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Serious Question for Hillary Supporters-Why do you Like Her?

Ok, this is my first question and I am really serious. I am a long time Democrat. I don't want a Republican to win but I don't like Hillary. I realize she has a good chance of getting the nomination. Please help me by telling me why you like her because I really want to like her. Maybe you see something in her that I don't or she has done somethings I don't know about. I have been on her website and listened to some of her speeches.

I don't need help from people who don't like her.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hillary is a very intelligent person, and from years of observing her in Arkansas as first lady, I can say she was of top quality. She works well with people and genuiinely likes people, of all ages and races. Hillary is a hard worker and very dedicated to her commitments and handles responsibility with a passion. She has raised a beautiful, bright daughter and worked very hard on trying to solve the health care crisis in our country. Educational opportunities and higher education were more available when Bill Clinton was in office, and Hillary worked closely with him on that. Many of those accomplishments have been destroyed through the election of Republicans who moved in to replace them. I have met her personally and she is a sincere person; of course she has emotions and that is one reason I like her. We are not robots but human beings, and we need someone in the White House who understands that. Hope this helps.

  • Ian D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't like her either. But, a lot of people do. The bottomline is, whether or not she'd be an effective president, when so many people like you and I, clearly don't like her.

    To me, she's self-serving, narsicistic, ruthless and coniving. The key ingredients required to make a highly successful leader.

    What most people fail to see, is that leaders with the traits of a Hillary Clinton are so driven for the selfish reasons, the by-products of their personal success are of great benefit to the organizations they run. In otherwords, the personal glory and legacy, they are so concerned about achieving, are dependant upon them doing a great job. Even most republican congressmen agree that Hillary has been a highly effective senator, even though they don't agree with her politics. I'm not surprised by that.

    However, with that said, being President of the United States of America, involves so much more than pushing legislation. Presidents must have enough of a likability factor, in order to gain support for their objectives. Look at her husband Bill, he's able to hide his nasty demeanor behind a lot of charisma. The same charisma that made him a favorite among world leaders. Also, the same kind of charisma Hillary lacks.

    So I don't know. I like her ruthless drive and determination. I think she's a leader and would do well as a CEO of a large company. I just don't know if her sheer determination will be enough to push her objectives without some real presidential charm. I'm also not convinced she has the right policy initiatives to truly help this country.

    Suffice to say, I'm still undecided about her and will wait to see how she does as the election process continues.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know Hillary Clinton is for real.

    She has spent much of the earlier part of her career as an advocate for families and children. As part of that process, she developed legal methods for identifying abused children, and action taken to protect those children.

    She also spent a great deal of her career representing the poor, and leading organizations that represented the poor .... people who normally could not pay for an attorney.

    She did not have to do all this. She was offered a top-notch job early on with the United States Department of Justice, as a prosecutor. She turned it down.

    Hillary Clinton is what every true leader should be .... a proven public servant.

    I think Hillary Clinton will serve the people of the United States of America .... not herself, not big business.

    She has already proven herself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Frankly, I'm so disenchanted with politics, I'm not thrilled by anyone. But I think that's the case for most people. It's hard to find a candidate we're actually excited about. it's more just about picking the person we dislike the least.

    I'm currently leaning towards Hillary (over Obama, I'd rather have Edwards) Because health care is my top priority, and I think it's embarrassing that we're the only first world nation that can't seem to make sure all it's citizens have access to affordable medical attention.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ok. The reasons I like her are because she is her own person. She is not Bills wife. She was a lawyer and community activist and protester long before she met Bill. She was in the white house as a lawyer before she met Bill. She is her own person.

    That said. I understand politics and all of them owe somebody something. However, she is a woman who for most of her life has tried to push for health care for all and fairness for all, in the way of jobs, education and for other countries. She is misquoted, judged by through her husband and not liked because she is a strong woman. Many people, mostly women, are not use to a strong educated woman.

    She has been saying for years, talk with Iran. She has been trying for years to negotiate policies with other countries, to get other sources of Oil.

    But they judge her on her clothes, her tone of voice and even if she gets emotional. Woman are Bit**es if they are aggressive and babies if they are understanding.

    I think it is about time we had less testosterone in the white house, willing to battle anyone for anything, before talking.

    I think its about time we had a strong, educated woman.

    And she is it.

    I like Obama, but he hasn't had experience or done anything yet. He is knew and fresh and appealing. We need someone with a background. I also like Ron Paul, for he is all about the constitution. Something that is quickly fading away.

    Source(s): Prof
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is young , unknown and inexperienced, with no record to criticize. He has admitted using cocaine in the past, which to some of the younger voters might make him seem "hip". He has nice teeth and a big grin and doesn't allow many questions to be asked at his rallies. Oprah likes him and people like Oprah for giving cars, etc on her show, but she can't even run an African school without problems.

    He has never had a REAL job, went right into politics out of college. His middle name is Hussein and he went to a muslim school.

    In 2007, he refused to put his hand over his heart when the national anthem was played and refused to say the pledge of allegiance at a public function.;_ylt=AoJrI...

    He is way too young, inexperienced and unknown to be in charge of a country in these perilous times. It is not a learn as you go job. He is all smoke and mirrors and no fire.

    Hillary and Bill ran the White house well for 8 years with a budget deficit turned into a surplus. They have a proven track record of experience, sorely needed in these perilous times.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    bill Clinton did now no longer placed each and all and sundry of colour in extreme positions interior the White residing residing house so I consistently concept they concept they have been particularly more advantageous effective. they could furnish them the commonplace jobs the Democrats consistently did. So i imagine of Hillary concept she would want to win as a results of actual fact she develop into white. Now that she did now no longer win, she's attempting to envision why she did now no longer and has determined that it develop into as a results of actual fact she develop into lady particularly of an opportunists. Now that Bush were given the following alongside putting Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, it heavily isn't the similar. it truly is one element he did good. i wager if voters ought to imagine of that Hillary shouldn't have in effortless words thrown the token jobs to minorities if she were given elected she ought to have were given more advantageous votes. The Democratic social gathering is going to be replacing for the destiny in an innovations-blowing way. it truly is what change is all about. and that is about time they stop their previous time help for minorities as in effortless words throwing little tidbits to the dogs. all of them would want to get out and make way for the nice and cozy Democrats of change!

  • 1 decade ago

    Louis,Loved your answer.

    How many women have the steal to run for the presidency?

    She has years of experience on her side. I don't think she's arrogant enough to say she knows everything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like what she has done as my Senator. Beyond that I really support her ideas on health care as well as bi-partisanship. She is neither a hawk nor a dove, but someone who is committed to a foreign policy that is as much diplomacy as it is militaristic action. She is also the most moderate candidate out there on the Democratic side.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its the Constant Sorrow and Crocodile Tears I Like!

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