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The Big Box asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

LITY- how serious is the Los Vegas talk?

you mentioned that there's a rumored name. If there's a name there, does that mean the talk is really serious? Do you know how serious that talk is? do you think it'll actually happen?

And where would the other team be going? Or is that under debate?

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Jerry Bruckheimer owning a team in Vegas eventually is practically a slam dunk, while the NHL won't come out and say it, Bruckheimer has.

    The talk between Bruckheimer and the NHL (Gretzky introduced him to the owners) has been ongoing since the lockout year.

    The NHL owners are keen to expand (despite what the fans want) into 'untapped' hockey markets.

    The original owners were to be Bruckheimer in Vegas and Del Baggio in KC. But no timeline was set.

    As Bob mentioned in a previous question, Harrah's (at one time the sports gambling capital of North America) has started constructing a multi-purpose facility that can house a hockey team.

    Bruckheimer was seen at the Winter Classic in Buffalo in the company of Bettman and Lemieux on Monday evening. Bruckheimer will be an owner's guest at the All-Star game in Atlanta.

    The second franchise.

    As part of 'saving' the Predators, Del Baggio had to sell his stake in the Sharks, and give up his exclusive rights to a team in KC.

    ESPN wants the NHL to expand into 'ESPN' friendly markets, which would be Vegas...................and Houston.

    Harley Hotchkiss (Flames owner) really wants Del Baggio as part of the NHL owners fraternity, and it is believed that as soon as Nashville sinks or swims, Del Baggio will sell his stake and purchase an expansion franchise.

    Both Daryl Katze and James Balsillie have stated many times that they have no interest in spending $300MM-$350MM for a franchise that won't be worth that much once the papers are signed, which pretty much rules out Canada.

    So, the probability that Las Vegas gets an NHL franchise and Jerry Bruckheimer is the owner? I'm going to say 90% +

    The probablility that 2nd franchise is added at the same time? 99%

    The probability that the 2nd team is in Houston, KC, or Portland? 90%

    However, this is the NHL, and anything can happen. But I believe that within 5 years the league will have 32 or 34 teams...........and one of those teams will NOT be in Nashville.

    Some things to consider.

    1) The owners don't make a cent when a team relocates, but they get tons of money when an expansion team is created

    2) The NHLPA members don't get any new jobs when a team is relocated, but 25-35 jobs are created everytime an expansion team is created.

    So, both the NHLPA and Owners are in favour of expansion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not LITY but I have been keeping up on it and it is very much a reality and one I have been saying for a long time would come to fruition.

    Bruckenheimer is in place as an owner, expansion fees have been discussed (over 300 million) and an arena will be available.

    The other city is more debatable I think but the strongest talk I hear is KC. I have also heard Houston, Portland and Seattle to a lesser extent.

    It really isn't that new of a topic just one that we only hear tidbits here and there about. LITY may hear a bit more than the average Joe, check that, he does hear more..........

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LV would be great, especially as the only major league franchise in town.

    But you'd think there would be an NHL team in Toronto before Las Vegas, right?

    (JK, Leafs fans.)

  • 1 decade ago

    aaw man, i was saying 10 yrs till the Leafs win the Cup, now its going to be 20 years. Dang it!!

    LITY, i sent you an e-mail. have you checked your account lately??

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    probably l. a.. truthfully no longer las vegas. icky. it extremely is like porn city. nyc sounds ok...yet with the crime fee i'm uncertain i could pass there. i've got heard sturdy issues approximately california.

  • NIPS®
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Atleast that moves the WINGS back to the East! Where they belong.

    Source(s): That is my opinion after reading LITYs answer!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dont think vegas is much of a hockey city but then again you never know i would like it though

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