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Why do the human rights group never protest against the abuse by terrorists ?

Why is it that we never see the human rights group ever complain about the rights abuse by terrorists ? Or have I missed anything here ?

Every time we read the news about the Human Rights group protesting against the atrocities by military, cops, communal forces but never have I ever seen them protesting against bomb explosions, rape and killing of innocent kids by terrorists, ethnic cleansing of people of various faiths from terrorists infested areas.

Is it that the human rights groups are only worried about rights a certain faith or section of world ?

Those who get killed by terrorists are also humans arent they ?


Older and Wiser please read Misty's answer and you may gain a bit more wisdom. Dont call others question as stupid, if you feel they are stupid dont answer.

And yes EVERYONE does not protest against terrorist acts, in fact in some places people even deny anything wrong happened.

Update 2:

Citizen 1

See the Amnesty website for yourself and look at the first 3 links they all talk about govt. and cops and prison tortures.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe they are just focusing on the causes where they think their efforts will do some good.

    Do you contribute to any charities? If so, why don't you contribute to all of them? Not enough money or interest to go around?

    Same thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, many liberals in this country have the habit of blaming America and seeing it as the evil empire and everyone else is excused from their evil because we "made them do it". Violence is a choice and no matter what I experience, I am responsible for my response. This makes terrorists nothing more than murderers.

    As to protests, they are used as an excuse to go home afterward and do nothing. "I went to DC so I did something. " If they were serious they would send a million people to Washington and sit down until something changed. That would involve real sacrifice and not just a weekend party so it will NEVER happen. They want to end the war so long as it doesn't interfere with their daily lives. There are the rare exceptions but most are weekend activists at best.

    The politically correct line is as dangerous as the conservative-fundamentalist line. Neither has any base in reality. T

    I choose to focus on local conditions as I feel we need to create peaceful communities which will then lend to peace around the globe. However, if the Muslim extremists or the Christian fundamentalists get their way, our rights will disappear and I will no longer matter as I am a woman. Its funny how much those two groups have in common.

    Notice too the enslavement of women being accepted as part of the Muslim culture as if it were the same as lighting a candle for the holidays. Don't worry I'm told they like wearing the head-to-toe Burka and not being allowed to read or vote.

    Bottom line is that we blame the US on one side and the world on the other and it is really a combination of the 2. America doesn't breed terrorists, humans do. We are hell-bent on succeeding or getting what we want at any cost. That attitude of selfishness is what creates corruption and war.

    Your terrorist just might be my freedom fighter. We will continue on like this until we get it: Killing each others children should not be a conflict resolution tool.

    Peace to You.

    Peace to All.

    And to All the right to exist.

  • 1 decade ago

    terrorism is a product and cause is something.nothing can be perfect in this world because everything is man made. no man is foolproof.the perpetrators of terrorism is equally likely with the elected governments in the sense that both of them are power chasers and the innocent publics are caught in between.we have to question everything whether the same is created by terrorists or the elected governments. this needs open mind and not a pre determined mind.terrorism is a challenge to humanity which have to be approached with openness. terrorism is not justified but at the same time the counter terrorrism acts of elected governments/authorities are also not beyond question.if not, then custody death or encounters are justified whether it happens to an innocent or a terrorist.the trails created by military, army and police in the counter terrorism activities are soils where the seeds of further terror is sown.that is why there is an un ending slogans to end put a fulstop to this menace for ever, NGOs and social scientists should handle these cases and an elected government should accept the remedies whatever is suggested by these groups.that is why human rights groups always suggest for open trials in public and not in private because that will bring out the real culprits . the victims of terror is the common innocent and any welfare government should change its approach to this problem if it really has a committment to do so because we failed in all the efforts to curtail it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well the main aim of Human Rights activists is to raise voices against people who support a particular idea. The idea of terrorism is beyond any logical reasoning. Therefore there are no protests held against terrorists as such.

    The activists do hold protests against the people who are responsible to ensure that terrorists do no cause any harm.

    For e.g. human rights' activists opposing against the Government that refuses to take action against terrorists.

    Therefore people do not need to protest against terrorists as an overwhelming majority is already against them.

    Hope this clears some doubt....

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  • 1 decade ago

    You have definitely missed something here. Countless human rights groups denounce the acts of terrorists. I will provide you with a list and URLs below.


    Women in Black started by Palestinian & Isreali women opposes all violence to achieve political change including 9/11 and works for a peaceful resolution for the differences between Palistinians & Isrealis and other conflicts throughout the world.

    URL: (Note: the denumciation of the Madrid bombings and 9/11)

    Amnesty Internation actively opposes the genocide in Darfur and the Sudan.



    In perusing the responses to this question it's obvious that people answering live in state of delusion wallowing in the womb of the corporate FUD machine.

    They decide, you repeat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Uhh, because EVERYONE protest against the abuse of terrorists collectively, so individual interest groups don't need to take up the cause. Any more stupid questions?

  • 1 decade ago

    Very good question. I think it's because the human rights groups are too chickensh*t to confront the terrorists. They know they can complain about everybody else and nothing bad will happen to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    um, see today's news......on MSNBC.....about a video being circulated depicting a child watching her mother become a suicide bomber and wanting to do so as well.....denounced by several clerics and human rights orgs. Also, see journalists in Iraq.....many have been killed or kidnapped....several stories earlier in the year with human rights groups protesting against this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Human right groups have political affiliations and selfish interests

    They only advocate for those Communities which are united. For example They will never speak for hindus rights.

    We can provide evidence

  • 1 decade ago

    because they are terrorists and they dont know any better. atleast thats the way it seems sometimes. terrorists wont listen anyway even if there were protests. it would make them do it more just to piss the protesters off

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