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Lv 4

serious question for Christians?

how can i believe in a God that sleeps?

i'm a Muslim and we believe that God is not like the creation and therefore doesn't need sleep

i made this video to illustrate my point. i was wondering if you could watch this video and tell me what you think and why i should convert if the Bible says that God sleeps.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Scriptures say:

    Psa 121:2 My help comes from Jehovah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth.

    Psa 121:3 He will not give your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.

    Psa 121:4 Behold, He who keeps Israel will not slumber nor sleep.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not visit videos regions.

    God told Moses He can do all things. ALL things means all. EVEN to become as one of us until certain lessons were taught to us . God can wear flesh ( Moses had this recorded Exodus 33 ) . God can sleep.. He can eat if he wants. God can sleep and still not be asleep. He can walk on water. He can raise dead people and even raise His own dead flesh. Just because a religion claims God cannot do certain things..only indicates how deeply such a religion distrusts God as the Omnipotent Being which made all that is . Such a religion ought to just admit they do not believe God is capable..and then stop pretending to serve God .

    If this is about you claiming Jesus is God.. show one scripture where Jesus sleeps. I can show you where He gets mad at others for sleeping when they should have been awake praying.

    I am sorry you have a god who is not able to do all things. Change religion ..stop being Islamic.

    Instead of being in here to explain how you cannot believe in God.. it might be better if you spend more time explaining about how women in Islam frequently get blamed for being raped horribly twice by many men and punished by jail time and scourging. Explain how a Christian woman could be jailed and scourged because a MUSLIM boy named a teddy bear Muhammed.

  • ac28
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God is God...He can sleep if He wants to. Remember, He's still in control whether He sleeps or not. The Bible says that not a leaf can move w/out Him allowing it to.

    Besides, where in the Bible does it say He sleeps?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't need to watch your video to know the Bible never says God sleeps. Actually, Psalm 121:2-4 says he never sleeps.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, so much easier believing in god that wants you to blow yourself up along with innocent ppl.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The fact that their god sleeps is the least of their problems.

    Don't even get me started on Islam. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God doesn't sleep

    those are prayers not thought answered

    You misinterpret those verses

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My word of God says, that our lord, neither tires nor slumbers, so you tell ME, when it is that he is suspose to sleep.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're question is an indication that you really don't know anything about God, or you wouldn't ask that.

    Your misconception comes from your misunderstanding of who Jesus is.

    Let me start with John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God ... " ... "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

    Before Jesus came to earth, He was God. The Spirit of God indwelt the very spirit of Jesus, so in that sense, Jesus is God (manifest in a physical body), but because the POWER of God caused the egg within Mary to start growing without the aid of a man, the child is also referred to as the Son of God, because God caused a miracle and started the egg within Mary to grow miraculously by the Power of God.

    This human person was called Yeshua or "Savior". His English name translates to Jesus.

    Jesus was a real person with a real physical body with real physical needs, such as the need to eat and sleep, along with all other bodily functions, such as breathing, et cetera.

    But because the SPIRIT of Jesus was the SPIRIT of God, Jesus is also called the Son of God.

    The Scripture also says "No man has seen God at anytime. That's why Jesus came from the very heart of God to reveal God's true nature and character." (This is somewhat amplified, based on Greek, rather than the English translations, to help clarify the true meaning somewhat).

    Jesus, as a man, was not God, because God is Infinite and Eternal and does not have flesh or need to sleep or eat or breathe.

    The ONE God is tri-une in nature. You can see other examples in God's Creation:

    Time is tri-une, consisting of PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.

    Matter is tri-une. Water (H2O) for instance can be a SOLID (ice), LIQUID (water), or GAS (steam).

    Space, itself, is tri-une, consisting of LENGTH, WIDTH and HEIGHT.

    God said "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness."

    Man is tri-une in nature. People have a BODY, a SOUL, and a SPIRIT.

    My soul is not the same thing as my body, and my body is not the same as my spirit, but there is only ONE of me.

    There is only ONE GOD. Get that straight, first and foremost.

    We do not believe in a "three-headed god" or "three gods". God is ONE.

    But this ONE GOD is tri-une in nature, and so we can refer to God in His tri-une nature, we refer to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, but it is ONE GOD.

    Just like you can refer to my BODY, or my SOUL, or my SPIRIT, but there is only ONE of ME.


    God, the Son, came to earth and inhabited this body called Jesus. Jesus, the BODY was not God. Jesus, the BODY was the house of "God the Son". "God the SON" lived inside the body of Jesus, but the Body of Jesus was not God.

    Jesus was God before He ever took a body. The body is temporal and finite, but Jesus was infinite and eternal.

    The BODY of Jesus had to sleep, et cetera. The SPIRIT of Jesus, which is God, did NOT have to sleep.

    Jesus is God because He came from the very HEART of God as the SOUL of God, and not the BODY, but the His inner Being.

    I sure hope you FINALLY understand, because the Bible says that if anyone brings any other gospel than this one, that person is cursed by God, even if he received it from an angel, because satan can appear as an angel of light!

    The Bible says that if you do not believe that Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, then there is no truth in you, and you are in the lie of satan. (This is a paraphrase, but I promise you that I did NOT change the meaning!)

    Jesus said "Whoever believes that God sent His Son shall not be condemned. Whoever does NOT believe that God sent His Son is condemned already."

    Somewhere else in the Bible, it says, "Whoever has the Son of God has Life. Whoever does NOT have the Son of God, death still lives in him."

    Since this is your eternal soul we're dealing with, I can not stress it strong enough that if you reject Jesus as the Son of God, then you will die in your sins. Jesus even said "If you do not believe I am the One, then you shall die in your sins."

    Jesus said "You believe in God, now believe also in me."

  • 1 decade ago

    trinity: physical body of the son, his spirit and his father in heaven!

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