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Should there be criminal penalties for using children in this way?

Attached is a link to a Yorkshire Post article and video, a child's sing-a-long about a little girl watching her mother strap on a bomb, then blowing herself and others up when Israeli troops confront her. The end of the song is about how the child wants to emulate her mother.

Do we need to legislate penalties for using children to promote violence? I'm not aware of any such laws, but if they exist, what are they?

Update 2:

Good point, Praise Jesus, but what about the people who created the video, made it, distributed it?

Update 3:

Wow, Shepherd, thanks for the refreshing new insight. It's actually my fault because I'm a woman. Hmmm, interesting.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You won't find that anywhere except in the Muslim world...

    Source(s): Problem is Western society lawmakers are hesitant to outright penalize those people for fear of further retribution...and they can't find them...ever notice how the radical Muslims are always hiding their faces and creating videos from someplace hidden???
  • NXile
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If there was any way to "catch" the parents actively teaching these things, there might be a chance, but these things are done away from our eyes. They only come to light through this kind of reporting. No one here really knew that the Palestinians were using a Mickey Mouse type of character to teach children about murdering Israelis and Americans until video clips from Al Jazeera were shown on our news programs. Walid Shoebat has been a blessing in that regard.

    But what about the slack-jawed, Neo-Nazi skinhead types who raise their children, right here in the U.S., to hate all non-whites? They are as violent as anything we've seen. They just lack the courage to really stand for what they believe. Thank God! But they indoctrinate their children in the same manner.

    Our government stands so firmly behind the P.A. that they will NEVER take a stand against them. The "war on terror" is a very selective war. There's trouble coming.

  • 1 decade ago

    And some people say that all Muslims are peace loving people= PLEASE do not misunderstand what I just said here. NOT ALL MUSLIMS are not peaceful people. I know a few and they are. I do not understand how anyone would allow this to happen. Let us try and find a way to put a stop to this. A child needs to learn how to emulate her mother who is strapping herself to a suicide bomb. WOW!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tricky. My thoughts are that that sort of thing constitutes child abuse, certainly an abuse of position on the part of the parent, but how could you legislate for what somebody teaches their children without that being open to abuse in itself, and overly restricting peoples liberties.

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  • I think it is time that we considered it.

    Legislating Morality is a scary proposition, so maybe we don't go after the indoctrination, but there has to be a way to go after the producers of the video, and the parents for harming children.

    Edit -- Not Social, When I was a kid, I was taught that Atheists don't have morals, and don't have a purpose in life. I was taught that they deserved death at the hands of God. Its very similar, and a short step from God doing the killing to his faithful followers.

  • 1 decade ago

    it doesn't only happen in muslim realms if you read the newspaper...and yes there should be law protecting the kids...and it is not the fault of a certain religion...i feel that the adults mind are to the extreme. And there is no religion tha teach its follower to be violent. from my knowledge muslim even teach its followers to respect others. they are just using the religion as a excuse for their own short comings

    Source(s): quran and the newspaper
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes we should, because, basically, that is a form of child abuse. That child is going to be mentally traumatized for the rest of her life. Not to mention the perpetuating of the terrorist ideas to future generations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israeli occupation forces admit to killing of three innocent children

    Friday August 31, 2007 10:38 by John Smith - IMEMC & agencies johnsmithimemc at gmail dot com

    Three innocent Palestinian children killed in Gaza on Tuesday were merely playing near rocket launchers in the area when they were targeted by Israeli fire, and were unconnected with any resistance activity, the Israeli occupation army stated on Thursday.

    instent of dying like this they are preferring to sucide bombs

    think from ur heart what is right for them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are already laws about supporting, encouraging, promoting or praising acts of terror

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Omg, ok smarty pants, if it says that in OUR riligion in OUR "bible" <which is called the Holy Quraan, please Donnot insault> oh please i challange you to find it for me were it is written that we shall kill ourselves. and be suicide bombers, I CHALLANGE YOU. then i will be satisfied, you are talking with no evidence, and that is why muslims are hated, because pleople like YOU come up with things from your head and other people like YOU are freakin dumb enough to believe. bring your proof my darling and then I shall believe you.

    And as a matter of fact in OUR riligion, Muslims who cummit suicide are sent to eternal hell fire, BECAUSE we are not to choose to take our own lifes, it is Allah who chooses!

    He gave us life, and he is the one to take it.

    so sweety-pooh, gimme your proof??

    if you dont have, then i shall be expecting you to feel a little embaressed of yourself!

    thank you OH so very much!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Try not to think so much about it. It's your own failings that have brought this to the forefront of society. The women's movement and women's activism, not to mention the failings of Great Britain to protect the Faith. Make a stand for the God of Israel and God will stand beside you.

    I no longer wish to consort with babel, good day and God bless.

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