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I like blackened fish and my friends.

  • What is the best way to call the States from Europe?

    My dad is going on a tour through Europe, yet he needs to send and receive calls on occasion. What is the most convenient and least expensive way to do this?

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Why mandatory health insurance?

    In some of the proposals for health insurance reform, buying health insurance is mandatory, either from the government or companies. I don't understand this. If much of this restructuring is for the poor, how is forcing a personal expense a solution to it?

    I can't afford insurance, even if it was really low, at this time. What am I missing in these discussions, because it makes no sense to me.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How do I center my design in Dreamweaver?

    I have a design that I want to center in the browser window and don't know CSS.

    This is a website I have done that uses absolute positioning, but I'd like for it all to be centered. Is there a way to do this easily or would I have to redesign everything in CSS?

    (Please ignore the obnoxious resizing of the browser window).

    5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I have started running and have asthma; will the colder weather start effecting this?

    I just started running, for the first time, this summer. It is getting colder now. Since I have asthma, mild, will the colder weather make breathing more difficult? Any risks?

    I can't really afford a gym.

    5 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Christians and Atheists: How should I deal with anxiety in dating?

    I am 32 and at one point was very good with women, but in the last few years have become extremely sensitive and apprehensive. I have no trouble talking to women or getting a date, but once I really like her, I completely crumble. I lack confidence, cannot be myself, even get depressed and overwhelmed with anxiety. So my follow up after the first or second date is really weak and I have soon lost her.

    I know how to socialize and "what to do" but how can I manage my anxiety or not lose focus, stop over analyzing, worrying, etc?

    Do you have specific things you do? I'd like to be more confident and centered for the long haul...

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you deal with dating anxiety?

    I am 32 and at one point was very good with women, but in the last few years have become extremely sensitive and apprehensive. I have no trouble talking to women or getting a date, but once I really like her, I completely crumble. I lack confidence, cannot be myself, even get depressed and overwhelmed with anxiety. So my follow up after the first or second date is really weak and I have soon lost her.

    I know how to socialize and "what to do" but how can I manage my anxiety or not lose focus, over analyzing, worrying, etc?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What kind of design files do I give a web programmer?

    I am designing a site in Photoshop and am giving the files to a person who will build the site in Flash. I am designing the layout, buttons, rollover buttons, etc. What is the best file format for him? Should they be jpgs, leave them as raw PSD files, Illustrator?

    I also want to do rollover buttons. I have done these in HTML (Dreamweaver) and they are all box shaped. I am wanting my rollover buttons to be part of an organic design, so they won't be square. Is that okay? Just make the shape in Photoshop?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I horizontally center my design in Dreamweaver CS3?

    I have layout for a website but I want the content horizontally centered as is done in this site.

    I usually design layouts and use absolute values for tables and pictures, which makes everything right aligned. How can I do this and keep everything centered?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • My heart rate seems too high, too long, after exercising?

    I am just starting to run. I jog for only about 20 minutes. I feel pretty good after, but it seems my heart rate is still fast for way too long. I have also felt lethargic or light headed for quite a while, maybe even a day.

    What could this be? I also have anxiety issues, so that could be related.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • HELP: Questions about filing unemployment...?

    I am a TN residence and have worked in both TN and NY in the past year. I was fired from a job at the end of August (had worked there 3.5 months) and picked up some part time freelance once in between. Both were in NY. Can I still file for unemployment? If so, does it have to be in TN or NY?

    This really sucks.... Help?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How do I play movies from my Mac on the TV?

    I want to hook up my PowerBook to the TV and play movies I have downloaded. What cable do I need? How is this done?


    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • What is a good way to start working out and using a gym?

    I have never been one to work out but a couple months ago I started doing the DVD series P90X. I grew fond of it and the goofy instructor but I have moved to a small apartment and don't have enough room to continue.

    I'd like to join a gym but I am mildly intimidated. What is a good way to start using a gym and what is a good starter workout routine? I am not in the greatest shape but I think I can get going fairly rapidly.

    Also, are you self conscious in a gym?

    Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What is a cheap way to eat healthy?

    I lost my job four months ago. I was making okay money during the summer and ate out a lot, but in NYC you can eat healthy in many places. Now I have to cook and my budget is nil. So I have been eating canned soup, PBJs, cereal, etc. Frozen vegetables are good, I suppose. What else?

    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What is good diet to lose weight without starving? ?

    I want to drop at least 10 pounds, but not starve myself.

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do I restore a trashed Download folder (MAC)?

    I accidentally trashed or lost my download folder. How do I create a new one so that my internet downloads go to it? I don't know where downloads are going now.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do you get an oversized Tata unstuck?

    It's jammed in there pretty good.

    3 AnswersTata1 decade ago
  • If a woman gave you a testicular exam...?

    What is the procedure for a doctor giving a testicular exam? I was told it was basic that a doctor stand and reach down to examine. I was once examined by a female doctor and she got on her knees, holding, and staring straight at the goods. She seemed to have taken a while too. Is this normal?

    9 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • How can I study the Bible better?

    Actually, that isn't my question. I don't have one. I just wanted to see how many atheists hit this like bugs into a bug-zapper.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can cardio workouts help control daytime sweating?

    I've been sweating profusely in the last couple months. It is pretty humid here, but this is out of control and embarrassing. I need to be doing more cardio, but I was wondering if burning some energy and sweat in this way might relieve some of the daytime sweating at work and walking around.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago