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Red beer recipe?

Do any of you homebrewers have a recipe for a good red beer?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    BeyerDyke Irish Red

    The rest of the HBT recipe database is here... there may be a couple other reds stashed in there somewhere...

    And if nothing else, you can ask for a recipe, someone will surely have one to your liking...

  • 1 decade ago

    2 cans (3.3 lbs ea.) John Bull light extract or equivalent

    1/2 lb. Victory toasted malt

    1 lb 80 lovibond crystal malt

    2 oz Kent Goldings Hops (about 5-6%alpha acid)

    2 oz. Willamette hops (5-6% alpha acid)

    2 pks Munton's dry yeast (ale)

    Steep grains in 2 gal. H2O - on low heat for 30 min until the

    "tea" turns copper colored

    Remove grains (either use a grain bag or strain into a different vessel).

    Increase heat to high , stir in extract and bring to boil.

    Add 2 oz. Goldings hops, boil for 45 min.

    Add 1 oz. Willamette hops, continue boil for 15 min.

    Add last oz of Willamette hops, turn off heat and steep

    for 2 min.

    Sparge wort into fermanting vessel. Add cold water to

    make 5 gal. in volume. Pitch yeast when cool.

    Ferment to completion, rack off into clean vessel, leaving trub on the bottom and bottle.

    Bottling instructions:

    Dissolve 5oz of corn sugar in hot water, add to racked off wort. Bottle as normal.

    This will make a nice deep "red" beer that is not too heavy and easy to drink while being pleasantly hopped - akin to an English "Special Bitter".

    Source(s): Home-brewer for many years
  • 1 decade ago

    This is my Fave Red Beer!


    1 (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle beer

    1 (5.5 ounce) can tomato-vegetable juice cocktail

    1 dash Louisiana-style hot sauce

    1 dash Worcestershire sauce

    1 pinch seasoning salt


    In a frozen beer mug combine tomato-vegetable juice, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce and seasoning salt. Pour in cold beer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, I don't home brew.

    **Peachy, that looks like a good recipe for a Red Eye, thanks I will have to try it.

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