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Labor and birth, how bad is it?

Ok, I recently read a story about a woman being in labor for an entire day and not even realizing it. She said it just felt like some slight tightening and no pain at all. Then she went to the hospital and she and her dr were stunned to find that she was ready to deliver. Does this sound real? I'm curious to know what contractions, labor and delivery actually feel like. I want to get pregant but I'm petrified of dr's and pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst pain of your life. How would you rate labor and then delivery?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The pain and difficulty of labor greatly depends upon the physical fitness of the mother. My ex m-i-l felt no pain when giving birth to her first son, and only was in labor for an hour, giving only a single push. She also walked over five miles a day over her entire pregnancy, so she was also really in shape.

    As for me, I chose to go without any painkillers and I do have to say, its the worst pain I've felt, though many say that kidney stones are worse. I also have fibromyalgia, so pain is nothing new to me, so my rating would be a little off, I think.

    If you want to prevent the pain, be in the best physical shape you can be for the duration of that pregnancy. Daily squats and other exercises during gestation will help.

    I also suggest researching the Bradley birthing method, which focuses on the very real possibility in low-pain births through specific exercises that ready the body for labor (among other things).

  • 1 decade ago

    It varies from woman to woman. I did not feel my contractions until they were 4 minutes apart. I know I was contracting every 7 minutes the night before because I was at the hospital waiting to be induced the very next morning. I was watching the machine, it was showing that I was having contractions and I just laughed thinking labor was going to be a breeze.

    But, see - I was induced with pitocin. Which made EVERYTHING hurt more than it should have. So, my labor ended up hurting at a level of 100 on a 1-10 scale. But, once the baby is out, it stops. The babys head coming out hurt worse than the contractions though.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had my daughter 3 years ago and I think God allowed me to forgot about most of the pain. At the time I would have said 10 but now looking back, probably an 8 or a 9. I had back labor and got an epidural at 3 cm dilated. I pushed for two hours and didn't feel my baby coming out thank goodness since I tore really bad. Labor and delivery wasn't that bad since I'm 24 weeks with #2.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I arrived at the hospital about 2 am because of bleeding. They checked me out and told me i was going to have the baby today. I had back labor, and it didn't stop, my lower back felt like it was about to collapse, the contractions were very painful...then i got an epidural later and ALL was well, but as soon as it kicked in, i was ready to deliver. The delivery was pretty easy compared to the labor, as it was hard to feel much, except for pressure. I had my son at 8 mins after Noon, so i was in there about 10 hours. If i wanted a child i would do it all over again, no fear.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, I'd rate labor and delivery on a 7. I've had 4 kidney stones in the last five years of my life and I would choose to go into labor before I'd want to have another kidney stone. Those are 10s to me! I usually have to be hospitilized and be on morpheine for them, but I had a natural (no pain meds) labor and delivery. Don't let the pain of a few hours stop you from having a baby. The small time frame of pain is worth that little angel! =)

  • Face T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One can always get an epidural which takes away a lot of the pain at least during labour. One of my friend's wife was joking that after getting the epidural was the best time of her labor - she actually got some rest and even slept a little.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its the attitude you take towards it. Everyone is different. Some women have it easy and fast, some women its long and intense.

    However remember the baby will be born whether you are ready or not so prepare yourself mentally for the event you will never forget. Make the best of it and dont look at other people. Your birth experience will be unique to you!

    All the best!!!

  • Chewie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It sounds real to me because the exact same thing happened with my second son.

    Contractions are similar to menstrual cramps, but 1000 times more painful. As for the delivery....3 words....ring of fire.

    It's really not that bad. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

    Source(s): Mom of 3 year old and 6 month old boys
  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone is different. I've heard so many stories about how it was a 1 then stories of a 10. Just prepare yourself as best as possible to make it as low as possible. But be sure to accept the high numbers as well as you are giving life.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can't really rate it becuase you are giving life. and by the time you go through labor/delivery it will be worth it. it's a diffrent expierence for everyone, so just relax. if you need pain med, don't be afraid to take it......

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