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Is God Selfish?

I was wondering, If God has no need of human companionship, but only desires our love and worship. And knew that millions (billions?) would be allowed to suffer and die only to get a small fraction of them. And KNOWING That this would happen. Isn't that a rather HIGH FAILURE RATE? I Know You'll Say It's Not HIS Failure. But,He Did KNOW This Would Happen, So He IS Culpable. So If This Is All Just To Satisfy A Desire, Doesn't that seem a bit selfish on his part? Why even create us at all?


To teran_realtor: You Don't Perform An "Experiment" Where You ALREADY Know The The Answer. And A God Of 'Love' Would Not Create Beings Only To Condemn Them. I Think I Should Resent The Fact You Think We're Guinea Pigs Or Lab Rats.

Update 2:

To chris_muriel007: He Sacrificed His Only Begotten Son For Our 'Redemption'. Sounds Like The Loss Of Even ONE Soul Means A Lot To Him.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well, if the bible is true (which it isn't), god has certainly killed lots of innocents

  • 1 decade ago

    Creation is unnecessary for a being who is all powerful and content within itself.

    In the Old and New Testaments, god suffers from incredibly petty, weak, human-like emotions. Not only is he selfish, he is also jealous and angry. What kind of omniscient, omnipotent being gets jealous? What is he jealous of? It seems silly to be bothered by people worshipping false idols if he is the only deity. It is a little odd that the most powerful thing in the universe should suffer from jealousy, is it not?

    Much like humans, God is also quick to anger. Why does he get angry? Surely his omniscience tells him what will happen in the future. If he knows everything and gets angry about certain things, he only has himself to blame. Really, if god exists at all, he is a bumbling idiot with practically no self confidence.

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Really dont know why honestly.

    Cant really judge a judge.

    When i didnt beleive in god I was happy but when the hell thing was brought to my attention then lifes not so bright as


    I think of why am I happy at first and now because of god himself Im sad, why did god create me?

    Im either confused about god or he doesnt want anyone to be happy right?

    Id rather not try to understand anything about god cant do anything about it anyways.

    I know when i die Ill be with Jesus because i believe, anything else can just be fed to the dogs, religion and the whole lot.

  • Blue
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In my opinion God created us, then sat back to watch life unravel. He knows what's going to happen but still is watching, like a movie you like that you know the ending to but you would watch it any way. In some respects that does make Him selfish, I agree. Because he can cut in the production and change may of the sufferings, does He? Maybe He does, maybe without His hand in many "scenes" suffering and misery would be much much more than it is right now. Or maybe He doesn't.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Our creation didn't begin in this world. God created the living entity(the soul) for His pleasure, meaning companion. No one can derive pleasure alone. When we decided to leave the company from God, by using our free will, we come to this material world, which is characterized as a place of misery and death. God knows that we will suffer, but He can not take away the free will from us. The act of worship and love Him, is innate in the soul, us. We worship and love everything in this material world but Him. Worshiping Him is one of the methods for which one can come back and attain His company again and give up all suffering in this world.

    Merry Christmas.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible says that God is not willing that any would perish. There is something in theology known as God's Perfect Will and God's permissive Will. In His perfect will, all of us would come to a knowledge of truth and be saved. In fact, really in His perfect will sin would never have entered the world. Then there is His permissive will, He will give you the choice of which path to take, one leads to life, the other to death. You choose.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your question carries with it the (silent) implication that God is somehow accountable to someone. This is an erroneous thought. What if the loss of souls doesn't bother him as much as it does us?

    Added: Where does it say that? Haven't you noticed that the Good News (The Gospel message) comes with an unsavory side: "He that believeth not is ALREADY condemned"

  • I've always thought that a supposedly purely good, omnisicent deity bringing people into life that are predetermined for "eternal damnation" is more the eptiome of evil, rather than Failure.

  • 1 decade ago

    God didn't set up this grand experiment to see if He could win us. As you said, He already knows the outcome. That's because He knows our hearts. He set it up so that when He judges us, we will have seen ourselves play out physically that which is in our hearts, and accept our judgment as just.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good questions.

    I do not know the answer...... What is the big deal about dieing? I don't like pain or car accidents or being incoherrent but dieing is not a problem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God is not selfish but he is Jealous

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