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Are you a hypocrite?

'Tis the season.

What kinds of dogma do you espouse, while you act contrariwise?


'Espouse' and 'contrariwise' are both ordinary English words, spelled correctly.

Update 2:

I'm just curious about the ways in which we portray our relationship with our ethical values. It's difficult to be consistent, since life is so complex and the demands of the moment may challenge even our strongest beliefs about what is right. It's interesting how many people have posted defensive answers to the question.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. We all engage in some hypocrisy now and again. I shake my head when I hear about people addicted to crack or heroin, but I couldn't quit smoking to save my life. Same problem, only I chose a more socially acceptable drug. That's one instance. I accuse Christians of being rude on R&S, but I'm often deliberately rude to Christians. Need more? I could write a book.

  • The key is being real. You have to be true. If you are not, life will present you challenges to show you that you are not. That is all part of the process. It's called being "tried in the fire". Fire purifies gold. It gets out all the contaminants. When we go through trials, problems, and challenges in life, it shows us what we are made of. If you are true, the bad things will purify you and make you a better person. You will stick to your beliefs and suffer through. If you are a hypocrite, each time the road gets rough, you will compromise on your values and make excuses for yourself. Even the best people make mistakes, but the way to tell if you are "real" or not, is your attitude. When you do wrong, do you admit it, apologize and correct yourself? Or, do you blame somebody else for your actions, so you won't have to take responsibility for what you do or don't do. Do you continue to do wrong? I stick to my beliefs and even suffer for what I believe. If I make a mistake, I admit it and correct myself. I see continuous growth in my character. No, I am not a hypocrite.

    Source(s): truth
  • Everyone is a hypocrite to some degree. At its roots the word just means "one who acts", and we all act from time to time. I espouse the dogma of humor.

  • 1 decade ago

    To act contrary to your beliefs does not make a person a hypocrite. Lots of people believe drinking is wrong, but they are caught up in alcholism and thus drink too much. That isn't being hypocritical -- it is failing to meet what you know to be correct behavior. It is only if you tell others X is wrong for them but that it is somehow not wrong for you that you are acting as a hypocrite.

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  • Tasha
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am a sinner. So if you want to get technical, I guess in a way I am a hypocrite, since I am a Christian as well. But I don't judge others for also being a sinner.

  • 1 decade ago

    no I'm trying not to be and being as honest as possible and believe me I'm far from being perfect. So are you a hypocrite? Why do you ask?

  • nora d
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    no I am no hypocrite. I do not attend church and pretend to be something I am not.... Nor do I like those who are hypocrites.

    I have a real problem with people who go to bars and strip joints on Friday and Saturday night, then go to church on Sunday and act like they are the so holy and righteous. Or the women that spend their days gossiping about other people and then acting like they are their friends... No people like that totally are worthless and useless

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't be a racist-I am

    Don't hate on people who are fat-I do

    Don't drink Pepsi when you like Coke- Do that too, dammit.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes I'm a hypocrite..i'm giving it up for the new doesn't work for me anymore...My dogma's name is loisa..she is a *****

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. I just tell people to do things while I do and believe the opposite. i like to call it 'remaining positive'



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