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Alexis R
Switch to prozac while prego?
Right now I'm 6 weeks pregnant and taking 300 mg of effexor xr. I want to get off the effexor because its giving me high blood pressure and the withdrawal is really bad. My ob said to switch to prozac. I have gad and panic disorder. Anyone have experiences with prozac? I'm thinking of switching to this and any advice would help.
3 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoHow long until Effexor XR kicks in?
My DR switched me from Lexapro to Effexor XR 150 MG. How long does it usually take to start working? I'm taking it for severe anxiety and slight depression. I've been taking it for about a week so far.
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoAnyone taking Lexapro and Pristiq @ the same time?
My psychologist just prescribed me 50 mg of Pristiq to add on to my 10 mg of Lexapro. Has anyone else done this? Lexapro is an SSRI and Pristiq is an SNRI. I haven't seen anything on the internet about taking these drugs together but she prescribed them to me today. Any advice would be appreciated. TIA!
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoHow do I turn of Maint Reqd light on my Toyota Corolla?
Hubby changes my oil and we can't figure out how to turn that light off. Its super annoying! It only comes on when I'm due for an oil change.
2 AnswersToyota1 decade agohow do i know if all my blackberry apps are closed?
I have a pearl flip. I keeo getting an error message about my camera. It says to close all apps and then reopen camera. How do I make sure all the apps are closed?they seem tp be closed. What am I doing wrong?
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade agoHow long does it take to receive GI BILL money?
My husband applied for the GI BILL and hasn't received the money yet. Does anyone know how long it takes. Some of the other guys in his academy have received their money.
6 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoSwitching from 10 mg Lexapro to 20 mg Celexa generic?
Does anyone know if I will experience any withdrawal symptoms or anything? I've been taking the 10 mg of Lexapro for about a year now. I have new health insurance and Lexapro is about 40 bucks a month. I can get 90 days of Citalopram for $10!!!! So, I just switched yesterday. I didn't wean off the Lexapro, I just replaced it with the Celexa. Today, I feel tired and kind of out of it. Does that sound like a side effect of the switch? Any help would be appreciated.
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoSwitching from Lexapro to Celexa?
Right now I'm on 10mg of Lexapro for generalized anxiety. My insurance is about to end and Lexapro is very expensive since there is no generic. My dr recommended switching to 20 mg of Celexa, since Walmart offers them at $4- for a 30 day supply. Has anyone done this before with success? I know Lexapro is the better drug and its worked wonders for me. I'm just so worried that switching to Celexa will upset things, but I can't afford the Lexapro. If anyone has experience with this, please let me know.
3 AnswersMental Health1 decade agocan i install automatic locks and windows in my toyota?
I have a 2006 Toyota Corolla CE. Can I have automatic locks and windows installed on this? Right now I have manual locks and the hand crank windows. If anyone knows if this is possible and how much the cost would be , please let me know. Thanks!
7 AnswersToyota1 decade ago13 week dr's visit?
Does anyone know what will be happening at my next appt. I'll be at 13 weeks when I go. I've already had 3 ultrasounds, the last one was at 9 weeks. I still haven't heard the heart beating yet, do you think I'll do that? I'm just curious to know what'll be going on.
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAnyone used Tricare's continued health coverage plan?
Well, I just found out I'm pregnant and my baby is due on my husband's EAS date. So, we're freaking out b/c we won't have anymore Tricare insurance. Has anyone purchased their continued coverage plan? Did you like it? Is it expensive and how much out of pocket will I have to pay for delivery?
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoAnyone used Tricare's continued health coverage plan?
Well, I just found out I'm pregnant and my baby is due on my husband's EAS date. So, we're freaking out b/c we won't have anymore Tricare insurance. Has anyone purchased their continued coverage plan? Did you like it? Is it expensive and how much out of pocket will I have to pay for delivery?
4 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoLadies help. Whats going on with my pregnancy?
I took 2 pregnancy tests last Friday and both were positive. I went to the dr's office about 5 days later and she did a vaginal ultrasound to guess the babie's due date. She couldn't see anything in my uterus. Is it just too early to see it? She had me get all kinds of blood tests to make sure my HCG levels are increasing to be sure I'm not having an ectopic pregnancy. I'm so nervous something is wrong. Also, my boobs aren't sore yet and I have no pregnancy symptoms. When is the earliest my dr can see the embryo with an ultrasound? I go back this Thursday to see what my blood tests reveal and another ultrasound. I'm freaking out about this.
9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoLabor and birth, how bad is it?
Ok, I recently read a story about a woman being in labor for an entire day and not even realizing it. She said it just felt like some slight tightening and no pain at all. Then she went to the hospital and she and her dr were stunned to find that she was ready to deliver. Does this sound real? I'm curious to know what contractions, labor and delivery actually feel like. I want to get pregant but I'm petrified of dr's and pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst pain of your life. How would you rate labor and then delivery?
14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoLexapro and weight loss?
I'm currently taking 10mg of Lexapro each day. I have gained some weight since taking it, but I also believe its mainly due to the fact that I've been eating like a cow. So, I've decided to start Weight Watchers and I'm doing "The Firm" workout, which I've had success with before. Has anyone been able to lose weight while still taking Lexapro?? I'm hoping most of my weight gain is from eating and not a side effect of the drug.
20 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoGetting pap done, is this weird??
I'm getting a pap smear done tomorrow. I'm totally doctor phobic and start freaking out and have panic attacks. I haven't had a pap done in over 3 years and my dr is telling me I need to get one done in order to get more BC pills. Is it weird to want my husband in the room with me?? I just feel so uncomfortable and freaked out being in a doctor's office, let alone having a man dr examine my crotch region!!! LOL!! I just told my husband that he has to come in with me. Has anyone else ever done this?? I don't want everyone to think I'm nuts, I just freak out about dr's. Plus, I've never had a male dr doing my pap smear, so it'll be even more uncomfortable for me.
32 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoYAZ..BC pills?
Has anyone used Yaz? I'm thinking of switching from Ortho tri-cyclen LO to Yaz. Anything good or bad to say about it? I haven't heard much about it except for in the ads. I like how it only has 4 placebos so your period is supposed to be even shorter. I don't want a pill like Seasonique b/c I know I would have break through bleeding and thats just way too aggravatting. Any info would be helpful, I'm going to the Dr this Friday.
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoBank of America refund for fraudulent charges?
My joint checking account with my husband is being drained by someone who got my husband's debit card #. We still have both of our cards, so we think the criminal got our info from an online site that we purchased from. We already called the fraud alert hotline for the bank and got a police report. Has anyone dealt with Bank of America on this same issue? How long will it take BOA to credit our account. We've lost nearly $1000 in the last 2 days , and I just discovered it tonight when I checked my online banking. If anyone has any info on this or had a similar experience can you please fill me in on the details. I'm so worried they won't credit us the money fast enough.
5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoMeditation for anxiety help?
I have generalized anxiety disorder and I'm currently on Lexapro and Xanax to help me out. Someone recently recommended meditation. What exactly is it all about? What do you do? Where can I get it, and has it worked for you? Tell me your experiences with this technique.
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoRemoving Dodge 2500 rotars?
Does anyone know how to get a 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4's rotars off? My husband has been trying to get his old rotar off for hours and he can't get it off. He removed any bolts or nuts that he thought attatched it and it still won't come off. He's used a rubber mallet, a special too thats supposed to pry it off and it won't come off. He's trying to replace the front rotars, but he still hasn't gotten the first old rotar off. Is there anything that he could be missing or any tips to get the old rotars off. I need help ASAP. Its 107 degrees here and he's been outside for the past 7 hours with no luck.
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago