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David M asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why did Ron Paul earn 6 million dollars in one day?

Those of you familiar with my Q&A know I like Obama. But I am not a one dimensional thinker and maintain an open mind regardless of who impresses me most. I have often been critical of Mr. Paul, but lately have come to believe that he represents the best republican candidate. I don't agree with enough of his issues to swing my vote, but believe he does at least deserve listening to.

At the heart of his earnings for this day lies a disturbing mix of people. I say disturbing because it includes an unhealthy mix of white supremacists. David Duke's crew donated heavily it seems. The financial support garnered from this sector would easily convince most that Mr. Paul was somehow in bed with racist. So I checked it out. What I found is that this group does not align with Paul's views but does view him as the best chance to disrupt the government status quo. Character limit restricts more detail so read the links:

Read and answer headline question please.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ron Paul appeals to a large segment of voters who are frustrated, fed up, angry, disgusted and saddened by the continuing parade of U.S. Presidents who just don't seem to measure up to the criteria for the presidency that many people formed long ago. Ask yourself this question: How many presidents during your lifetime have you truly admired? How many times has there been a President who in your opinion achieved greatness? When was the last time we had a President that would merit a place on Mount Rushmore?

    Do you believe there will be a President in your lifetime who will have the courage, vision and integrity to truly unite our country and actually demonstrate creative, intelligent leadership that will elevate our society to a higher level of achievement in many areas that are currently so troubled?

    I am not suggesting that Ron Paul is the answer to the many problems we now face as a nation. I am not a Ron Paul supporter, although I do agree with some of his positions on major issues. My point is that I believe there are a large number of people in this country who are looking for a new direction, an alternative to the status quo party-line candidates who always seem to be controlled by powerful forces just off stage. Ron Paul inspires hope in these people that just maybe, he is the answer they have been looking for. People yearning for a different direction look for someone to take them there.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    RON PAUL REVOLUTION and Ron Paul doesnt speak of any lies the rest of the politicians do but no Paul. Ron Paul is a true American Patriot. Oh, and FOX won't let you know because the media is runned by jews who are against Ron Paul's honest about the world. Ron Paul all the way!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul, in his own words on why he won't return the contributions based on contributors' views

    So what? Do any of the other candidates get chided for accepting millions from various evil companies? Does Obama take time to identify all of the Black Panthers contributing to his campaign? Does Hitlery even bat an eye at all of the funds coming from the Communist Party of China? Was Bush discredited for accepting millions from the Saudis? Nope.

    Ron Paultriots, Join your local meetup groups, state campaign sites, local Republican party unit committees, and become delegates! We have to play the system's game if we are to win.

    We can take the Republican Party back from the Statists and Socialists!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey Dave,

    I was a bit concerned myself, but I went to his Wiki site and did some reading up. I also do not agree with all his views, but I agree with enough of them to keep an eye on this gentleman. I have always said the candidates need to show me their plan for the nation, not tell me what it needs. I know what it needs, so show me your plan.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haven't you seen that movie? "There's Something About Ron"?

    If you ask anyone to donate to any other candidate and meet a goal.. you'll NEVER see it. The only money the "popular" candidates get is from special interests and corporations to benefit the war.

    Think about this: If your neighbor was threatening your family, would you stay in your own yard to fight or go down the street into their yard? Who will watch YOUR yard? And the war is the biggest issue that people cannot understand about Dr. Paul.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The striking thing is not only did he earn $6 million, but from WHO he got it from.

    The source below shouts at who has "bundling" from special interests groups.

    Do you really want WALMART (Huckabee) telling you who should be president?

    How about Oppenheimer & Co or Citigroup (Obama)?

    JP Morgan Chase (Guiliani)?

    Look for yourself and then ask yourself who is in charge here? Corporate interests or WE THE PEOPLE?

    -Ron Paul: ZERO BUNDLERS

    -Tom Tancredo: ZERO BUNDLERS

    -Duncan Hunter: ZERO BUNDLERS

    -Tom Tancredo: ZERO BUNDLERS

    -Mike Gravel: ZERO BUNDLERS

    When you are ready to be honest with yourself and start believing that corporations are NOT looking after your best interest, then you can understand why REAL people are giving their own money to a candidate that will represent THEM- and not represent CORPORATE GREED.

  • 1 decade ago

    He announced the day that he wanted to pull off the "donation bomb," so everyone who wanted to donate to him waited until that day so all of their money would roll in at once, instead of a few hundred every hour or so like the other campaigns.

    And while the total so far for this quarter is impressive, don't forget that Mitt Romney raised over twenty million in the first quarter, and that was before he became popular. Six million dollars in one day is also a record that he set in January, but it "doesn't count" because a large portion of the money was only pledged to him that day and wasn't officially donated until later on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He earned 6 million in one day because his supporters got fleeced.

    I have much more respect for candidates who are able to earn significantly more money from people who matter consistently throughout their campaign than two hit fundraising wonders.

    As far as Ron Paul's credentials, I happen to hold a lot of his views as my own. The only problem is that he will not be capable of supporting any of his promises if, by some miracle of GOD, he ever gets elected because he has zero authority to make the changes he is proposing on his own - with the exception of his stance on the Iraq war.

    As far as Ron Paul's ties with racists go, I think it has been pretty well documented that this is what he is. Even if he isn't the fact that he gains so much support from them shows that his agenda and theirs meet up pretty well. After all, why wouldn't he risk pissing them off by returning a $500 donation from a white nationalist out of $ 18 million he's gotten so far when other candidates turn down far larger donations from people of questionable reputation? The answer is simple - he doesn't want to piss off his most stalwart constituency by doing so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think Ron Paul is great. America is headed in a downward spiral. Look at many of the civilizations before us they spread themselves out to thin and go bankrupt. We are just repeating the cycle. its a shame he wont get votes but why choose a lesser evil?

    Source(s): Vote for Ron Paul.
  • 1 decade ago

    All politicians debate about what's popular or whatever they think will get them elected. I have yet to hear one politician say anything about improving the "quality of life" for the average American. Until then, kiss my *** when it comes to voting. Our American political system is about equal to a high school homecoming election. So here's a "remix" to P Diddy's slogan--- "Vote AND DIE"

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