY lets call it what it is....'it' is a BABY!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your thinking is quite convoluted on this issue. Are you suggesting that every sperm is sacred? Are you suggesting that as soon as an egg is fertilized that it is a human being with all civic and religious rights? Where do you draw the line?

    Are you or your religious leaders attempting to dictate to the rest of us?

    I will listen to your argument but you miss many important issues with a singular focus on the vague unborn.

    You might advance your agenda far faster if you concentrated on a reduction in abortions by addressing the root causes for making that choice.

    You might also consider the morality of a system of medical care that has a far greater infant mortality rate than other systems. Infants are actually human and they die. Don't you think it might be a good idea to address infant mortality as an important issue that will garner broad support? Except from medical insurance companies.

  • 1 decade ago

    People have many reprehensible practices that most other animals on earth do not. However, it is true that a lion taking over the territory of another lion will kill the cubs of the ousted lion so that the female will go into heat.

    Who can figure it out? People will do what people WANT to do, or what circumstances have to be met, that, by the grace of God, you haven't had to meet. I pray that people will one day all be united as one, in a harmonious way though, not a stupid space-channel scenario kind of way. I think that people have a great potential when they stop to think of others before they think of themselves. Until that happens, though, we must exercise compassion and forgiveness, for such acts are wounds upon the souls of many.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never heard this as an argument for abortion.... I agree with you, though- it's a pretty lame one!

    Unfortunately, the rights of the unborn are protected nowhere in the Constitution as it is written at this time. Until a child is born, he/she has no rights as protected by the Cnstitution.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'm going to disagree with you on some points, but first, thank you for being rational and well written, rather then the usual pro-choice or anti-abortion screaming that doesn't help anything.

    That's not the usual reason given; the usual reason is that unborn children aren't humans yet, and have no actual cognitive capacity.

    You're referencing the argument for when the mother's life is in danger, or it is already known the baby will die.

  • mw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    1 You are a man asking this question,It figures

    2 What about a Tubal pregnancy

    A baby growing in the fallopian tube instead of the Uterus

    Which would kill both if not aborted

    3What if the mother has Cancer and needs Chemotherapy

    Treatments to save her life but will kill the baby

    4 Let's not forget the babies resulting from rapes & Incest

    Source(s): Exd 21:22 It's not considered murder if a man harms a pregnant women and causes her to miscarry Just more Misogyny
  • 1 decade ago

    I believe life starts at conception, so abortion kills that life. I miscarried once at 10 weeks. Inside I had been carrying a tiny person with itty-bitty fingers and toes. While the baby's gender wasn't developed yet it was so human-like and sweet. If it could have lived I sure would have wanted it.

    I also believe that a lot of women aren't told that they will have guilt feelings after their abortion and that the experience may haunt them for years. Many are told they are getting rid of a cluster of cells if they abort in the first 12 weeks. My experience completely denies that, while the baby wasn't perfectly proportioned yet it was undeniably a human baby.

    Sorry, I got off your question for a while. I believe we should carefully protect the rights of those who can't protect themselves. Babies in the womb are the most defenseless beings in society.

    When I was around age 3 I was physically, sexually and emotionally abused. No one stuck up for me or protected me in any way. The experiences I had scarred me and affect me sometimes even now. It is a hideous thing to be helpless in brutal hands directed by cold, uncaring minds. I know, I've been there!

  • 1 decade ago

    Technically, they are not 'persons' until they are born. So they do not have the same rights that we do, who are born.

    Aside from this, there will still be cases where the procedure will be necessary. Either to save the life of a woman whose pregnancy has jeopardized her life, or in the case of a woman who has been assaulted. If someone thinks either is not a valid reason for abortion to be available (even if rarely performed), then I say that person is anti-woman.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Um, to my understanding, abortion is not mentioned in the constitution......nor is the idea that an unborn fetus has rights. While that may be a reason you hear often for abortion, it is certainly not one of the top reasons.....those would be inability to care for the child, lack of resources, lack of parenting desire, lack of one or both parental figures, rape and forced pregnancy, and harmful to the mother for the child to be born.

    It is so sad that people care so much about a fetus, but once living, the unwanted child is highly likely to experience things such as foster care, drug abuse, depression, suicidal issues, cutting, anorexia and bulemia......why does no one care about the child who is born to parents and a society that doesn't want them and that doesn't want to spend the money and time it would take to adequately raise these children in a way that would ensure they meet their adulthood in a happy, healthy manner?

    Source(s): Adoption Specialist
  • 1 decade ago

    Abortion is an option that women have, regardless of whether you like it or not, and the alternative, of back alleyways, and dirty equipment, gives me nightmares, why doesn't it, for you?

    So don't concern yourself with tissue, and a clump of cells, that are not even human as yet, and worry about the real deal!!

    There are thousands upon thousands of children, JUST in the United States, that have no families. They are in foster care, or in Orphanages. and what about all of the children world wide, who have no one??

    These are the children, you should care about. When there is not one child left in the system, or in an orphanage, then we can talk.

    Source(s): realists for women. ,and children alive, already.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "The number one reason I hear for why we should not give unborn children the right to life is that a high percentage of women have miscarriages early in pregnancy"

    Even if that were true (which it's not), what relevance would that have on the life of the baby? That would be like saying people crash and die in automobiles, so it would be okay to shoot people driving around in cars.

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