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A question about the trinity?

I believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are three different beings, but are one if purpose. I know many people believe they are all one being. I find it very confusing to say that they are one and want to know how you explain this to your children when teaching them about God. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, I am just curious as to how you explain that God sent His son, but it was actually himself? Please explain to me how you explain it and why it is you believe it? Please give honest answers and please be kind.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Although I don't believe that the trinitarian view of God is correct, I've also asked this same question, or at least something like it.

    I've heard the water and the egg analogies. I've also been told that He is like each of us...

    Me- I'm a daughter, a sister, a wife.. 3 roles, one being. I act one way when filling the role of daughter around my parents, a little different from that when I'm around my brothers and am filling the role of sister. And I interact with my husband in a third fashion.

    God- He's a Father, a Savior and a Holy Spirit.. three roles, one Being. He has certain things He does and teaches when filling the role of Father, other things he taught us as our Savior....

    Again, I don't agree, but this is one way to think of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is NOT a Christian teaching. It comes from Plato. He (and Athanasias bishop of Alexandria Egypt) were fascinated by Egyptian culture which is set on 3s. Each city had its own triad/trinity of 3 gods plus an ennead or 9 gods (trinity of trinities).

    Plato put forth the idea that the 3 (and all gods) were really just part of a whole, the same guy.

    Some Catholic leaders kept pushing for the doctrine until it was "voted in" and accepted as orthodox by Catholics.

    In his Confessions, Augustine wrote against the RC church for teaching that God could become corporeal (flesh) and then apologized to them for falsely accusing them of this (they tried to convince him they didn't, I guess). Then he converts to trinity from Plato and admits he read it in Plato's writings. After that, he fought to push trinity into RC church.

    The RC encyclopedia is Platonic and frequently mentions him and his writings. You can find this online and use it for reference.

    Apostolic Faiths follow only the earliest creed (Apostles creed) which is neither trinitarian or binitarian. They believed as JW do that Jesus is God's firstborn only begotten Son he sent down from heaven. John 3:16, Rev. 22:16, Job 38:7.

    Binitarian faith follow the early Nicene Creeds believing Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit (Ghost) is not a person.

    Trinitarians get their belief from the Athanasian Creed written in the 5th and 6th century AD, centuries after the Bible was finished in AD 96-98 by the Apostle John.

    They put in some falsified proofs which are removed in modern English Bibles (though they added more fake proofs in modern ones to make up for it).

    You can use my reference link website to find these and more online free for use.

    You can also email me if you'd like references, historical data, etc.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are not 3 gods. And the attempt to explain ( your attempt ) is the attempt to explain the origin of all things by something prior to that origin, which is illogical and impossible. God is the explanation of everything and not vice versa. God had to reveal his nature to us. And it is a mystery for many reasons but most of all because anything used to 'explain' it would use something made by God. And I might add, that something would be something freely created and not necessarily created so there would be no law connecting the two.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are trying to do the impossible. Trinity is not tenable as a religious dogma as it is against common sense and logic.

    The fact of the matter is that Jesus never said he was God or son of God. Being people of a primitive age they used the metaphor of father for God. But they kew fully well that God is

    not their phyical father.

    Now in bringing Jesus to life, the most important and difficult part was played by Mary. She concievd him, bore him and carried him for 9 months and then she faced the probing questions of the people, all alone. But it is strange that she is not part of the trinity and the Arch angel who only brought message from God is included in the trinity.

    Jesus was not born in a vacume. He was a jew and every Jewish prophet declared that God was One and He has no son or daughter. If son of Jewish God Yehwa was to come, why no prophet prophecied it in earlier books sent down by God Almighty, like Torah?

    There are endless questions that crop up when you admit the dogma of trinity . It is alien and was introduced at the behest of Roman Kings who were paga and made it a condition of accepting Christianity. See "passion of Christ "

    Javed Kaleem

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree, when I first got saved trying to understand the "Trinity" was hard, but this is how it was explained to me so I could get the concept and understand and this is how I explained it to my kids...


    1 egg has the shell (Holy Spirit that protects) egg white(Christ who provides nutrition for the growth of the embryo, as it is rich in proteins and is of high nutritional value ) and the yoke (God that is the center and begining of life)

    3 parts = 1 egg

    hoped this least in some way :-)


  • We are born according to an intelligent System that some called the Truth. The world that belongs to the System is the System of God, and it is the only intelligent System that is available to us to manage life. We must belong to that System intellectually and emotionally because then only we can express our spiriaulity and culture. Christ called this process 'entering the Kingdom of God'. Christ was reacting against the degradation in the society when they were depending on their systems for the management of life. The implication is that degradation of human qualities takes place when we depend on the systems that we make based on our (rather others') reasoning for the management of life. Even it affects human relationship. Religions propund many therories to justify their systems. If we go by Christ's words nobody can establish any other system as it tampers with our human qualities. This is because the best expression of the human mind is possible only when it is nurtured by the elements that belong to the System of God. Then we have the highest state of consciousness that is availabe to human birth.

    Source(s):, Gospel of Thomas, the Koran, the Upanishads, Buddha, Zoroaster.
  • 1 decade ago


    In Genesis 2:7 it shows how man was created in God's image. It says he made a 1)body, breathed into it his own 2)spirit and man became a living 3)soul.

    Man was made in three "parts". Each is just as much "you" as any of the others. But the operate in different realms, using different rules, and with a different mission. The body touches the physical realm and is subject to physics, time and space. The soul works in the area of thoughts, the will and the emotions. It has no direct influence on the physical, but is not subject to the laws of the physical. The spirit communicates in the spiritual realm and is able to talk to God himself.

    So God is also in each of the three realms that man touches. In the spiritual or heavenly realm, he is God the Father. In the physical he came as God the Son, called Jesus. In the soul realm, he indwells the hearts of his people as God the Holy Spirit.

    Each is just as much "God" as either of the others. Yet together they from the single person "God". Just as your body, your mind and your heart form the single person "you".

  • 1 decade ago

    As a Catholic:

    The Trinity is just a way for us to think about God. We know that there is God. We know that Jesus was God. We know that the Holy Spirit is God too. One God, three ways to think of him. St. Patrick compared it to a clover: three leaves in one. Basically, it's just a way to help us know the unknowable.

    Also, the Catholic church teaches that Jesus was both 100% man and 100% God. Two in one. A Mystery.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is Spirit and consuming fire. Yet, Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the Father. Flesh cannot be around consuming fire, yet God wanted to live among us so he took a Branch of Himself and gave us His Son, Jesus the Christ.

    And when He took His Son back into heaven He left another part of Him the Holy Spirit within us. Which is God and Christ within us.

    Like the song "God in 3 persons - blessed Trinity!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best analogies I heard were the following:

    Water is three: liquid, vapor and ice yet all water.

    An egg is: a shell, a yolk and the white yet still an egg.

    The Trinity is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three Who's and One what.

    Each is distinct, each His own, each a Person.

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